Sidebar, Your Honor

Indeed. You’d have to get rid of that and pretend it doesn’t exist. Say it was broken or power out, etc.


Apparently there is no video from the surveillance camera. Since it was recording to the cloud, if it were recording at the time of the shooting, wouldn’t there be evidence of a deleted digital file if such a file existed and was later deleted?

Aside from the two eye witnesses, there is an “ear witness” who was on the phone with LK when she was shot. While not as good as video, the person on the other end of the phone conversation can testify to whether he heard
Scenario 1: just talking then suddenly the sound of gun shots
Scenario 2: sounds of a scuffle and struggle interrupted by gunshots.

I think testimony from the ear witness will indicate whether the gun was fired in the course of a physical struggle or was fired during the course of a conversation. Not as good as video, but probably important in the trial.

Thank you- I’m sure I’m not the only person who would appreciate it! “” The story so far…"
On reflection, it’s really not good that this whole sad situation should have such entertainment value on COTH.


Well, it is rapidly going down in a hand basket. If I don’t get it up before that, I’ll be happy to PM it to anyone who wants it.

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Hypothetical: what if one party was on the phone and ANOTHER party engaged in an altercation with MB at that very same time? Would the audio show that?


Somebody waitng in the wings or the neener-neener I got oyou beat?

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The players:
LK - Lauren Kanarek
JK - Johnathan Kanarek
RG - Robert Goodwin
MB - Michael Barisone
MHG/MH - Mary Haskins Gray
RC - Ruth Cox
SGF - Sweet Grass Farms (the LLC that owned the farm)
BI & FM - building inspectors and fire marshal

COTH statements
MB’s civil lawsuits against LK and the police
FB and twitter screenshots
RC’s warrant/charges

Basic Timeline:

-LK’s claim: things were great until 6-7 days before the incident. MB took her to Gladstone and everything was all great.
-MB’s Claim (civil cases): There had been disturbing behavior for months and he had asked her to leave and she refused.
-At some point MB, MHG, and the rest of the staff had moved into the barn.
-LK had already started secretly recording MB as early as the Gladstone show. Two working students quit and that seems to be related to what started all of this.

July 31 - August 2nd

We have several 911 calls from MB about various threats and events. (In no particular order)

  • LK being in the barn after hours (that MB and the others were now living in) and being loud and threatening (7/31)
  • An SUV that showed up in the driveway in the middle of the night and that LK had overheard a hit being ordered and she was afraid (that was made at in the afternoon when it “came back”)
  • MB called about more threats and reported that RG had threatened a minor on the farm which the police are alleged to have ignored. (8/1)
  • August 1st 911 call resulted in a call to the prosecutors office
  • Police reports for MB’s 911 calls dated 8/1, 8/2

August 3rd

-RC has arrived at the farm….apparently bringing a gun. There were claims that she was sleeping on a mattress in front of her horse’s stall (that she co-owned with MHG).
-Another 911 call. MB’s claim is that LK was threatening: including attempting to determine the whereabouts of MHG’s children, threatened to hurt MHG/RC’s horse (including a possibility of arson), and was attempting to enter their living spaces in the barn (the club room)
-MB told responding police that he wanted to speak to a supervisor.
-Police report dated 8/8 (the day after the shooting) in which says RG told responding police that they were recording the conversations in the barn.

  • Responding officers again contacted prosecutors office - but did not mention the recordings

August 4th

-Another 911 call about being threatened in the barn and LK’s refusal to sign some paperwork.
-Another request to the responding officer to speak to a supervisor.
-Police report dated 8/4

August 5th

  • Another 911 call in the morning.
  • MB claims to have gone to the police station to speak to a supervisor and make a report and was turned away. (Late afternoon)
  • MB claims to have told police officers that LK was threatening them and had weapons, had been served a vacate notice that day, they were in fear and LK/RG would hurt them.
  • RC’s warrant lists this date as the incident date on her charges
  • No listed police report

August 6th (midday)

  • BI and FM came to the farm (LK made a report to them about RG’s un-permitted renovations that were part of an agreement JK negotiated)
  • BI says LK/RG would not qualify as tenants
  • RG was present and threatened MB to “get ready”
  • orders issued to a vacate the various living spaces on the farm immediately and would return to enforce

August 6th (evening)

  • BI, FM, and police arrived to enforce eviction
  • BI asked to use the police to evict LK/RG because he was in fear of them
  • BI & police sought entry to the residence and RC took them to make entry (2nd floor apartment) in which the dog bit RC.
  • Police report dated 8/11

August 7th (shooting)

  • Claims of CPS on the farm at the time of the shooting

Miscellaneous claims:

  • LK reported MB to SS, USEF, and the FEI and CPS (unconfirmed)
    -LK threatened (7) residents of the barn including MB, MHG, MHG’s children, working student and RC
    -SGF sued RG/LK/MB dressage to evict them from the property - dismissed because she left
    -LK sued SGF/MB/RC for damages for the shooting - stayed until after criminal trial

LEO testimony
-There is some pretty disturbing testimony from some of the officers, one being the first responding officer on the scene, so we do have some independent references to events that are not from LK or MB.

And there is a whole lot of conflicting statements about what happened from the posters who claim to be directly involved in the case, on just about every topic covered above.

Evidence can follow if anyone wants that as well……


CPS - child protective services
SS - Safe Sport

which LK may or may not have contacted, or contacted one and the other was a natural conclusion.


Possible, but I highly suspect an “ear witness” won’t have enough context to really illuminate what went on….just because two people are talking doesn’t mean other nonverbal things were not also going on……also, I question the quality of the sound if LK was 4ft away from MB and outside….


I 100% agree and GREAT job on your timeline of events!!


Did anyone ever find a transcript of the testimony from the first officer on the scene? Or any of the others?

Super impressive summary! Well done.


It’s so funny how differently people can see the same thing; I saw the timeline and I was horrified at the creepiness of it all. That someone who has nothing to do with the shooter or the victim would save two years worth of spotty information from a horse internet forum and then volunteer to spend their time to summarize it for a newby on the umpteenth thread started to undermine the shooting victim — WOW. Talk about crazy!!!


We’d probably have to FOIA it…30 - 60 days….if they’d even release it until the trial was complete.


Not creepy….as stated earlier it’s been rehashed every thread…some of us just actually pay attention to what is being said. Also, a handy dandy civil case or two has been filed since then.


Oh look who caught their second wind.

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Don’t kid yourself - it’s creepy.

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Thanks for the summary! I’ve been following this from the start, but had pretty much forgotten about it until LK started to revive locked threads after the platform change earlier this year. The civil suit against the police filled in some gaps. It’s good to have all the known facts on the same page.


Your welcome.


Agree. Creepy.

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If someone had an account on COTH, but then created an alter, the IP would match, right?
But if they had a second or third residence or location to log in from… The IP would be different, and not identified as a second/third account by COTH, correct?