Question for Merry

The lipstick, forget it!!! Blick I hate lipstick
I want to wear brown field boots and dress not of the 70’s, but with a nice tidy 2000’s look.
We could start our own style !
I like the pageboy look, but my hair is longish, I don’t think I want to cut it haha
I just need to find some brown field boots!!

Finally I get to play! I went to high school with Lela! She was a friend of a friend and I think we had a couple of classes together. I honestly never knew she rode! DOH!

Thanks for the link to LOHC. I noticed that it was last updated about a year ago–and with al the infighting between the H/J, eventers. dressage and lesson people, who knows if Mary von Zimmerman is still there?

I rode with Jim Dahlquist when I first moved to Portland from SF (married an Oregonian and thought it would be nice to live in the same state. He disagreed–wanted me to stay in SF and we would keep commuting both ways. Turned out he was probably right and the marriage would have lasted a lot longer, LOL. But that’s another story…) I loved the indoor ring, but the politics between the different groups was just too much.

Some of Jim’s customers bought a beautiful barn and he moved into it and took 90% of his people with him. I had left by then because of the aforementioned politics and the lack of turnout. (I had gotten into the babies off the track by then and needed turnout for them, so I moved to a barn in Sherwood.)

I certainly miss parts of Oregon life (Spring, summer and fall to name 3…) and the beach (we had a beach house in Gearhart that I miss a lot…) But Lexington, KY is “Horse capital of the World” and is a great place to live --or will be when it warms up…

PamM, did you see my followup post about Jim Dahlquist – I think it kind of got buried a few pages back…

And does anyone remember Donna Storkan, or her brother Tom? He had Mississippi Mud, a nice hunter which he subsequently sold to Marty and Nancy Kraemer, who rode with me up in Oregon. (No, not the Southern California Cramers/Kraemers discussed previously). I met Donna when she was up competing at the Oregon State Fair, and we stayed in touch for several years afterwards. Very nice girl.

I can’t believe it, but nonhorsey Mr. Dublin has a connection to this topic! When he was going to UCLA, Noel Harrison was in one of his classes…

Is it a small world, or what???

As I readjust my black cashmere twin set (I jump at any excuse to wear cashmere), it dawns on me that I could use Nikki Smith’s long-lost pendant. Perhaps I shall ride along on the back of the tractor the next time the ring is graded after all these storms. Who knows what else will turn-up? The partially decomposed body of some reiner from the 1999 Pacific Quarter Horse Circuit show?

[This message was edited by Bumpkin on Feb. 23, 2001 at 01:46 AM.]

Well, I am a little behind to play this game (turned 30 in 2000!) but I have some things to add–maybe! I do know that, if she isn’t still riding herself, I do see Zuleika Farms still showing up as owner of some horses. The Barbara Worth is still around, but I think it’s now combined with the WCE jumper medal which follows the same format as the old Barbara Worth (one jumper type medal course, no work-off).

I rode in the Meredith Michaels/Candice Schlom/Mia Woods era–although luckily in Northern California where they rarely ventured! I have often wondered whether Mia and her sister continued riding. Anybody know?

coreene: Isn’t that like “Clash Day” in elementary school? Or Halloween?

I swear, I am looking at Pomona for a shirt to distinctively coordinate with my rust breeches and/or a wacky flowered shirt. They came out a year or two ago, but people backed away in horror. I sew pretty well myself, but I am considering hiring a local seamstress to make me a ratcatcher if I buy my own fabric. I mean, geez, the things are $100.+ off the rack already; how much more to have one made in your choice of fabrics?

Thanks Coreene…my goal will be just to finish the course. I hear a lot of horses get really spooky and stuff out on that big field at night. Fortunately, my AA class week 2 was on the GP field, so at least I’ve ridden out there once. But we had 20 faults!!! My horse is used to jumping under the lights, though, because in the winter I have to ride at night on Wednesdays. But who knows…I might not end up even entering the class, with my luck!

hmmmm perhaps I should stick mine on eBay, and support the new saddle for Elliot fund.
They sell for quite a bit on there.

You know, everyone thinks I’ve been drinking way too many margaritas, because I’ve got bean dip plopped down the front of my cashmere sweater, but actually it’s just 7UP and lime juice. I just talk with my hands, and everytime I start waving my hands around, the bean dip flips off my Dorito!

Someone get those kids under control! They just knocked over the flower arrangement from Melissa Cardenas!

And who brought the Jack Russell terriers? You don’t bring dogs—especially those— to a freakin’ wake!

Coreene, are you perhaps thinking of Joe Lifto’s place out on Laguna Canyon Road? The one where Betsy Breen started out? That may indeed have been called Seahorse at one time, but I think the old (as in really, really OLD) Seahorse was out on PCH; at one time eons ago you could rent horses to ride out on the beach. (I think Judy Martin’s place up in LA was also called Seahorse at one point too … popular name, it would seem! )

There were a couple of stables out on Laguna Canyon Road … Dixie whose-last-name-I-can-never-remember was at one of them at one time. That’s where Liza Applebaum (a fairly well-known judge who maybe has a married name now) got her start.

And C&C, I remember Maria! (I’m Merry’s sister, btw) I recall her having an old Appy that she showed quite a bit; not sure if his name was Quincy though (brain fade setting in). Maybe Quincy was a later horse? I saw her several years ago in a tack shop out near us; she was getting somewhat back into riding, but not really showing. She was a blast in those days.

And isn’t indeed terribly sad what’s happening out here? Even where we are, the self-proclaimed Horse Capital of the U.S.A., everywhere you look there’s construction. The latest idiocies are the huge houses that take up most of these (allegedly) half-acre lots clinging to hillsides that the builders are proudly billing as “horse property.” Only if they come disguised as mountain goats!

Ha! I can beat Merry to the answer re Tammy! She actually rides out of the farm in Temecula where Merry and I send our “kids” out for their first days with a rider. (We do all the groundwork and backing at home, then they go away to kindergarten for walk-trot-canter-with-a-rider lessons, then come home for Merry to, ahem, “finish” them before Beezer climbs aboard for her joy rides. ))

All together now: “It’s a small world after all! It’s a small world after all!”

Mia Wood is back east. She was going to Princeton for some advanced philosophy degree. She worked at our barn in Malibu for awhile when she was out here deciding what she wanted to do. My trainer saw her not too long ago when she dropped off some of her old stuff. Of course I grabbed her old splint boots with her initials permanently marked on them. I like to think its her signature.

And my mom went to Jr. high with Tom Selleck. If she wasn’t sitting here next to me right now, i’d tell you all how he had a crush on her, too!

Hannah actually broke her collar bone at the Turkey Show.

Oh, me me! I remember Fancy Footwork. That horse and the real Beezer were always slugging it out in the junior hunters. At least I hope that’s the same horse … chestnut, with a lot of white? The girl who rode him (name escapes me, but very tall, thin girl) I think also had a couple of other very nice horses.

For the Northern California crowd: How well I remember Annelise! Had to ride against her a lot when Merry and I made forays up there. Trying to remember the name of another really good junior around that era … tall blonde, very pretty rider, think rode a horse named Three Wishes? Think her mom was a trainer? (Crikey … maybe that WAS Annelise! Drat these overloaded brain cells anyway!)

Also, the talk about riding with movie stars’ kids got me thinking. There were several political (as in elected ) folks whose kids rode too. Bob Doran’s daughters rode with a western trainer at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Nancy Schmidt and Ground Spirit … am sure there are plenty others I’m forgetting. Discuss among yourselves.

Hap’s significant other is (or was) a Morgan trainer, and therefore they are involved with the saddle and driving horses. I can’t remember his name, though. Scary to say, but, I did the Morgan circuit for a couple of years.

And re: Joe Montana…he wanted to buy the real (horse version)Chef for his wife. My first reaction was NO! because I couldn’t bear to seperate myself from him (Chef, that is, not Joe - although he is pretty cute.) Then he went on to spend almost $100,000 at the auction they were having in conjunction with the show…on ONE horse.

I may be in on the Pomona thing. I’ll let you all know.

We not only want the full Pomona report, but are waiting for a new thread on your Indio report
Pretty please?

It’s almost scary how, in a short month since this started, this is the first thing I look at every day. This thread, that is. Chef and I are practically office neighbors. Bumpkin and Dublin will be the recipients of the Show Circuits from Steinberg’s in Huntington Beach. Taryn and I - at the same barn but only discovered this via the BB - were even at the grocery store at the same time the other night (yes, in pouring rain but since we do now know each other we didn’t have to take shelter from hailstorms and drive away from Pomona bla bla bla).

I, too, am dying of curiosity re who Beezer and Merry really are, aside from BB Pals, because I’m sure that with all the co-inky-dinkys I’m sure we’ve showed against each other.

And we’ve all read and enjoyed Merry’s articles without realizing that it was Merry.

And now we’re going to start the Rust Breech Movement.

Pat Warren, had gotten into reining awhile back and built a to die for place in Az. Now hear she is moving back to Woodside. John French had come out to show her horses. He was taking care of the Woodside place, but believe he has moved next door?? Still showing and teaching many ami’s. Don’t know where Lynn is hanging her hat these days.

Kathy Hobstetter, moved to Colorado and taught there for a number of years. She has moved back to OC fairgrounds about 2 yrs ago and has a business there again.

DA Bear - man (said with the same inflection as if you were talking about the Chicago Bears: “DA bears”). Finally time I stuck in a picture of him. He was feeling neglected, what with the new fillies having their pics posted and “da Bear” being ignored.

He even has the same chestnut front leg as Lexi (and his blaze is quite wide – it just doesn’t show in this picture).

There! Now just a pic of Mikey thrown in at the correct moment, and I believe that all my kids will have been posted…