Quote works. Edit does too if this posts. Pagination at the bottom works. Thanks!
Like now appears to be working.
Mark Last Channel as Read did part of what I wanted. All the threads were marked ‘Read’ and unbolted and I was returned back to the specific forum.
Back arrow to forums list didn’t show the forum name as having no unread (ie, bolded) but the individual topics were still marked read (unbolted).
As does Quote
Thank you for continuing to work on this :encouragement:
Emojis also working (sometimes it is the simple things )
All those features seem to be working for me now too!
The notifications for this thread also went away after I came to this thread.
Thank you for all the hard work you are doing!
I’m missing the old OP in red so you could follow their posts through a topic. Also wondering…the Facebook and Twitter buttons…can anybody just share everybody else’s posts from here on Facebook and Twitter?
Strange glitch while editing, third time edit and when posting it came up green and unnapproved?
I still can see it posted on the thread, but can others?
That one happened in the Western forum, thread asking about reining spins.
Working off a Mac laptop on Safari.
Use the left/right arrows at the top, where it says (currently) Page 4 of 4 < >
How about now? Quoting is (obviously) working for me now, Chrome, Windows 10
I hope not. I can’t see it happening in my case because I don’t have an account on either of those platforms.
I clicked on the facebook share button on a post that wasn’t mine and it asked me to log in to my (non-existent) facebook account, so perhaps it is possible.
@mod1 If this is a feature, I object strenuously. I am ignorant in the ways of facebook and twitter so hopefully it isn’t an actual conduit to post other people’s words on those platforms.
How is this any different than someone copying the link at the top of the page, or the link available that points to a specific post, and pasting it on their Facebook?
This board is public. I don’t see why, exactly, anyone would want to share something here to fb or twitter, but having a button to do exactly that just makes it a little easier, it’s not introducing anything new.
I have no idea, as I said, I am ignorant in the ways of Facebook.
If people feel the need to take other people’s posts from this forum and put them on facebook I suppose I can’t stop them. However, if I wanted to be on facebook I would be there. I don’t,and it’s too bad that it is being made easy for people to take other peoples posts there.
Sending a link to a thread seems different to me than sending a post out of context.
Quoting is now working
Perhaps this will ease your concern.
On the top, I copied and pasted a link to this thread to my Facebook page.
On the bottom, I used the share button.
You can see that they display on Facebook the same way. Anyone who wants to see what it’s about from Facebook has to click through to the forum in either circumstance, and even though I shared from my post in both instances, the preview shows the first few words from the first post on the thread.
[ATTACH=JSON]{“alt”:“Click image for larger version Name: 20200607_082824.jpg Views: 0 Size: 10.0 KB ID: 10665690”,“data-align”:“none”,“data-attachmentid”:“10665690”,“data-size”:“full”}[/ATTACH]
COTH is a public forum. Anyone can see the threads and posts, even without being logged in. Sharing a link to FB is exactly the same as someone copying the link and pasting it to FB, and is exactly the same as COTH coming up in an internet search (which happens way more than you might imagine!) and someone clicking through.
Clicking the Share to FB button is sharing the entire thread, no matter which post you click Share from. That gives context
Warning, edit function glitchy again!
Second post zapped and sent to Unapproved when trying to edit.
This happened to me too, just now. Post posted fine, went in to edit a typing error and when I went to save the changes it said it was unapproved.
I was going to post the same thing, thank you for bringing this up.
Out of curiosity, for those getting Unapproved when posting with links,
When you post the link do you just paste it into the text box or do you use the ‘link’ button to post the URL?
Have you highlighted text to link to the URL or just post the URL?
I just successfully posted on two different threads with URLs to Paulick Report articles (which I believe has caused Unapproveds in the past). I had highlighted text and used the Link button to have the text link to the article.
Didn’t have a link in my Unapproved post at all, not before or after editing.
Has only done it three times now, two of those edited fine two times, caught on the third edit.
Not something that happens but here and there, inconsistent glitch, so hard to figure.
Also have noticed from the start red highlighted original poster was missing.
To see who the one starting a thread was is useful to navigate thru threads.
I am hoping the behavior of marking (unbolding) a forum when all topics have been read and Channel Marked As Read returns
Where is the option to look at latest posts as opposed to latest topics? I post and it used to send the post to the top of the list. There is something maybe similar but does not work similarly. Seems to be missing mow.