This list was not accurate for it’s name. The prices were all lower than what most of the purebreeds they listed go for and there are breeds way more expensive than the ones they listed. They did clarify the Doodle Doodle wasn’t a breed. I don’t know if I can find it again, but I am sure there are more accurate lists. I was just rolling my eyes that there are DD’s.
Yeah, it’s a silly idea - you can find a dog of my breed for $5K, but it’s likely going to be a trained hunting dog for a breeding program. The typical well-bred puppy goes for $1500-$2K but you can definitely find them for less as well. So…if they were listed as costing $5K it would be entirely misleading.
My favorite so far has been a Bluetick coondoodle. They were all black
I do not understand the doodle craze at all…
Oh, good lord, so worse case scenario is that you have the intelligence of a poodle and the independence/stubbornness of a coonhound … which equals an escape artist who can to put it’s nose to the ground & run 50 miles while ignoring you running/calling after it
Pretty much! I was shocked!! LOL!!! I am a coonhound lover but see no need to think of crossing one with a poodle. Plus, advertising it as a bluetick mix when it is all black.
This has been an interesting thread. The sad thing is there are two breeds that are mistaken for “Doodles,” the Irish Water Spaniel (IWS) and Curly Coated Retriever (CCR). I have owned CCRs for over 25 years and they are fabulous dogs. Breeders are quite choosy about who they sell to and you would rarely, rarely find one at a rescue. The breeders are very protective and breeding stock goes through rigorous testing.
The IWS is becoming an endangered breed. Last year, I visited with a woman who has bred them for the last 30+ years. She is now 95, feeble, and has bred her last litter. She is trying to find someone to continue her legacy. It’s so sad this wonderful breed is in danger of fading out and being replaced by designer Doddles that often come from backyard breeders. Some of the Doodles cost more than a purebred IWS or CCR.
Same as the PyreDoodles which are becoming much more popular now. An even smarter, independent dog that’s gonna take off for the hills after it destroys the furniture
Someone way up here in northern MT has a Pyredoodle; she has a thin wiry coat and not so much of the Pyrenees floof yet they want her to be outside all year long protecting the place. Several times over the winter the local FB page found her wandering and expressed concern for her being cold… the owners insist that she’s built for the weather b/c Pyre but that poor dog is clearly cold when we have a lot of snow or sub-zero temps.
I forgot how danged adorable those Irish Water Spaniels are. I would much rather have one of those than a Poodle-Doodle of any ilk.
They are such fun dogs! So beautiful, too.
But Poodles don’t have a double coat! So you won’t necessarily get one by cross-breeding. You might get exactly what you described, a single-poodle coat that wouldn’t be quite correct for a Poodle, but definitely NOT a Pyr, which should be:
The weather resistant double coat consists of a long, flat, thick, outer coat of coarse hair, straight or slightly undulating, and lying over a dense, fine, woolly undercoat.
They are bred for that trait for a reason. Argh, that makes me so mad. That poor dog.
Exactly, my heart sank when I first saw a picture of her “whose dog is this” (ugh another pet peeve) and realized what her breeding was, she looks exactly as you’d imagine a GP with no undercoat in January.
This morning on the news they announced that this year’s “Cadbury Bunny” winner is a golden doodle. She will be appearing in those very-popular ads wearing bunny ears, and the last few people in the country who haven’t bought one will be going shopping online shortly!
To be fair, she’s a super-cute therapy dog, but this is Doodle PR on a massive scale.
And don’t forget Portuguese water dogs. I’m sure even Chesapeake’s get mistaken for doodles sometimes.
I know a guy who has wire-haired Vizlas who are constantly being mistaken for Doodles!
He hates it; hunts with his dogs and does other sports with them, but I don’t think he’s ever encountered anyone who correctly identified the breed
Ugh. (Sorry about the repeated sighs and Ughs, but seriously…?)
Oh geeze head desk
A good friend of mine has a Vizsla (smooth coat), she’s a lovely dog. My next dog will be a GSP since I do a lot of skijoring, but if I was just looking for a dog to hunt over a Vizsla would be on my list.
But how the heck are people confusing wire haired breeds for doodles?!
Because most people are pretty “uninformed” (ignorant, cough cough) about dog breeds - unless they are common and easily identifiable.
A handful of random folks I encounter recognize my dogs as Whippets - well maybe more now that Bourbon has done so well at the televised shows , but they assume that they are 1) rescues, and/or 2) Greyhounds.
I didn’t know Viszlas came in wire-haired, how cool! I wouldn’t have assumed one was a doodle had I seen it, but I doubt I would have guessed correctly either.
My PWD is regularly mistaken for a doodle even when she’s in a lion clip! My favorite: “do you know what kind of doodle she is?” To be fair though, we have a big doodle breeder not far away, and very few PWDs. The mix that had me most appalled was wheaten - poodle. Yup: a woodle. Or maybe whoodle. As you can imagine, it runs the house when it’s not running off to do its own thing…
Yeah, I posted a while back that a lady at the dog park asked me if my purebred, AKC-champion, BoB winning Welsh Terrier was a Schnauzer-Doodle. I am proud of the fact that I was able to restrain myself from smirking at her and instead gave her a mini-lesson on the history of Welsh Terriers.