Report Site Glitches here!

I just wanted to provide an update that the development team has been working on migrating all the data from the old vBulletin platform to what will be our new platform on Discourse. I don’t have a timeline for release of the new site, but I do have reassurance for you that it’s in the works.

They’re not going to be doing much in terms of fixes on the current site, since it will soon be obsolete. We’ll be sure to ask for help in testing the beta version of the new site when it’s operational, so feel free to PM me if you’d be interested in participating in that effort!

Thanks for your patience!


Thank you once again @Moderator 1 for keeping us all informed!

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This is great news, thank you all!

Update! The database (current up to about 3 weeks ago) is migrated to the new system (which took about 10 days to do), the single sign-in is fixed and COTH templating is implemented. They are completing the import of all past post attachments, and are finishing up the mobile-friendly version of the site, and addressing a few other little issues.

We’re not quite ready for testing, but I’ll be starting to poke around a little over the next few days.

We’re getting there! :smiley:


Thank you, sounds interesting.

We are ready for it, I think, that unapproved glitch is catching everyone right now.
I bet you noticed, trying to keep that line cleared.

Thanks for all the work you are doing.

I actually edited a fairly long comment yesterday and went “oh crap” as I hit Save, frantically did a copy, but magically it didn’t get sent to Unapproved Hell :lol:

@Moderator 1 You guys don’t mess around!!! :yes:

I have noticed in the last day or so spotty ‘slightly slower’ page loads but still nothing like before the last major ‘fix.’.

This morning I did get an error popup that I promise I will pay more attention now to what it says. Both times it was on a back arrow and when I clicked to dismiss, the previous page load was just fine.

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@Moderator 1, I tried to start a thread on CE and it was unapproved?

It had a link to science magazine, that has before been fine when posting those.
Here is the thread:

Maybe you could look at it and if suitable, approve it? Thank you.

Is anybody else keyboard acting a fool?

Thank you very much, Moderator 1 for fixing that thread with the initial unapproved post.

Yes, the forums are slow and getting slower, also getting trickier to move around and post.

The glitching gremlins are back at it, I am afraid.
That at the time everyone seems to be more frantic about the election is not helping.:lol:

Yes you can not hit the return key twice on my phone or the correction key twice.

Instead click them once. Then click back in the text so cursor is in the same place and click the button again.

It took a lot of bad thoughts and swearing to figure that out!:lol:


I’m not sure I’m understanding your question, but I think you’re seeing that this thread, which is the first non-stickies thread in this forum, was started on June 5…but it is the thread with the most recent new post on it, which is why it appeared first on the list.

Does that make sense with what you’re seeing?

The “development team” is our group of tech folk behind the scenes that manage our company’s technological needs. They are not the ones who designed vBulletin, the software that is giving us all these problems at the moment and that had a vulnerability that the hackers took advantage of. They are the ones who fix things when they break and saved the site when we were hacked.


And we are very thankful for them!


I started a thread in Horse Care. It was working fine, but now the formatting of that thread (and that thread only, as far as I can tell) shows up so wonky that it won’t allow me to post a reply. I’ve tried on a couple different devices now and two browsers, but will keep trying… Is there something else I can do here? Thanks

Yeah, I made my last post on that thread and the post went all kinds of sideways :eek: I saw someone else made a comment but I can’t see it.

Format is degrading on CE forum also, is back to basic only.

Now is back to normal, strange.
They may be working on it?

Suddenly the signature section got limited to 400 characters (including URLs and BB code). Mine disappeared, so when I went to check, it was in the control panel but gave me that error message when I tried to save it w/o edits. Now it’s visible again.