I didn’t either! Holy cow I am sooo glad I started this thread and so many knowledgable people chimed in about that!
Reminded me of after I had my son in a way. I puked so bad with him, all day, all 9 months, after I had him I still puked. This time it was because I was so hungry and wanted to eat all the time, but my stomach was so small I was puking everything I was trying to eat back up. My OB told my mom, because I was 16 at the time, that they somewhat jokingly call it “accidental bulemia”. I would have to re-enlarge my stomach’s capacity with little meals and slowly increase how much I ate or I would be sick again.
Not exactly the same of course since horses don’t throw up like we can to expel stuff, but the whole small stomach and body turning on you idea of it kinda matches in a way.