Question for Canter

applied to me, but even my mother confesses that I wasn’t quite as strong willed as the beast-child!!!

Willie (the Rottie) is in confessional right now as we type—upset about his flatulence, and killing that cat…

In honour of the weekend:

The 5 Stages of Drunkenness

Stage 1 - SMART This is when you suddenly become an expert on every subject in the known universe. You know you know everything and you want to pass on your knowledge to anyone who will listen. At this stage you are
always RIGHT. And of course, the person you are talking to is very WRONG. This makes for an interesting argument when both parties are SMART.

This is when you realize that you are the BEST LOOKING person in the entire bar and that people fancy you. You can go up to a perfect stranger knowing they fancy you and really want to talk to you. Bear in mind that you are still SMART, so you can talk to this person about any subject under the sun.

Stage 3 - RICH
This is when you suddenly become the richest person in the world. You can buy drinks for the entire bar because you have an armored truck full of money parked behind the bar. You can also make bets at this stage, because of course you’re still SMART, so naturally, you will win all your bets. It doesn’t matter how much you bet 'cos you are RICH. You will also buy drinks for everyone that you fancy, because you are now the BEST LOOKING person in the world.

You are now ready to pick fights with anyone and everyone, especially those with whom you have been betting or arguing. This is because nothing can hurt you. At this point you can also go up to the partners of the people who you fancy and challenge them to a battle of the wits or money. You have no fear of losing this battle, because you are smart, you’re RICH and Hell, you’re better looking than them anyway!

This is the final stage of Drunkenness. at this point you can do anything, because NO ONE CAN SEE YOU, You dance on a table to impress the people who you fancy because the rest of the people in the room cannot see you. You are also invisible to the person who wants to fight you. You can walk through the streets singing at the top of your lungs because no one can see or hear you and because you’re still SMART you know ALL the words.

There isn’t anyone to post to that is over 16. Since I lack Canter and Heidi’s imaginative spirit, I can’t think of a topic that would get the crowd out and chatting, ( without warring).

Canter, I did forget that you have to read every one of those posts. I promise to buy you a drink some time!

The winter blahs get longer every year.

we probably know each other, I trained for a few stables up ther, and did a bunch of catch riding, then I had my own place…

feel free to email me if you want…

I think that it is wierd when somebody’s initials are the same as their name. Here’s an example of what I mean. (The letters in bold are the initials…)
Elk (Okay, first “E” last name I thought of )
As far as JAM, I like it! That’s pretty cool!
I can’t believe that this thread is almost over. Are we going to have a wake? Please…nobody close the thread until after doubletake has said her goodbye.
And Tin! How’s your beautiful girl / my sweet niece today? And how’s Brie? Hope to see more pictures soon!

[This message was edited by doubletake on Mar. 09, 2001 at 04:46 PM.]

sometimes the best way to find out what you want to do is by finding out what you DON’T want.
I’ve been a model( some stories there), an actress (two bit dahling, don’t kid myself) television writer and producer, newspaper columnist, pr flack for government (most LOATHED job of all - I’d rather be a waitress!) - put myself through university working fulltime as a flight attendant - (actually really liked it - even I can be pleasant for 6 hrs straight when I’m going to be spending the weekend in London!
HONs degrees in English and History (did I mention that I also taught high school? briefly. MA in English Literature…(now THAT’S useful)
now shovel horse poop and act as social secretary for a horse! (rather than shovelling **** for the government!) Mr Fred is a musician.

what a beauty Silly Mommy, do I remember correctly in that he has some foals due or on the ground?

Sorry I’ve been kind of absenty lately, I’ve been very busy and friday night our poor mare suffered from gas colic. So vet was called and she was walked every hour for 15 mins until 6 am sobb. She’s completly fine now but we were worried about her

And of course last night I HAD to go out and celebrate St. Paddy’s day! hands everyone a green beer

Keep it alive, guys!!!

Okay, my news for the week. My horse has been pretty good lately and we have been working on “big jumps” so that, come show season, we won’t be scared by what we’re doing in the ring. Bear in mind, anything over 3’ is big to me. So in both my lessons this week, we have done a few 3’9" fences and he has been amazing, I’m extremely happy with him!

What has everyone been doing to beat the winter blahs now that our January thaw is over and winter is back with a vengeance? I’ve mostly been spending my time hundled under many blankets, muttering “August is only 6 months away”.

Ahh, memories memories. Imagine my suprise seeing this thread appear again, I thought it was lost forever, hidden by the CA clique!

Was that pic taken at Fiddler’s Green? I’m an Ottawa gal myself (well, I live in the “new city” but still in the boonies!), so I know most of the shows in the area. Do you show Trillium or A? What is your horse’s show name, as I may recognize it.

As for favourite shows, I have a very limited knowledge, but I like the Capital Classic, the RCMP, and Blainville (in Quebec). Trillium Championships ain’t bad either.

Should I try some haikus?

Canter, canter, jump
Look up, look past, heels down
Sit up, balance, change

nothing went wrong, I was adopted by the CC back at Thanksgiving during their coupe. Actually, I was taken hostage, and the the gracious Heidi released me once she realized that my lovely beast-child was a perfect match for sumo-boy. Besides, I beat Canter in a Zamboni race–or was it who could chug a Labatt’s fastest??? I’m WAY past bedtime, but you guys have the time differential on your side.LOL

I lived in the Oakville/ Mississauga area up until 3 years ago … and Lorne was a ‘legend’ I always heard about … I rode for a short time at Catchapenny Stables, across the road from Lorne’s and know many who rode/showed with him … heard MANY stories of his drinking, smoking, and cantankerous ways … and apparantly he hasn’t changed abit!

heidi, just so everybody is clear on this, I no longer read Tim Findley. Love hsi writing as much as I do, it is just too DURN depressing!!
Did I mention how awesome Mudder is??
JL- Issy has tiny rotty poops, can you believe it?? What do you feed yours? We went with Nutro and it isn’t a problem, not even when she throws a few socks, firewood, and the occasional coyote skull into the mix!!

I definitely agree with you about the Emma movie…but if you think that was not true to the book, rent a copy of Mansfield Park after reading the book…they totally changed the character of Fanny and turned her into Elizabeth from Pride and Prej - of course, i can see why they did it, because Fanny in the book is a bit of a limp rag, but still…! I agree though, Emma is an awfully good read, but since i’m middle-aged I’ve come to appreciate Persuasion - it’s a terrific book too and BTW the movie adaptation of that was awesome…On to another century - I noticed a lot of people like Fall on Your Knees - I found that book so depressing…not a good cottage book IMHO.

Now that science has introduced the Carefree thong panty liner, I am waiting with bated breath, and a full bladder, for a thong Depends.

Yes, Eglinton, we did board there… My daughter, Hans and I jumped a vertical on our second lesson. Oh the tales I could spill.

Bumpkin, I am 35. Canter is 61. She is old enough to be my mother and terribly jealous of my youth.

CdnRider, what a great idea to lessen the terror of flapping plastic. Perhaps it’d work on Canter as she too shares a fear of flapping objects - though, of course, her flapping parts are attached to her body.

Man, I have got to get a full time job in order to keep up with you guys!! Tin needs another big storm 'cause mares love to foal when it’s awful out!

Fred why on earth would you think you’d get kicked off for expressing your opinion? Controversy, like chain-noseband threads can be good.

I say keep going for 40 pages … Go Big or Go Home

The Rogers thing was soooo frustrating and I’ve forgotten how to dial out.

Tin, that foal is a dear.

My initials are not very interesting. LCRS or LCRC depending on whether I’m into being the Mrs.

How about nicknames. I have several as my sister is the queen of nicknames. She used to run around singing 'Scottie let a softie" to the Scotties little softie commercial ditty. Really got me going. A couple of my friends call me Miss Laurel for some reason they only know about. My son is Stinky La Rue, Chocolate Boy or Peanutbutter boy. Go figure.

And of course, our horses have them. Hannah is called Bunny(lloonngg beautiful WB ears you know) and Newman is Newmy, Newms or Big Guy.

Anyone else or is it just my silly family.

[This message was edited by LCR Scott on Mar. 09, 2001 at 10:40 PM.]

I do jest a bit with the fecology thing, but I do stockpile the stuff, and sell it to gardeners in the spring.

As for my occupation, I consider myself a Mother/mucker/wife/trainer/teacher/babysitter (horses and children-students)/slave/maid/equine midwife, (not necessarily in that order)WHERE WOULD I HAVE TIME FOR A “REAL” JOB??? I own/run a large equine facility, and do just about everything myself…

I love the babies. The learning curve is amazing. Hannah’s sister Lily drives me nuts(we call her “her royal Liliness”), although I love her. She is in your face the entire time you are there. The more you shoosh her away the worse it gets. My little trick is to hold her and after a while she will back off. Still, it takes me about ten minutes to get near Hannah and Neile, the yearlings.

Here is Hannah at five weeks.

So, everyone, what is the worst injury you’ve suffered that is horse related? I’ve been really lucky, the worst I had until today was a twisted ankle. Big ouch, I know. But today, it seems I got a concussion. I don’t remember anything about it. I knew that my last lesson I was flying around a lot and suffered mane burn on my face. Apparently I hit the dirt today. I was wandering around the barn crying until my mom took me to the hospital. They had to throw out my contact lenses, grrrr. My short term memory is completely shot. I don’t remember anything past 8:00 this morning, and I only remember flashes of things from the past week. My head hurts too. I’m sure you guys and gals have had worse incidents. Tell me if you want to, although I know some falls we just don’t like to talk about.