Report Site Glitches here!

And here I thought it was just me. I log out and can’t get it to remember me when I log back in. Pages are freezing, today I wanted to move forward to revisit the OP of a thread and the buttons and page numbers changed but not the page, then half the page vanished altogether. I’m amazed I managed to get here at all. Hope it’s able to be corrected!

Y’all just don’t have the right song and dance.
Turn around three times, say the magic words while sneaking up on the screen.
Find and click COTH, don’t forget the sing-song extra notes, tongue out to the right.

If you do all that right, then wait a bit, the page will show up, eventually.
If you miss any one step, all you will see is a blank page.

Three tries and you are out, have to wait for a bit, then you can try again, more careful to get it all right this time.

Seriously, as annoying as these glitches are as user, imagine being the one with the job of chasing them down and fixing them, ugh.


Free trial period only covers 10 UPTIME CHECKS and 1 ADVANCED CHECKS

they will happily charge more for increases

what gets me about the “problems” with this vboard program is there does not appear to be a key event that triggers a failure. The software that we used to run machinery we could go to a specific point in the line code to correct the source of fault—once the fault was determined. Here, I am being to to think the code has so many holes that the patches are just adding to the faults.

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How hard can it be? Other websites work quite well.

If it is this difficult to work the kinks out mightn’t the basic product be inferior? Perhaps a change is in order
(said by a person with no education or knowledge about how websites are created or how they function.)

I was sent to a blank “horse shows online” page and an error message when I tried to access the regular COTH site.
The forum is page is even more exasperating.

Wishing the best to the IT folks who are working on the problem.

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@Moderator 1 FYI - things were chugging along until 19:05 when the page load (I assume, had asked to Mark All As Read) hung on Safari.

I started a Chrome window within about 20 seconds which also hung.

My Safari window finally displayed a Gateway timeout and stopped the page load.

At 19:13 I stopped the Chrome window (X’d out) and restarted. At 19:15 (about), the Chrome page finally loaded and things appear to be back to running pretty much as expected.

Without scrolling back through all this, knowing most who’ve already commented will see this:

Who’s using IE, and are you still having issues?

So much software is built around IE, and it’s hit and miss whether it works all the time, or even at all, on other browsers.

IF :eek: it connects :dead:

:sigh: it is SLOOOOOOOOOOW …and inconsistent … when everything else in my computer life / sites connect quickly and work smoothly


@JB what problems are you talking about? The lag is across all platforms and seems to be the worst issue? It’s got to be a server issue…?

And speaking of that, has anyone seen where threads with new posts are not bolded, or missing notifications? I’ve had a few instances–enough to know I’m not just forgetting I’ve clicked on something. Probably related to the issues communicating with the server, but frustrating all the same.

@Simkie the not bolding thing (and I just didn’t make any comments on it)… I’ll Mark the Channel as Read and all topics are unbolded (as expected).

I’ll come back later to the same forum and see mostly what I expect…all the more recent topics are bolded as I haven’t read them yet. But every once in a while, in the middle of the more recent, bolded, posts, one will be unbolded. I kinda just blew that one off compared to some of the other issues we’ve run across.

Curious about the comment from @JB about the world being built around IE. I’ve not had that same experience or feeling. Safari might be a second class citizen but many sites will recommend Chrome or Firefox over either IE or Edge or Safari as Chrome or FF run across all the popular platforms (Mac and Win) vs Safari or Edge/IE which run on only a single platform.

My ‘hang’ issues have been observed on both Safari and Chrome.

I’ve worked with many pieces of commercial and in-house software in 30 years in the IT world, and as a QA test automation expert who has contracted with many companies, my husband has worked with probably 100s of different commercial and in-house software, many are indeed built around IE. Most work well, or well enough with other browsers. Many do not. Some have functions that don’t work well, or at all, with non-IE browsers. My credit card company’s site works well for most things on Chrome, but the credit card extra features absolutely do not work on anything but IE. I can tell you for sure that some companies, whether commercial producers or for their own in-house use will tell you right up front - must use IE to have any support, because they did not do anything to test on other browsers, all of which have differences that are sometimes enough to really make problems.

So that’s why I was asking, as I know I’ve seen a lot of complaints from Chrome, Firefox, and Safari users, I just don’t recall how many IE posts I’ve seen.

I know some of the other browsers are often recommended for things like better security, but IE really is still a standard that a lot of companies code to.

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I will try IE next time things are not working well here (chrome).

I can say it has worked well all morning and then lunch time came and poof… spinning wheel of death.

During this spinning wheel of death time I attempted to access the forum vie IE instead of chrome.
IE did open before Chrome did, but only by a little. And once in there was quite a bit of spinning while I logged in with IE (I am always logged in with my Chrome link).

In other words, I do not think it is working any better with IE than it is working with Chrome.

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I’ve worked with many pieces of commercial and in-house software in 30 years in the IT world, and as a QA test automation expert who has contracted with many companies, my husband has worked with probably 100s of different commercial and in-house software, many are indeed built around IE. Most work well, or well enough with other browsers. Many do not. Some have functions that don’t work well, or at all, with non-IE browsers. My credit card company’s site works well for most things on Chrome, but the credit card extra features absolutely do not work on anything but IE. I can tell you for sure that some companies, whether commercial producers or for their own in-house use will tell you right up front - must use IE to have any support, because they did not do anything to test on other browsers, all of which have differences that are sometimes enough to really make problems.

So that’s why I was asking, as I know I’ve seen a lot of complaints from Chrome, Firefox, and Safari users, I just don’t recall how many IE posts I’ve seen.

I know some of the other browsers are often recommended for things like better security, but IE really is still a standard that a lot of companies code to.

IE isn’t any faster either. It just won’t load pages and I have tried chrome IE and Edge

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appears that problems IE go back to at least 2006

Mike Sullivan Former vBulletin Developer
Wed 8 Nov '06, 4:39am

vBulletin 3.6.3

An undocumented behaviour in all Windows versions of Internet Explorer has rendered vBulletin vulnerable to a potential cross-site scripting flaw (XSS). Therefore, we have decided to put out a preventative security release in order to work-around the Internet Explorer problem before it is exploited.

3.6.3 also includes fixes for approximately 50 bugs that were discovered in 3.6.2. For this reason, we recommend all customers upgrade to 3.6.3 as soon as possible. If this is not possible and you are currently running 3.6.2, you may use the patch method discussed here.…3-6-3-released

IE has historically been full of security holes for sure. I had heard that has gotten a lot better, but don’t know enough about details to know how true that is.

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Is doing there same on Mac and Safari.

Takes several tries over minutes long waits of white nothing to either time out or connect, to again lose it after a few minutes.

Bad as it has been, this afternoon is worse than ever and for all kinds of services trying to connect, I think.

I agree with the others. This last fight to get in I tried both Chrome and IE at the same time and neither worked until they both worked.

This afternoon has to been the most difficult.

Thanks, that does satisfy my curiosity!

Dear Mods, programmers, web site developers and backup IT people,
I am so grateful you got us back online, put more defense systems in and …
restored “new posts” menu and for me the most important,
I can see where people are again, so temper responses/questions/advice based on location.