Report Site Glitches here!

Mostly, it still quit on me a bit ago once, but otherwise has been working.

Before it was quitting very often.

Thank @Moderator 1 and the technical team for making the New Topics option not include Current Events!!! And I see the red ‘original poster’ is back. Great job!

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FWIW, Unapproved is still happening when I Edit comments :frowning: This isn’t even about being too long (which seemed to be an issue earlier, maybe still is). These comments post just fine a 2nd time (then I delete the Unapproved comment)as they posted just fine the first time until I edit.

Chrome, Windows 10

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Still freezing and blank this morning, not changing pages, just not as often as in days past, maybe.


I have been editing posts, albeit usually just one edit, with, knock on wood, no problems with the unapproved. Now that I’ve said that, I’m doomed :lol:

There is definitely an issue with the main forum page. If you open tabs for the specific forums that you want to view and periodically refresh them, you should have an easier time viewing what you want to see.

I spoke too soon. Today the problems are back. The forum is terribly slow to load, if it loads at all.


Sporadic episodes of slow loading for the last few days. I usually just give up and check in later. Google Chrome.

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It has been very slow this morning.

Yes, it has, blank page for minutes practically every change of page.

I’ll let them know we’re still having performance issues. Meantime, OT and CE are finally excluded from New Topics, and Today’s Posts (also excluding OT and CE) is back!


Also, lookie here

User location and Original Poster designation is back!


Thank you!

Thank you so much!

Also, that little detail of who is the original poster, small thing it is, really helps figure how to respond to posts.
Thanks for getting that re-installed.

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something New, at least to me…attempted to respond on a thread in Current Events …system would not allow me to past in the web link of the article I was wanting to support my post… just would not accept a cut, paste … spinning wheel of death appeared

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@Moderator 1 noticed this morning that prior to about 9:20 (Arizona time) the site was running just fine. About 9:20, it came to a screeching halt for maybe close to an hour (I wasn’t checking that frequently).

It didn’t time out but took minutes to load a page (when Safari ‘quit’, I switched to Chrome with same slow, slow page loads).

Over time it eventually got better but went from fine to horrible within a few minutes :mad:

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slow and glitchy today. multiple timeouts.


And again about 1:10-1:15pm Arizona time.

Came to a screeching halt. No errors but many minutes to load a page.

Now it’s behaving reasonably again…

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Just wanted to say thank you mods for all you do!!


To catch the glitchitudes, a service like pingdom may be of use. It’s $10/month with a 14 day free trial and it should be able to catch the times when the site is just not responding.