Question for Merry

Ah Beezer, you know interest dies when the mystery is revealed and the story concludes. But there’s still room for a lengthy denoument.

  1. is Linda Blair still showing in California? Who is she riding with?

  2. remember Christine Lund, who used to be on Channel 7 in LA? (The one Don Henley sang about in that song “Dirty Laundry” - “the bubble-headed bleach blonde who comes on at five”). Saw her showing at HB several times but it’s been a few years.

Hm. For some reason I think Emmett Kelly was one of the Lakeside horses … or Pat Warren’s?? And why, for that same some reason, did I think he was a chestnut with cute/funky white markings?? Or perhaps, as I am sure Merry will once again RACE to point out, Beezer’s brain has simply turned to mush again. Blame it on the weather … which even as I look at the window is turning bleaker, blacker and … ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!! … rainer.

Hm, Dublin. I don’t recall a Peddie Happe. But you say it was the early '70s? Perhaps my, ahem, OLDER sister would remember the name.

Don’t know re Debbie Sands; she trained and judged a lot but haven’t seen her in awhile. Quite likely our paths simply haven’t crossed recently. Do know that Nancy Nordstrom has a thriving sales barn (odd how both went into sales, hm?). And Ken (or Kenny, as he was known way back when Merry – and everyone else then – had a crush on him) was one of the judges at our big county finals last fall.

bumpkin, help me out here! Wasn’t she that pudgie little red-haired kid that rode up in the NW??

Well I know exactly which type of coat Merry means, and I always drooled over them.

And Merry, I am thinking much bigger, but am I thinking equine or am I thinking regular press? I know you don’t write for our paper, but otherwise I’ll HAVE TO BUY A VOWEL.

…but have you seen some of the wonderful horses that Alfonso Romo is breeding down in Mexico (Mexico connection = link to last post = on topic, ha ha). Ratina Z is going to have four foals this year! One herself, three with embryo transplants. She’s having hers at home at Jan Tops’ after a nice vacation in Mexico, and the other three will be born at Alfonso’s. Can’t remember who the daddies are, but I’ll check this out because it’s in some Dutch magazine at home.

Could Twiggy be down there??? At his place?

I remember Ralph Walker, he was such a nice man.
He died in his sleep during the time he was stewarding the Del Mar show in the mid 70’s.

Leslie Oertley’s stallion, Diamond Jim was Bumpkin’s brother! As was Joan Kerron’s Man Alive.

When I read the old HORSES I often wonder what became of some of the Western and Saddlebred people.

[This message was edited by Bumpkin on Feb. 17, 2001 at 11:57 AM.]

Beezer, I worked at HIX for one week in early 1985 and walked out. Some lady called Sharon was head of circ and some gal called Beth was just starting, too. I had just moved back from a year in England doing PR and couldn’t decide what to do.

But we did meet then. A gal I was in college with worked there as well. I remember her saying her career goal was to “get as high in the company as Beezer,” but of course she used the real name. I can’t remember her name. Short and blonde. She was in ed. I was supposed to be a rep and then they stuck me in circ.


There was a liver chestnut horse related to yours named Gaily Gaily about the same time. Geez, I can’t recall who had the horse, but I’m thinking Meredith Bullock rode it in juniors, kind of more of a NorCal girl.

That was around the time of all of the Getaway II horses, like Lulu Miller’s Getaway Devil. We had Getafox, who came off of Malcomb Rosell’s farm (the horse show announcer).

Gotta love those June Fallaw photos, too!

I can add here. They are having camel races at Quartzsite!!! (Or are there camel races in other places, too, such that my wonderful contribution is actually meaningless.)

It’s a consignment store, although the lady who runs a traveling tack shop sells off all her “last season stuff” there, too, and it’s all new! Today there was a cocoa brown GP coat in a 12Tall for $100! And a couple of gray windowpanes with lavender for $250! Auggh! My credit card was burning a hole thru my wallet…

Dennis’ place is/was called “Alternative Farm”, although an alternative to what??? He was at Industry Hills for a very long time.

Yes, Julie was with Ronnie Freeman. But here’s another blond who frequented his barn: Caron Gilbertson! Okay, does her name ring any bells?

CWP, I always loved them. I still love them. I will always love them.

Call me gross, but I thought those Lady Northampton boots that Wellington put out years ago in England were brilliant. You know, the RUBBER riding boots that were DARK BLUE at the bottom and then the leg was this rather jaunty beige fabric with blue trim. Too wild for words. A nice fun difference on muddy days. They had them in green, too. This was 10000000 years ago before paddock boots.

But what REALLY scared me was when I got the new Divoza catalog the other day and they showed a new line of rubber boots that included rubber field boots lacing halfway up the leg …

I will check that out. They don’t have turn-out, though, which is sad. . . .

Can you think of any other places, just so that I can look at everything?
Thank you!!

Speaking of Western people, did anyone know Mary Lou Street and her sister, Peggy, in Pico Rivera? She had a Palomino Quarter horse stallion she called Buck and a gray Arab stallion. This was in the late 60’s. I think she had come Spiller’s stable on Carson in Lakewood. She also had a big roan Appy gelding called Durango and a dog named Troubles.

… Chef has me convinced that I need a “project” horse! My office is now in Irvine too, very convenient to OC barns. Tell us more about this filly! And put some pics of Reno up!


You guys, me thinks it’s time to bid farewell to this thread. We are not only taking up a lot of room on the BB, but there are some disparaging remarks being made about our inability to start new threads.

What do you say? We can begin new topics. We can still relive the past and relish the present. We may even end up with yet another 30-page thread. So, what do you say? How about we begin our eulogy and have a funeral? I e-mailed as many of you as I could to prepare you for this fateful day.

Who wants to be first to begin the memorial service?

C&C, couldn’t have been the same horse, re Fleet Apple. He was a great old jumper, and as far as I can recall, Bob didn’t “do” jumpers back then. Or at least not much. He and Deb did have one, nicknamed Porpoise (I think??), a kinda dark Appy with not a lot of white. Really cool horse. (And am sorry you are having such trouble finding a new horse. Aren’t vet checks grand?)

I vaguely recall a gray horse with Fleet in its name too. Bob was always picking up horses off the track back then. Used to make regular treks down to Caliente for recruits.

OK. Some other names from the murky past: Don Swan, anyone? (Though I cannot remember the names of the juniors who rode with him and won a lot, but am sure Merry will, since they were in her age group.) Mary Ketchem (sp??) Gene St. George? Lois Langer? Julie Martin (Judy Martin’s daughter, who rode a great bay hunter named Murphy)? The Nielsen girls out of Foxfield? CeCe Durante? The Bushkins??

OK. I’ll stop now. Too early in the day to start feeling THIS old.

Dave, by the way, is fine. A bit of a spook, obviously (see above thread). The rainy weather and closed arenas are not good for his little brain (duh). We’re still getting to know each other, but I’m thinking about elliminating all alfalfa from his diet, among other things. I’d just like to know how I got this idea in my head to buy a kickin’ quiet Quarter Horse, but ended up with this one???