I think a lot of reputable breeders recognize that there are health issues in various breeding lines, and try to eliminate them.
I don’t think enough of them do it as openly as they should. I know of several breeders in my breed that have had significant congenital/hereditary issues and have made them known and publicly discussed them. But I know of others who have made decisions to stop breeding a dog/bitch or line for specific reasons, but chose not to publicize why.
I think both examples were open to criticism, so it’s sort of damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Social media has been a blessing and a curse. As a breeder I know often says “we eat our own.” 
My older stud dog’s dam went blind at 12 with SARDs. We made that publicly known, but continued to allow him to be used for breeding after discussions with the specialty ophthalmologist. She did not feel that it made any sense to remove him from a breeding program, as it has not been documented that SARDs has a direct hereditary profile. In her words - “we would prefer that it did - because then it would be so much easier to eliminate.”
A breeding that was scheduled was cancelled because of this. Which is too bad, but that’s definitely a personal call. There has been no other occurrence of SARDs anywhere in the line - in any direction.
But, people still talk.