Report Site Glitches here!

Ditto. Running Firefox on Mac OS10.10.1

I’m getting this today…when I can actually get onto the website (it’s been hanging up most of the time!) Using chrome on my iPad

Getting lots of Unapproved posts the last few days.

1 was a fairly long one, and it was recommended to me by Simkie to make shorter posts. That worked.

But then, I’ve made several comments not nearly that long, they went through fine, but on an Edit, got sent to Unapproved hell, so I had to break those up into short comments, about the length of this one.

Chrome, Windows 10

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Me? Yesterday and this morning… Safari and Chrome… the page(s) will take forever to load (60+ seconds). Then fine, then very, very slow again.

I agree–lots of intermittent lag lately.


I forgot about that - yes, lots of random lag in the last 3-4 days here too.

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So-o-o-o-o slo-o-o-o-ow.


Another person finding it to have lag times lately.


I’ve been seeing a lot of lag time as well. I’ve had to give up on accessing the forum quite often lately. I’m using Chrome on a Windows 10 laptop.



often when I click on a subscribed thread link in my notifications, I get a permission denied not authorized to access message.
Also, intermittently slow as molasses recently.

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This typically means that one of the posts that is in that notification has been deleted.

But that isn’t the case. I can go back to the main page and find the post. And it happens multiple times a day and on non controversial threads.

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It takes forever to get the forum page to load and sometimes it times out. Sometimes just getting to the COTH site is impossible. This has been happening for a week at least.
I hope it is fixed soon. It’s a big problem and COTH is the only site that I’m having this issue with.


Me too.

If you wait long enough to load, it will say TIMED OUT!


just the Forums on CoTH… the main page loads effortlessly.

I suspect whatever filter that has been devised is pretty much a piece of junk that was salvaged from some other failed venture as all repairs so far have been patchwork since the inception (hey Ignore function that never worked) … whatever, at the rate of loss of Active Members soon the problem will be solved as nearly Half of the former active members have gone away to other lands… down to under 3200 now… make that under 3150

This morning, totally unable to get to even the main Forums page.

This afternoon it is responding as I’d expect.

Sure a large assumption based on what I have no idea about why the pages are loading the way they are or how the website is being maintained… etc…

Not even sure why you are tracking the number of ‘active’ members as you have nothing to do with the management of this website…


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I have been seeing this intermittently also for more than a week. The forums are more affected than the main site but both have the problem sometimes. I’ll come back in an hour and it will be fine. It will happen on first load as well as while posting a comment.

Lots of time out errors yesterday and already today.

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Today, so far, things are back to normal.:slight_smile:

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