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Registered sex offender at shows,ETA now in Florida

I dont think SS or USEF can do anything to a person that operates outside their show system. I don’t think they monitor the fan membership as it does not give any showing privileges. He’s right outside their purview same as someone doing kiddie Western lessons or running a dude string.


Sounds like it is show management’s problem.

Sounds like a gap we need to address!


Sad to me that the trainer hasn’t been sanctioned for bringing him along to shows. The local show management knows but nobody wants to offend anyone I guess.


LE experience has found that some offenders will take what they can get, as it were. If they don’t have easy access to their preference will offend against older or younger children. And children not in their gender and/or racial preference.

The idea that offenders have particular preferences has become common but is so misleading to expectations. Don’t even worry about that. No minor can be assumed to be safe around them, regardless of age, gender, race, even physical ableness, or any other criteria. Rather, we should assume that the offender will put his or her ‘needs’ above all other considerations, including their preferences.



The USEF and SS are not national LE jurisdictions. They are sport organizations whose oversight is limited to their own very specific areas. As it should be.

They don’t have the budget, much less the authority, to do anything about anything that isn’t on their turf.

It is up to individuals like us to share the information with organizations and people that are not part of USEF or SS. Let schooling show managers know, barn managers, etc. We don’t have to tell them what to do. Just send some links to information they may be interested in knowing about.

The people with a problematic record can build their lives around some other career that doesn’t include children. A few roadblocks here and there might help push them in that direction. (Although we know that sharing information doesn’t always change anything.)


I read the posts to say that the individual in question is helping/spectating at rated shows and has a fan membership. If the USEF could bam Barney Ward from spectating/helping on grounds, surely they can ban known sex offenders from being on grounds.


Barney ward was a convicted felon for issues directly involving the industry.
Yes a sex offender is also convicted of a crime, but the situation is different in that they are already sanctioned and limited after they have served their time.

This is why there are sex offender registries. Anyone can look up anyone at any time who is or may be around their children.
It’s very easy to do . If this person has limitations that preclude him being around children then let law enforcement know and they will deal with it.


It’s been established in this thread that has limitations if any expired some time ago and he is off the sex offenders list in the place the incident occurred, I think NYC. His defendents could make the claim he is officially rehabbed and this is all in the past.

I believe according to this thread he has been limiting himself to a non recognized schooling series in his area.

Whatever he is limiting himself to law enforcement can check it out and make a determination and put an end to the debate


I ran the names provided in the thread and the person is still a registered offender


He will be required to reregister in FL both as a convicted felon and as an offender and notifications will be done by the sheriffs office in that jurisdiction. I’m retired now but when I was still
Working I worked in the Offender Tracking Unit that handled all of that


I went ahead and looked up some of the case history. The guy sounds like a sleaze and a big red flag. And I am sorry, but under no circumstances should a grown man be alone with a minor in his home - and a smart one wouldn’t be - especially a minor who he supposedly believed to have a “crush” on him. And that he didn’t know that “Florida Girls Sunny Side Up” was a porno is laughable.

The girlfriend/trainer clearly didn’t exercise good judgement either.




True. But I was being a bit diplomatic. The subset of men who potentially find 16 or 17 year old girls attractive is perhaps very close to all men :slight_smile: but most of them have the impulse control and foresight to keep their hands to themselves these days. And they don’t necessarily prefer them to young adult women. And they may prefer peer relationships with age appropriate women. But I think they are attracted. Indeed our culture promotes the older teen as the desired image.

That’s qualitatively different IMHO from an adult that has a specific fixation on prepubescent children.


OK I’ve officially lost track of the plot here. Or I’m on the wrong thread. I thought we were talking about Tom Navarro in New Jersey who had a conviction in NYC a number of years ago, his NY sex offender registry expired a few years back , and is now connected with beginner lesson barns in NJ and turning up at schooling shows.

If it’s someone else, or the facts I recall are wrong, correct me.

Edited to add: yup my bad. I’m on a different thread than I thought :slight_smile:

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@Scribbler Tom Navarro is in northern Virginia at a local show and lesson barn. Not necessarily a beginner barn, and he appears to keep himself and his clients at local non USEF affiliated shows.


The case text reads like a study in grooming sadly. And it reads like the trainer was more jealous than concerned. Hope the victim is doing ok,she has disappeared from the local horse scene.


Re Navarro sometimes at sentencing the court will
Specify that they are only required to register and remain on the registry for a set amount of time , usually it’s 5-10 years. It’s kind of rare that they do that though. Otherwise it’s permanent.

This article isn’t old and a quick google search pulls it up… so not sure why people are subjecting theirs kids to possible abuse.

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By my understanding it’s just schools and daycares that convicted offenders cant work at. At least in nebraska. Kids gyms,summer camps and things like that are ok. Seems like a loophole.

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I would guess it was written that way because schools and daycares are frequently state/county owned/run where as the rest of the list is more likely private companies where the burden is put on them to do a background check on who they hire.