Question for Merry

Coreen: That is just the best!
I couldn’t stop laughing

You always look so at ease and like you haven’t a worry in the world in your photos!
Tulie and you looked like you were having a great time.
I hope that someday my show photos will look so nice.

Amidst a really horrible week, you are all keeping me smiling. (Long story short, the A/O Jumper prospect that I thought was just “meant to be” failed the vet exam. That’s two in a row for me. For some reason I attract perfectly sound babies that have bone chips… go figure. Lets hope the third one I find is clean!!!)

Oh were to start… Kathy H. Everytime I turn around she has started up another barn somewhere else! And the real shocker for me was when I found out she has a second (yes, second) place that she works out of part time in AZ.

Kenny. I guess I was too young to appreciate his good looks when he was training over in HB, but boy did I have a crush on Kosti too!!! I rode with Larry and Hillary Mayfield when I was junior, and Kosti and Larry were (are?) good friends, so I had plenty of opportunities to drool over him! I even rode at Far West for a summer when I was older, and he was still every bit as good looking as when I was younger although I can’t say I have any stories to top yours Merry!

What year did Fleet Apple retire? There was a Fleet baby in Bob McD’s barn when I was there. A big grey. Same horse?? Probably not, but just wondering.

I can think of one particular individual out at the barn right now, trying her little heart out to apply someone else’s wierd training program that she heard about second hand. I’ve also noticed that her horse looks continually perplexed. Wow, have I got an attitude today!

However, some of those clinicians have great ideas/methodologies for training horses-but they won’t work unless you buy their special halter, roundpen, millions of videos or whatever. I realise everyone has to make a living, but come on!!

Coreene: Thanksf or the nice words about Chef. He was such a special horse…I still can’t beilieve he is gone.
Also, if you e-mailed to the first address I gave you, my company blocked that web-site so it may take awhile to respond.

I was hoping to make it out to Pomona with you all but I have been ingnoring Mr. Chef completely the last few weeks. Well that is partially his fault since he won’t come to anything horsey - and of course given the choice of riding or spending time with him…well, let’s just says he know better than to ask which I’d rather do!

So have a blast, and I will catch up with you all in person sometime soon, hopefully.

Merry, dearest, I KNOW the Cramers/Kraemers/whatever are different people from the Bushkins. I know they rode at Winrock. I know they were post-Bushkins. I did not know, however, that they owned Star Milling. Why are we NOT getting a discount??

Peggy rode with Leslie Andrews, Leslie Oertly and yours truly at Mr. Harris’ for awhile. He was the only game in town for such a long time. They were the big sisters who mentored me so to speak. I believe the year was 58. I was just a wee tadpole.

Here’s an interesting clip from the Daily Pilot (remember when it was actually a Newspaper???) of the Don Swan gang. Don’t cha’ love those styles?

I think I have some old pics of Mr. Harris (Lionel T. Harris) somewhere that I’ll post.

Merry: Do you remember Chris Cornell at Katrina’s about 69 or so? What ever happend to her? Remember Becky and Claudia Carver in the Back-bay? They always had such great horses and that house…

Have we met in a past life???

BTW< have we met in a past life

(I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of Beezer to the funeral. I’m sure she’ll have a special offering for our services)

By the way, was CeCe’s horse, Heir Apparent, related in any way to Fleet Apple?

Forgive me for my ignorance, but I remember Mark from my occasional show trips to California, and was sorry to hear he had passed away. What happened to him?

I remember him too! We (my family I mean, NOT Dr. Gene Scott!!) were in a hotel for some reason and saw him on TV with videos of his horses playing and the phone number to call in and give money. So my Dad called in and asked about the horses! Lots of questions about the horses and how they were and what their names were, etc. And the person on the other end of course knew nothing about the horses, but made sure to keep asking how much we wanted to donate!

Oh, like I haven’t schlepped at shows for Beezer!

Someone asked about Erin Staidl. She and her husband owned a bit of land near us in Chino. They tried to make a go of a training & sales barn. I believe it ended up being the Thorpes’ place— until they lost it. Anyway, Erin was always very pleasant to chat with, although I didn’t know her personally. I believe she’s somewhat back in the horse business, but out here, the Thoroughbred farms have morphed into housing tracts, so the days of tootling 5 blocks away and picking up a prospect for $1,000 is gone.

Pomona Equine Affaire: WE MUST rendezvous, especially since I just received a HUGE check I wasn’t expecting! (Sort of residual/reprint $). Gee, I love when the timing all works out so I can go shopping!

My condolences as well on the sudden loss of your boy. You’re in my thoughts.

Where did Jamie Mann wind up? Didn’t she leave the Fairgrounds? I know it was a big blow to her when the - I’m going to spell this wrong - Koustofsides family left. Didn’t she move to the Valley?

Isn’t it against the law to move from Orange County to the Valley? Ha ha.

All So Cal Girlfriends, sad weather report. The rude man on KNX 1070 just said probably more rain Sunday. Can’t we do an anti-rain dance?

I loved your picture!!! Your name sounds soo familiar to me. Did you advertised in HORSES from time to time? If I recall EastPoint was a flashy chestnut that Jimmy also showed in conformation hunters as well as Debbie. I remember when Susie won her Onodarka medal (or was it the finals…talk about brain cells failing!!) on Best Bet at Santa Barbara

[This message was edited by SuaveReno on Feb. 18, 2001 at 10:39 PM.]

You recieve a STAR for the day (evening)!! Finally someone came up with solid facts about Melissa! Bravo!!
She is now remarried and frequently talks of her California day’s. However I do think she probably stretches the truth a little. (Not as BIG a WIG as she wished perhaps?)
Well, I haven’t spoken to her in a while. She did just a couple of things that I felt were not handeled properly and truthfully not in good taste. But she is a good rider and trainer, so, once spring comes, I don’t know if we’ll ride with her again? We don’t have much to choose from out here.
I do have a nice 17.3 hand Han. (1986) that she rode in modified’s that can go on to do GP’s or High Jr./Ao’s or Eq too for that matter, if any one is interested. He was one of the matters that we, (my husband and I), felt was handled in poor taste. So he’s back with us, but we really have no time for him. He deserves someone who can take him on and show and win!!! He too is 100 % sound! Gorgeous bay, 4 white socks, thick wavey tail, star and snip, turns over behind, dwells in air, trained up to 4th level dresage. “Grandeur” is his name, but we call him “Huey”. He’s a cutie!
If anyone is interested e-mail me. I’m already getting a disk together for “Rusty” on my TB/Han. mare. I can get one made for him too. No trainer $ since we pulled him out.


It is with great pleasure that I note starting what seems to be the longest thread ever on the BB (or so they tell us).

It is with great delight that I have found so many wonderful new buddies, library exchanges, eBay tricks on buying old Horses magazines; that I have remembered so many wonderful names from the past, looked at so many photos, bla bla bla, yadda yadda.

Not only have we managed to haul out the names of just about everyone who ever rode in California, and their horses, and the celebs, and their parents, and the pets, and the bla bla bla and yadda yadda, we have also come to the very real conclusion that:

Rust Breeches Will Rise Again

I am sporting a chic black number to this funeral, something that Grace Kelly or Princess Caroline would also wear and, being of the Jackie O persuasion when it comes to sunglasses, a very large pair of chi-chi Christian Dior shades. Because, no matter how much it rains in California, one must ALWAYS sport shades.

Saw in the dressage topic that you used to train with Bob McDonald. I did too, about 10000000 years ago at Hillsview Saddle Club (I’ll carbon date myself even more and say that Ed Marcy was his assistant then and he was still married to Sue). Question is, did his daughter Kim keep riding? I always had fun going to shows with her and wondered if she continued riding.

Curtis Nelson, from Sacramento, I think he was at Sacramento Riding Club, had a palomino mare who showed and won in the hunter classes.
Her name was Final View.
Remember Barbara Worth?
I guess they don’t give out Barbara Worth Good Seat and Hands trophies anymore.

We should be there to see the a.m. Linda Allen thing. AA Jumper, you must convince a friend or two to come! It’s only $10. to get in. And think of the shopping! We always take a tote bag for all the freebies. I get sent/prodded to most of these shindigs by the people I do work for. The last one, Eqwest in Del Mar, was HORRIBLE! The exhibit halls were 1/2 empty. But this one is supposedly about the same as the midwest Equine Affaire, and that is truly the best one. So we can keep our fingers crossed!

If anyone else attends Saturday, we should have a rendezvous point/time… even if just for a few minutes to lock each other’s appearance in our minds!

I liked that their ads in HORSES read
Hmmm I wonder what the prices were? haha
They sold Hour Glass. I thought that horse was so beautiful.