Question for Canter

Dick Francis is my favourite. I also like Sue Grafton and Patricia Cornwell. Haven’t read much lately though, I’m spending too much time reading about the genetic basis of metabolic diseases of dairy cows for my thesis. Did read a book by Reginald Hill over Christmas, good-but kind of different. I wish my fiance liked to read, he is complaining bitterly of boredom. He broke a bone in his foot yesterday and feels that I should somehow entertain him.

I have spent my day at a birthday party overrun by toddlers - if that isn’t good enough for pity, surely, it’s sufficient for companionship.

Query: Who’s the nicest ‘famous’ pro you’ve met?

I KNEW that Bruce “Coeburn” sounded familiar! Way to go me, I actually recognized the name. Wait a minute, that’s probably not a good thing, eh?


doubletake> glad you liked them! It’s the least I could do after you got me addicted to candystand (especially safari shooting game)

LOL shoot! What Am I gonna do now? Its too late to run away. Uh oh…

[This message was edited by JumpTheMoon on Mar. 14, 2001 at 11:49 PM.]

Okay, so I am utterly jealous that the CA clique holds the record, only thus far, for the longest damn thread in the history of this BB.

They need a challenge, of the kind that only frostbitten and hearty beer-panel-toque-wearing Canadians can mount. So come out of lurking, assume many, many alters and let’s dish. We’re goin’ for the big one kids.

before i hit the big 50, so you’re not alone…! Do you think we are the most ancient fossils on this board, or is Canter really 61?

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Whats mightier than god
Eviler than evil
Poor people have it
and rich people don’t want it?? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OOOOH, I KNOW IT. Yay genius me. lol…insert a smile and nod here The answer is “nothing”. Nothing’s mightier than God, nothing’s eviler than evil. Poor people have nothing. Rich people don’t want nothing (ewww…double negative…sorry to all proper grammar freaks.)

Beautiful pics Tin! Can’t wait till I can see the grass!!!

as the music from the twilite zone plays

wow… We are very lucky… we should all feel honored… all bow down before the lost thred.

I will look into that pad.
I called my friend and said she isn’t getting the saddle back. haha
But I really cannot afford a brand new one right now, although she said she would take payments.
Such a sweet friend to let me borrow her brand new saddle, that she hasn’t even gotten to try yet.
Ellen if you ever see this Bless You!!!

thought I could spell too, that’s suppose to be POSTS not POCTS

So is no one going to make me lunch? puppy dogs eyes

lol! oh ya forgot I cut myself out of that pic! lol!!

I feel like a hypocrite complaining about cold (50 degree) rain when y’all are covered in ice - and expecting more any minute!! Of course, when summer comes and we are melting in 100+ temperatures, you will be enjoying much milder weather. I guess we each have our extremes, but I will say that I don’t miss shoveling or stocking up for a blizzard (original Yankee)

Canter, can I trade the bridge I own, for your horse?

oops forgot, Jaime Lynn> her colour is more like the first picture I’d say, a little lighter in some spots kind of like a deer Cute pics by the way!

Ok, I admit defeat. I can’t get the formula to answer the riddle. What a blow to my self esteem!!!

I was all of about 5, and was riding my “new” pony with my mother (back in the days when she still rode), and we’d had a flood (bigtime–hurricane Agnus) which had washed a great deal of fence away. The ring was intact, but the gate to it was a simple board, tied at both sides (hey, they had other things to worry about), about 3’. Roany Pony was a small, but had this never-ending desire to be in the barn. My mother heard me squeak, and turned to see me on the other side of said gate, and Roany running for the barn!!! First jump for me was a hard one!!!LOL

Heidi, really, its not even 10:00 AM here! That was sick

Well, ok, I laughed anyways