Question for Canter

on the foal—this thread’s name should be changed to “Question about Tin’s new foal”!!!

another (sorry)

OMG!!! I bow to you heidi and doubletake!! That’s so obvious to me know, how did I miss that!!! Man is that a load off my mind (I have my priorities straight huh?)

Hey heidi, the checks in the mail but I’m afraid the cookies have been eaten, sorry

I think it’s about time we got some food in here, after all, the CA’s have a caterer! Anyone volunteer???

Sorry, I seem to have stumbled onto this thread thinking there was a raucous party and nationalistic mission (driven by pride and zeal) going on.

Seems I’m mistaken and the troops have scrambled far and wide to concede defeat to those feng shui’ed, new aged, crystal-wearing, and koi-fish eating Californians.

Heidi - size 10. I gets paid to know dese dere tings.

Heidi - I must join you in the Martin Amis distain club. Blech. Before you celebrate another member into the COTH literary club however, I must confess: I love Victoria Clayton. Good junk reading. It’s a bit like watching “Chef” on PBS. Fun.

LCR Scott - Stephen King’s new book “On Writing” is actually supposed to be really good. The only horror part is that it’s about him.

Tin - the secret’s out. I’m mailing a really big parcel of candy for you to feed to the kiddies - punishment for those loose lips of yours lol!

Jaime Lynn - no scanner!! How low tech. Maybe I should head over to LCR Scott’s and we could do a mini scrapbook. I’d love to share pictures but have no way to do so.

JumpTheMoon - I’m always at Collingwood, but won’t have a horse showing this year - unless Regis Philbin decides to make me a millionaire - my new goal in life.

Awww… I was just thinking, aren’t you guys going to be sad when this post dies just like “Question for Merry?” What a depressing day that will be!

MELTDOWN! I forgot my foundation plan on my school computer ahhhh it’s due tomorrow and I’m only half way done (to much done already to start again) sobb I can’t believe I forgot! Now I have to go to school early tomorrow. I hate working on drawings at 6 in the morning. Not fun

LCR, have you considered the possibility of taking him to small claims? Not that you’ll ever replace your mare but just to prove to him that he can’t f*ck people over and get away with it. Secondly, I don’t know who this person is but if he has a ‘business’ that’s reliant on breeding, perhaps the mere threat of an impending lawsuit would be sufficient – though, must admit I don’t know what you could ever get from him to replace your mare.

How old is the filly that she’s now been sold on to her third owner?

Beyond that, since you haven’t specified whether the filly, legally, belongs to you or not, if he sold her on without your consent and knowledge I still think there’s a case for fraud to be made – in which case, call the cops.

What a heartbreaking scenario; even sadder, I bet it’s not that uncommon.

I wish you the best of luck; do let me know if there’s anything I can do.

I’m done Driver’s Ed! YAY!!!

OK, now that THAT’s out of the way…
Tin, I love your foal! Babies are so cute. Well, the horse variety anyway. You hafta promise to keep us all updated on how Galli and Brie are doing. I don’t mind a little too much info. I’ve never seen a new foal. There’s only been one baby at our barn the whole time I’ve been riding there, and that was before I rode more than once every three months. So I have missed out on the whole baby thing. Although my coach might breed the horse I ride this spring. Abby babies would be adorable! Anyways, that was total rambling, but I’m bored.

Happy Birthday CANTER! I am singing the Hpapy Birthday song as I type. Can’t you feel the love? My doggy says hi too. Oh yah, in case everyone didn’t know, I got a new dog. He’s a Walker Hound named Caleb. He’s a cutie! But I suppose I should shut up now. Bye bye!

P.S. Jaime Lynn and heidi–You can be MILs as ling as you don’t become MILFs. Ever seen American Pie?

Tin! Now I remember you talking about Gambit Z. Too bad they want to take him out of the country. My coach likes to breed her mares to Nias. It’s cool that you’re keeping Galli, if only for a few years. I hope she works out for you. She’s definitely got attitude!

get under a silly thread about rednecks??? Honestly, I just don’t get it.

My former stable’s colors were Hunter/burgundy w/gold piping, but since the move, they’ve changed to black and white–been this stable’s colors for over 30 years–don’t want to change tradition, or receive bad karma…

We have to at least get to page five before I call it a night!!!

Now our Canadian clique will be known for making a certain pungent odor arise from this thread…

[This message was edited by ClipClop on Feb. 25, 2001 at 05:35 PM.]

This is a little freaky! I think that COTH secretly has an anti-Canadian conspiracy going on here. And it’s all being blamed on me! I didn’t do it, I SWEAR I didn’t! will you leave me be if I provide everyone with a case of Blue and some Timmy’s gift certificates? PLEASE?

Oh de-canter. What rhymes better with Heidi than MIGHTY?

Canter dearest, you may not suffer with Muchausen, but perhaps there’s a cure for your Munchkin Disease. Should that be the case, please advise and perhaps we can get a 2-for-1 deal.

LCR - lovely pictures. You’re quite the photographer; perhaps you can venture to New York and take some pictures of Jaime Lynn’s vet for us. I can’t think of any outstandingly wowser vets/farriers/trainers – though I guess our trainer does have a nice bum.

Fred, the movie comes out in the fall, directed by Lasse Hallstrom (“My Life as a Dog”, “Cider House Rules”), with Kevin Spacey, Cate Blanchett and Julianne Moore. Hallstrom is wonderful with adaptations and the movie should be a stunner.

Amusing anecdote. Hans’ alarm did not go off this morning, his airport limo neglected to pick him up, he woke with a start at 7:00am for a 7:45 flight to San Francisco. Proceeded to run around the house in a panic, swearing. Heidi to the rescue, picked up the phone, called the airline, got him on a 9:15am, direct to SF - i.e. he’s just arrived at SFO.

Has it ever struck anyone else that exceptionally smart MEN can be exceptionally stupid? He’s also been known to wear his clothes backwards and inside out.

Is our thread beginning to decline? I hope not.
