Question for Canter

where’s ma?

ma!!! Get that feedbag off your face, it has additives for the horses!

I also like being famous, and would like to pretend to be so. Guess I’ll stay here so I make the proper impression.

See ya later juniors, K?

Can I bum a smoke?

Tin you are so close with answer number three. Where she eats it. Want to think more, or…
The answer, which I will reveal as it is sooo stupid, not like the horse one which was clever, is this:
On the day of the draw, all the Welsh villagers are gathered in the square to see who the princess will draw. She knows both names in the hat are for the suitor she doesn’t want. On top of the high parapet, she stands, and dips her hand into the hat. Drawing out the piece of paper, she affects to accidentally ‘drop’ it. What with it being Wales, and they are outside on a high castle on a high mountain, the piece of paper flutters away on the wind. the only thing to do is look in the hat and see which paper is left- it is of course marked with the bad suitor’s name- meaning, that name she picked, must have been the one she wanted!! Of course the King can’t protest, or go looking for the dropped paper, because then it will be found out he ‘cheated’. And off ride Ms Princess and the guy on two beautiful Welsh ponies and raised tons of little Welsh ponies between them, and grew fat and happy and still wanted each other every day!!!

Just had people knock on th door frantically to tell me (I thought I had a loose horse)that I had a “stuck” horse.

Stupid thing had gotten his turnout caught on a branch of a big Maple tree overhanging his paddock, and had pulled it up over his hed, and given himself a wedgie!!! Why/how he did that is a mystery to me. That tree has been here forever!!!

I need to breathe now…

Tin, I think you’ve pretty much got it right. I don’t personally ride on the A circuit, but my friends do, and I’ve groomed at a few A shows for them. My friends have told me that the people in Quebec are friendlier, and don’t stress out quite so much if you’re a little late for your round. The shows are also a little cheaper, and for our barn, a lot closer than Toronto!

Laurel, egads, I LOVE Ruth Rendell. Oddly enough, hated mysteries most of my life, started reading them whence pregnant with mini-Heidi 11 years ago. Now have all of her books in addition to the Barbara Vines. Also like P.D. James a lot. Patricia Highsmith is pretty swell too; as is Minette Walters. Love leCarre.

Horsey relevance, Hans bought me a ‘novel’, entitled “Chestnut Mare Beware”…horrible, horrible.

Canter, don’t you have a date with a lumberjack this weekend? Are you city-bound this weekend? Paying two mortgages does put a crimp on one’s weekend plans, doesn’t it?

JumpTheMoon, I may be small, you may be tall
but I have a 60 pound sumo toddler who would readily defend his mommy’s honour.

BTW, did anyone know that volume of posts directly correlates to one’s superior charm and intelligence?

She’ll be 2 weeks over on friday and she’s as happy as a clam.

I’ll have to keep trying with those games, I’m already addicted to the golf even though I can’t play it! lol! gives me something to do in class, not very smart having boring 3 hours lectures when theere are somputers in front of every student, what do they expect? lol!

Heidi, I have offered repeatedly to teach you how to drive the tractor and you have yet to take me up on that. We “Southwestern Ontario” inhabitants have virtually no snow to speak of and want no more!

Spring is not far off! But then of course we’re into mud aren’t we? Oh well, better than this bloody cold.


I just typed a post that was the length of a NOVEL, but did it show up here? Nosiree, of course not. I’ll wait awhile for it to reappear, then try to gather the effort to retype it. Sigh…:frowning:

Page 49!! keep it going!!!

The letter E

We do a very nice eggs benedict using Canadian products.

Hey, I know what duex oefs means (that and cold beer were the only things my dad recognized in Quebec)

Molsons is good but not as good with cookies as Moet Chandon.

I was considering auctioning off the outlaws - are Clydesdales considered warmbloods?

God how I love you! You have more Canadian spirit and pride than the rest of us combined. ClipClop for Prime Minister!

I have ALL the James Herriot collection, but I read them when I was 12!!! Reread them at 14, and we are similar in that I can’t put a book down once I’m “into” it–used to miss dinner when I was reading----Oh well—PO’d mom though!!!

YAHOO!!! I made it to page 27! 7 more pages to go guys!!

“I see your thread has returned,” Merry said, with a hint of bemused intrigue in her eyes.

Honest, I swear I have nothing to do with your thread’s frequent disappearing acts!

By the way, Tin wants her blond, blue-eyed Mountie returned, the one with her name tattooed on his French derrier. Alas, we must hold that one hostage until the return of our guru, David Hasselhoff.

Jaime Lynn, we all have our crosses to bear; mine at this particular point is trying to get this thread to 40 pages. Seems, though, there’s a conspiracy brewing - we have somehow lost a couple of pages today.

Leases - I’d only ever lease out to someone else in the barn whom I trusted. Is your 4’6 horse April, BTW?

As with much else in life, a little honesty, especially when it relates to oneself, is a good thing. Very often, the horse can jump 4’6, but the rider can’t navigate beyond 2’6. Don’t you find that people lie to themselves all the time about their riding talent? Nothing infuriates me more than to witness a perfectly good horse being ruined because the rider/owner can’t get over their self-delusion and ego.

BTW, I ain’t gonna comment elsewhere cause I feel like I’m talking into a vacuum.

Speaking of bikinis - underwire is a girl’s best friend.

Wowser, a birth, an amputation, a dinner party, AND a birthday!

Everyone, join me in a rousing chorus of Queen:

We are the champions my friends
We’ll keep on trying till the end…