Question for Merry

That’s the idea Merry! The thread would want it that way…it would want to see everyone having a good time, not wallowing in misery. As for me, I’m heading out for Mammoth, but I will keep the thread in my thoughts.

AAJumper makes mental note to investigate purchasing a laptop…what will she do for 4 days w/out access to the BB???

But I now live in OC and just bought a new horse and keep her at El Toro stables. I searched high and low for a barn to keep her at and visited many barns in OC. I was shocked at how full all of them were and many totally dilapidated. I started to conceive a plan to build a great new eq. center off the 405 near the Laguna freeway. Well turns out that area isn’t zoned for that but I may be looking into an area on the 133 towards the beach. I have a name of someone at the Irvine Company that owns that land so I just need to call and see if it is at all feasible. Hopefully my job in real estate will help me but if anyone has any ideas, tips, can offer moral support, i’d appreciate it!

PamMOkay, Kelly Carlin… my sister was more her group, but every time George Carlin is on HBO with one of his long-winded diatribes about the phony-schmony yuppie class and all its trappings, I just shake my head. My husband is a real fan, and I just have to keep reminding him that’s it’s a schtick, you know? Like George wasn’t out there at shows riding around in a golf cart and standing in line at the concession stands with the rest of us.

But the all-time biggest “yeah, right” goes to: Dr. Gene Scott, the erstwhile “TV evangelist”! I occasionally watched his TV show, because he is/was quite a biblical scholar. But then he started interspersing his sermons with videotape of his horses at shows! The last time I saw him, he was sitting in the grandstand at Paddock Riding Club, watching his stallion go around and doing an oil painting! He had the easel and the paint right up in the stands with him. When he was done, his driver cruised up in a new Rolls, right there by the back gate. I could’ve died when I discovered my grandmother had sent him money!

Geez, is Los Angeles just the catch basin for all the, ah, “unique” horse folk?

I hope that my horse makes it to a very old age. He will be 19 this year. His dad is still breeding at 27, and I hope he makes it to at least that, greying and happy. May he have a Shetland Pony age theory in his Warmblood life.

No in house fighting ladies…Be kind Merry, she had an SM

And you didn’t step forward and I.D. yourself? Of course, that would require removing frostbitten fingers from pockets to display a waving motion with frigid fingers.

AAJumper saw us. Although, I must point out in our defense that she wasn’t catching us at our best. It was freakin’ freezing!And we were beginning to take on the waterlogged rodent appearance.

By the way, AAJumper, congrats on doing well at Indio!Wish I could’ve been there, but I guess next year…

Your killing us with the suspension!! If you and Beezer think you might actually reveal your true identities a game of 20 questions might make it more interesting. Questions could be all yes or no… Like, is the publication in which we can see both of your equestrian related???

Well, I think red or auburn or strawberry blonde or whatever “hue” is something to be proud of. My daughter has gorgeous strawberry blonde hair that most woman pay $150.00 out of a bottle for!!! So, please take dublin’s typo as a compliment! By the way, do you know Linda Allen (JRT rescue)?

Oh wait, U2 are on the Grammy’s right now…

Okay I’m back. They’re FABULOUS!!!

JUSTALURKER, do you mind if I e-mail you? Just a few more “issues” to clarify.

I did this huge post yesterday and my computer kicked me off before I could post.

As soon as I got off the computer the other day, I remembered George’s surname. It is amazing how many trainers are at Sycamore right now. Surprising they don’t have pileups in the covered arena.

Peacock Hill - gosh, I haven’t been there for years! Bob McD got me as a very cheap groom (I used to beg to go along when I was about 10 or 11 to do just that) and that was one we always went to.

Here’s another one from the past: who remembers showing at Villa Park Country Club? This was so long ago that everyone did hunter hack, and lots of times you did Junior Jumpers on the same horse. What a blast.

Isn’t Gretchen Tank the one with Showcase Stables in Redlands? It’s some Gretchen … not sure if it is her.

Doubleclear, the stables that were at the dead end of Bolsa Chica - Smoky Stables USA - were closed down about two years ago. Now the only ones in HB besides HCPEC are “the Green Stables” and the floating stalls on small plots of land behind the houses on top of what used to be Huntington Crest/Horse World/Gold Bar and the American Landscape Supply.

The one you were at on Edwards - was it Ocean View? Kathy Gerjets went there after Meadowlark closed. She is now at River Trails, trying hard to keep the Edison Company from shutting it down since they own half the land (hello, they don’t have the money to pay for employees or electricity - what do they want with a few acres of field?).

All this Blast From The Past is very warm and fuzzy.

C&C, email me if you need additional help with the Irvine Company and local government. My email address is It sounds like a brilliant idea, especially if you can get a show facility built into it. I’m picturing Hickstead or Aachen…

If I’m not mistaken, I think Bavaria has one or two babies that did pretty well in … uh … something or other. IHF? IJF?

The Johnstones have also had a good run so far with January’s Best, another homebred by Best of Luck. Really nice horse.

Oops. Sorry Spunky for what was obviously a bum steer toward Park Place. Just have seen her sign at the OC Fairgrounds offering lessons, so thought I’d offer up a possibility.

…that she, too, liked them. Though I did have a hard time living in England and seeing them on tweed coats. With too-short-for-Yankees boots. But they look very nice on dressage coats, I think, especially the dark blue shadbellies.

MERRY, are you writing for Horse International / West Coast Jump?

(Said with CA Valley Girl accent)

I just went to the Thrifty Horse and you guys were right! I fell in love. They had the most beautify Grand Prix hunt coat - dark gray with light gray and subtle purple plaid. Plus amazing Essex and Van Teal shirts for < $60. [Fortunatley I contained myself on buying the above items)

But the biggest jackpot of all was CANARY TAILORED SPORTSMANS in MY SIZE! I am so happy…I have beem looking for these for years! And they were only $90 - brand new! (and I couldn’t get my credit card out fast enough for these)

So if you ever want to meet me at show you can recognize me by that fact I will be the ONLY one at the entire show in canary breeches. I will probably make a complete fool of myself in them but oh well. Its not how you ride, its how you look, right? Think the judges will by it?

Beezer works for “The Other Side”. She’s an editor. At the LA Times. She represents all that is evil to a writer: slave driver, deadline-setter, She-Who-Revises-One’s-Writing.

Fortunately, I only rarely freelance newspaper stuff. It’s quite different from writing for a magazine/Internet site. Although those editors— they’re all cut from the same cloth. Of course, the editors I work for love me!

But I figured since so many of you seem to remember horses from several years ago, maybe one of you would know my old horse, Whitney. I only knew her by that name, and once someone told me that they thought her show name may have been Steal It. Supposedly, according to my old trainer, she was a very successful hunter and was some PCHA reserve champion at some point in time. She would have been born in the late 60’s/early 70’s, and thus shown in the 70’s/early 80’s, as we estimated she was in her early 20’s when I had to put her down. I only had her for a year, and she was an old school horse by the time I got her. But apparently she was in Mike Edricks barn for some time, and I believe she may have done the 4’ hunters at some point in time. Anyway, here’s a pic of her, although she looks like any typical TB…no outstanding features or anything. Anyone have any vague recollection of a horse by the name of Steal It?

Regarding Emmett Kelley, the horse: Okay, shoot me if I’m wrong, but Diane Grod rode a horse named Emmet Kelley about the same time she rode a horse named Willie Nelson, and THAT Emmett Kelley was a dark, dappled bay with white… wasn’t it???

Oh wait, I’m supposed to be on the other thread…

Maybe you could email me and give me some more info. I’m interested in the freelance writing “thing” and would totally appreciate some advice. Thanks in advance.

Why do I think they did solve the Gary Ryman murder and that the perps were brought to justice? As I recall, the details were quite sordid. But, since I’m not sure of them and it’s all just a niggle in the back of the brain, I won’t repeat them on a public board.

Gary was training for Pat Chandler/Crowe/Warren at the time and he had just returned from a jumper buying trip in Europe. I think that no one knew he had returned so there was a bit of a delay in even identifying him.

All of Gary’s considerable riding talent was instinctive. He never had a riding lesson in his life – it was all from the seat of his pants.

Ages ago (late 60’s), I tried out a horse when Jimmy was up in Northern California (Portola Valley) at Berry Hill Farm. I realized when I moved to this area after college that some of the fields I had been cooling the horse out in afterwards had become the 280 freeway! I vaguely remember it being a nice facility - wonder if it still exists, and if so, is it still a h/j barn??

Along with the other fashion faux pas that I like, I have always enjoyed a lovely pin on the choker.

When Willem and I were still showing dressage, I enjoyed an extremely OTT selection of pins on the stock tie. One at a time, of course, but the more glam the better.