Question for Canter

LOL One Away has invited the whole family!
so there!!!

Canter> you 're getting rain tomorrow? We’re suppose to get 10 cm’s of snow. Trade ya?

At this point, now that I’m done birthing babies of the human flavour, I am feeling the need for a baby of the four-legged variety and have listed a mare in my Grand Horse Agenda. Probably a few years off yet but will definitely be sending out birth announcements at some point. Have even convinced (or is it scared?) Hans into agreement.

And, of course, the best thing about a colt or filly is that they live elsewhere!

OMG, you don’t live in Buffalo do you?

If that’s the case, I may have to reconsider Sumo toddler’s upcoming nuptials to your beast child citing bad geographic karma. I am NOT allowing my beloved last emperor to live in the land of Irv Weinstein!

oh ya! forgot! Spill Silly Mommy spill!!!


the more commas, and exclaimation points, the better I find!!!

Shoot, sorry the pic turned out so dark. I tried to lighten it up (just now) but it wasn’t happening. It’s a picture of Taylor, the TB mare we had this summer (recently sold) she was a sweetie pie and I’m kind of missing her right now (don’t get attached my butt!) but she has a great home, all that counts

Here’s another picture (once again why? cus I can and you can’t stop me nah nah nah nah nah nah!)

but my Rottie is ready to fire up the grill… Who has the pan of Filets???

Bumpkin, just pull your daughter for a couple of days, I’ll bet that would make her happy.

But what am I saying I live only 3 hours away from Spruce and I just made my first trip last September ha! (only skipped one class friday afternoon too!!)

Katie! Popping up once more to entertain us! Shouldn’t you be out riding that cute little pony of yours?

Glad to see that LCR Scott is back, I thought we might’ve lost her. I assume MAZ is still on another continent?

April at a few hours old, (now coming 6 and amazing)

Cookie (as a foal):

Sweetie (as a yearling):

And of course–Mandarin:

Cookie as a yearling…

Tin -> lol! 3 hours- hehe! Don’t worry, I am doing the same I am still waiting for the first snowflake to fall out of the sky… so much for the “big, bad, terrible stowstorm.” Y’alls can quote me on that when I wake up to a foot of snow!

opps, guess I can change back again now

I didn’t know they hads Tim’s in the states, learn something new everyday don’t cha?

43 pages and a sweep at the $100,000 Ocala Grand Prix…well don’t Canadian’s just rock.

Hi ya folks, missed you all!!

AFR is a very cheerful horse, and he lives in hope that everywhere he goes just might be a breeding situation. So when we unload at a show, he is all pumped up, arched neck, prancing and snorting, then looks around, sees that its Bolton, or some other horse show, his shoulders drop down about 6 inches, he sighs deeply and grabs a mouthful of hay. But he enjoys the horse shows too (just not quite as much!) <G>
Diane, I have 2 weanling coming yearling fillies, one is HUGE (her full sister, who will be 2 in May is 16.1 now). She is 7/8 TB. The other filly (out of a stout and beautiful Hannoverian mare) is very powerfully built also, but not as tall, a good average size though. but both covered in hair, looking like they are wearing cheap fur coats!

“Think of words ending in -GRY. Angry and hungry are two of them. There are only three words in the English language. What is the third word? The word is something that everyone uses every day. If you have listened carefully, I have already told you what it is.”

This is the original wording of the riddle…it’s been twisted over the years to something like the version that Tin gave us. Does this make it any easier?

Happy belated Birthday Fred!!
Miss D that was a lovely tribute.
It snowed all weekend where I was. Six inches worth. But the horses thought it was great fun.

Elizabeth elbows through the crowd, scanning
for the two familiar faces. . . .

Ah, ha. There you are. Come on, Merry. Come on, Suave. You don’t belong here. Come on, get in the car.

Sorry to bother, heidi and company. These two imps just got away from me. They won’t be bothering you guys any more.

“Will you get a hold of yourselves,” elizabeth whispers furiously to Merry and Suave, “You are embarassing me. And, Merry, you are drooling!!”

mac-n-sneeze tonight!!!LOL

No ketchup-daddy made it.

Thanks for all your thoughts guys but it was a false alarm sigh. Vet got there, did a rectal to see if baby was alive and where he was positioned. He was kicking and moving around good, so then vet did a vaginal check and found uterus/cervix to be tight. Which means all bets off for tonight.

He can’t really give us an answer about why she had a bloody discharge but he said all looked well and everything was fine phew

Sucks that I don’t have a baby to tell y’all about yet but glad that mare/foal are still o.k.

Oh, oh, and we found a shetland X pony mare for sale, due to foal in the spring with a pinto baby. I think our farm needs a cute pony and foal, don’t you? We’ll see if we can convince dad