Report Site Glitches here!

well, that is where they say they are, I am not aware of anything to confirm a person’s location in this format

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No, but I don’t think most people are intentionally misleading in their location, and for the most part, it helps make some assumptions about advice/suggestions to offer without 50 people asking where someone is, or making recommendations totally irrelevant to the locaton.

Speed had been great for me the last few days, then early evening yesterday, through at least now, there’s a lot of spinning and lag time again.

I appreciate the work that continues to go on to complete or fix this upgrade or whatever it is
it is really difficult to read/ post …most of the time ”¢ IMHO
It has not been improving in the above category.


@JB, what I have been trying to do if I am actively using the site and performance tanks is to grab the time it tanked and when it started working again. If it has already tanked when I get here, I don’t bother with a time. I’m hoping if actual time windows can be captures (ie, when it tanked and when it got better) maybe more info for the developers to try to figure out the problem.

Using Macs, IE or Edge aren’t an option (yay! :smiley: )

My default browser is Safari but I know Safari will often be problematic before other browsers so for some sites I use Chrome.

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where are we really:congratulatory:
That’s a goody for the ecclesiastically minded.
(My above “witty” post is totally counter balanced by the fact I had to look up “ecclesiastically” because I couldn’t spell it)

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Speed of the forum seems to be back to normal today.

Today there is something strange going on. Sort of wondering if it is just me.
This thread for example shows light colored - no new posts. When I hit the option to go to the last new post it takes me to page 13, half way down. Not even close to the end of the thread. When I paged onto the last page I saw there were new posts that I had not seen/read before.

In off topic now a newer thread said it only had one post and when I opened it there were lots of posts.

I just came on board about an hour ago and all is zipping right along, no problems whatsoever, yet at least.
For days on end now, all fell apart after getting in and reading pages for a few minutes, then the glitches started.

Hoping this stability hangs on and a BIG thank you to those working on these glitches!

P.S. I agree, knowing location really helps with the proper answer to some questions, thanks for restoring that.

very bad today …

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As I noted above… the ‘window’ for the bad performance might only be 15-20 minutes and things go back to where we would like them to be.

Think it just depends (based on what I’ve see) on when you hit the site.

Doesn’t make it any less frustrating for sure but maybe come back 30 minutes later and see what you see.

Like just now… running fine, tried to Post Reply the reply above and nothing for maybe 4-5 minutes and then fine again :eek:

True, random glitches back tonight.

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and there appears to be No trigger… faster than lightening, then the next second slower than turtle chasing the spinning wheel of death …then back to lightening

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very difficult / impossible this morning

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Same problems as everyone else. Running Firefox on a Mac.

When I see the spinning wheel, I don’t bother to wait around anymore (that’s never been successful) – I close Firefox, and try again later.

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We really need to fix this edit thing…

at times I am getting “Server Not Responding” notices which may be a hardware problem rather than software

I’m having the same issues I had before.

After I’ve read a post and then gone back to the forum page I get “error” tags on each of the threads that I’ve read! But it only happens if I swipe to go back (I’m on an iPad), if I use the header title at the top it doesn’t happened!

Why would you think this is a hardware problem? Just curious as that would be fairly far down my list of suspects.

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