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So I take it we aren’t allowed to talk about Helglstrand video here?



There are three previous threads about this. None are censored.


Maybe all the threads about this could be consolidated into one. Is that something that’s done in this forum?



I was wrong. There are five threads.


Holy &#*! Those clips from in the arena are horrific.


your first sentence made me laugh! And yes, I agree.

And it is violence. Isn’t it something horses mostly don’t scream? They take abuse mostly in complete silence.


… for horses must bear their pain in silence." -
Anna Sewell, Black Beauty


Hoo boy, this is the kind of thread where you hardly dare to look at what’s being highlighted.

That line from Black Beauty has also been with me all my life.


That line has guided how I deal with horses since a kid.


I couldn’t agree more. The words, the images drawn by the words, set deep into our young souls!


Apparently you’re allowed to talk about it but not show what you’re talking about. I’m seeing links that purport to be to videos but are only to more talk, much of it in Danish. All I see are horrified hints about something horrible going on but none of you are posting actual footage. Thanks for protecting our little eyes, but quit titillating if you can’t show proof of your hints.

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By your reactions I’m going to wimp out and not look. I won’t be able to unsee what I saw.


I saw it posted in another thread.

Do you know I couldn’t even read that book. It was that painful to read them describe their sad, tortured lives.


What a disgusting way to phrase that. I hope it’s just because you don’t know what titillating means.


Oy. Someone with the initials AH needs a lesson in damage control public relations. What a shit show. Having the balls to meet the PR nightmare ahead of screening and tossing a few employees under the bus while hastily cleaning up the business’s act would have probably been a better method than floating down the river De Nial on a leaky unicorn floaty.

Either way, I hope the act does get cleaned up for the sake of the horses but don’t give a crap whether the business survives or not.


The article I shared above has both pictures and video clips. The documentary itself is behind a Danish paywall so we can only wait until people share stuff


Still capable of opening your eyes and not seeing what’s right in front of your face? There’s a surprise :rofl:
And you find the prospect of seeing horse abuse juicy? Wow, low even for you.


Danish Equestrian Federation press release:

Andreas Helgstrand excluded from the national team and national team activities

Based on TV 2 and Operation X’s recent two TV broadcasts; The Secrets of the Horse Billionaire, the Danish Equestrian Federation (also known as “DRF”) have decided to exclude Andreas Helgstrand from the national team and all national team activities for the time being.

The board of the DRF dealt with the matter at a board meeting on Wednesday the 22nd of November at 5 pm, after watching the broadcasts via the streaming service TV 2 Play. The board of DRF strongly distances itself from the unacceptable methods of riding, training, and treating horses the broadcasts
clearly show. Therefore, it is now clear, that Andreas Helgstrand, based on the broadcasts, can no longer represent the Danish equestrian federation as a national team rider. As a national team rider, you are, among other things, obliged, according to the sports plan, to comply with our Code of Conduct, guidelines
for ethically correct use of horses for equestrian sports as well as act as good role models.

A strong appeal for the participating riders

The riders participating in TV 2’s recordings are, as you know, blurred. The board of DRF therefore strongly encourages the riders in the recordings, to bring themselves before the disciplinary committee. DRF will initiate measures with the purpose of identifying the riders and reporting them to the disciplinary
committee, should this request not be met.

All collaboration with Helgstrand Event ceases
Helgstrand Event is a part of the Helgstrand Group. The unacceptable culture and approach to training and treatment of the horses, which the broadcasts clearly show, is not compatible with the fundamental values and principles of horse welfare. This means that the board of DRF Wednesday evening even decided to let all collaboration with Helgstrand Event end. This includes national higher level competitions as well as national and international championships for the time being.

In 2024, this concerns the Danish championships for the senior-, under 25- and para dressage-riders in May, as well as the Nordic Baltic Championships in dressage, showjumping, para dressage and vaulting in June. Helgstrand Event also made an agreement with the international equestrian federation (FEI) to host an EEF Nations Cup in showjumping in May. DRF will ask the FEI to reassess the agreement based on the two

What will the US do now, given AH is such a big part of US dressage?