Question for Merry

Merry, I can’t remember those two names, but this was just SO long ago that I’m not surprised. I started riding with Bob when I was 10 and in November I’ll be 40, so this is some serious carbon dating!

Who remembers Fleet Apple when he showed locally?

Oh, Coreene, I used to LOVE that old Rasmussen’s store. Never worked there, only shopped there…a lot. Merry and I knew a woman named Kathy who worked there…she rode with Sandi Nissen for years (see? several strings of this thread tied neatly up! )

Actually I have Bumpkin to thank. She told me about you.

With you being so boy crazy, maybe you knew Richard Johnson? He rode too, but is now in Hawaii.

As far as Jimmy goes, I believe he was sick, I’m not really sure. He had only just moved out to Pa. in '97 I believe (with his wife), and started a farm in Unionville raising young ones. Check with our very own “Chronicle” for details related to his passing.

I quess Melissa Cardinas Johnson will remain a mystery.

Email me your addresses. My friend has them at her tack shop and you can have them when the store copies are done. It’s

I meant to say, horse not hore!!! Sorry

Sigh. So sad. Merry goes and spills and no one cares anymore. No Merry mystery. Her thread begins to unravel…

When you’re done with Riders (which Dublin is also reading), I will extend you the same offer I did to her which is that you can borrow the rest of the series, which sits quite near your Irvine home but far from the Glendale office:

Rivals (television and some hunting)
Polo (duh)
The Man Who Made Husbands Jealous (National Hunt)
Apassionata (racing and music)
Score (three day and mystery)

All by Jilly Cooper. Then y’all can borrow my video of the Riders miniseries, which is not very good but extremely pretty. Taryn gets it this week.

Then, when you’re done with that, you can borrow French Relations and Well Groomed by Fiona Walker, both of which are filled with Jilly Cooper type characters and the series is primarily three day eventing.

Who has Emmett Kelly? Wasn’t that CeCe?

I’m so confused.


you don’t mean the El Toro marine base stables do you?? That is where I was previously…bad experience…email me in private if you wish. I am currently w/ Mickey Hayden @ Nellie Gail Ranch- I attest that he is very much alive and well!! He is SUPER!

Speaking of tack shops long past, but not forgotten – how about Dave Clark Feeds in Paramount and Hill’s Western on Bellflower Blvd? Saw William Shatner in Broken Horn, Baldwin Park buying his daughter a thousand bucks of stuff for show – he was so obnoxious, they couldn’t wait for him to leave, even if he was helping their bottomline. When I saw a gent examining a pair of those new Ariat ropers in Mary’s DelMar, I couldn’t help but comment how sharp they looked. He asked my opinion if he should buy them, and I agreed they were a must have – then I blushed when I realized he was Bob Baffert, the TB trainer at the Del Mar race meet next door.

Merry, Jimmy died of cancer. It was very sad. And no one has been given the real skinny as to why Horses folded up. Trish is still around and her stallions off spring is showing in the pre’s and greens. Actually, I think she has a new horse for the A/O’s…

Ah Twinkie, what a rider. To jog behind her in the A/O’s is great. Twinkie has a new A/O horse and is at Indio.

I talked to my sister last night and now know why his name doesn’t sound terribly familiar to Merry and Beezer…he was an assistant trainer with Linda Allen (tie in to the clinic!!) in Salinas, along with John Turner, and not down in Southern California, as I had assumed. Apparently he went to train in New Mexico about the same time John went up to Washington (Pacific NW connection, bumpkin!:slight_smile: ).

My sister was an assistant trainer at Larry Langer’s Pacific Horse Center in the mid-70’s, and was wondering if anyone had any updated info on his first wife, Lois, apparently aka ‘Twiggie’… She said she had heard she had remarried and moved to Mexico???

Talk about stream of conscious posting…

Fancy leather splint boots can now be worn in all equitation classes. That was a shock for me…

Eyes bleary … breath gasping … Beezer makes a valiant attempt to catch up. She is amazed. She is in awe. She needs time to digest all of this.

But she does have three quick thoughts:

  1. SuaveReno: A belated welcome. Loved “Gallant Bess.” Saw it eons ago when I was home sick from school. (Hey! I said “eons ago”! LOL) Would you consider just GIVING me that really cute bay horse you posted a picture of? Or maybe trading him/her for a GORGEOUS but slightly off-kilter pinto warmblood mare?? (KIDDING, Merry!)

  2. I’ll take “legendary western pleasure horses of decades past for $500”: Sen Gee Bar (or however it was spelled). LOVED him.

  3. OK, Coreene. I think I know where we worked, ever so briefly, together. Did you work in the production department? Sales? Will the REAL Coreene please stand up??

…saying, “Neener-neener-neener, I know the name of CeCe Pressley’s gray horse!”

Opening envelope…“Heir Apparent”

Congratulations, Merry! You have advanced to the bonus round!

Actually, cannot take credit for this one. Let’s just say a little birdy told me. I have sources everywhere!

Gary Ryman’s murderers were caught, prosecuted and convicted. I attended the trial for a day or two. They were a couple of Richmond 'homeboys" who were out on a pass from the Contra Costa “Juvie Farm” in Brentwood… A sad event, and a huge loss for all of us who knew and loved Gary. But at least,justice was done in the end.

Where ever or what ever Horsemart is!!!
I know now I want one here though!!!
Dennis Henderson, that name really rings a bell, what was his stables name?
Julie Smith use to ride with Ronnie Freeman.

I’ve still got my custom Dehners from 1970…they must qualify as antiques by now! I don’t really know why, since I haven’t shown in years and am not even riding at this time, but for some reason I can’t bear to get rid of them… I certainly preferred them to my black Dehner dress boots, as they were much more comfortable. Hope they come back in style!

My previous post about Robert Foley may have got lost in the flurry of messages about 70’s show fashion…does anyone remember him? My sister was good friends with him when she was training in Southern California, and then subsequently in New Mexico. He was another victim of the AIDS epidemic, unfortunately…

I am at Huntington Central Park Equestrian Center. Love it because we have trails, it is right by the beach (cooler is summer / warmer in winter) and because I have a control of the gardens in front of Steinberg’s Tack and Feed and Richard Spooner’s mom’s barn.

Their web address is

Email me for more info,

Chef and I both work in Irvine. Get them to send you there!!!

another great June Fallaw picture, eh, Merry???

Does she still take pictures at any of the California shows, or is she retired by now? Anyone