That's a twist

I forgot… you refuse to answer the door in order to avoid being served the multitude of orders against you. Doesn’t mean the paperwork was never filed. Just means delivery wasn’t successful.
You’re one hell of a piece of work.


Hmmm… BunnyHugger? Where oh where have I heard that term before? 🤔 Unless you’re a mother who calls her daughter “Bunny,” … it must be a reference to actually hugging bunnies. Random thought.

You are aware there were attorneys on each side, right? And, given the fact the owners had seen us several times while we were there, (after the entire barn vacated) I’d say they had every opportunity to serve us- wouldn’t you?

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I don’t believe it’s the owners who do the serving.
But I just don’t get it… if you knew they wanted you out, why didn’t you just leave? Why did you think it was ok to keep staying there? That’s just plain wrong. What if it was you wanting a freeloader gone??


You are the liar! You DID NOT have 5 horses at the farm, your 5th horse WAS NOT ALLOWED ON THE PROPERTY despite your screaming fits about it!!! The fourth horse wasn’t even brought to the property until AFTER you started your crying about being bullied on FB, even though she was not welcome to come.
Take your “gentle suggestion” and shove it! I do not lie, Lauren, unlike you.


I assume this was some kind of attempt to insult? Hahahahahaha!


I expect she moved off the property once there was an actual lawsuit against her by the LLC that owned the farm.


I can say this- it will be a CRITICAL piece to this case. Absolutely critical. Maybe, the most critical piece to the entire case.
Next- I was on the porch all morning. I saw no vehicles pull in the driveway. Doesn’t mean I couldn’t have dozed off and missed it. But I saw nothing. I do find it odd that IF CPS really came that day - (or, any day) they wouldn’t have stopped at the house first- How would CPS magically know that if they passed the house- followed the “yellow brick road,” they’d find exactly the people they were looking for, without even inquiring with a person sitting on the porch of the house “is this where I/we can find so & so.” You cant get to the barn without passing the house. That has never made sense to me. All I can say.

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Thank you, @MHM


CPS knew where to go because you told them where to go. Just like you knew when they pulled in the driveway, or when anyone pulled in the driveway because you had a camera that monitored it and alerted you on the few occasions when you weren’t watching it yourself.


We know what his plan was. You will too, if it’s all admitted into evidence. If it’s not, you’ll hear it anyway, on the news & through SM platforms.

This had nothing to do with “drama.”

I was in the ICU for 4 weeks. My own horses weren’t moved until the last day of August or early September. I honestly don’t remember. They were moved by the time I was released from the hospital. The last time Rob saw the horses- there were definitely other horses still there. So, they obviously couldn’t be moved as quickly as one might surmise - ESPECIALLY if they’re claiming they were SO afraid of us.

@tryingtogetthere blatantly stated “they didn’t move bc they didn’t want to.” Guess they weren’t REALLY as fearful for their lives as MH so falsely claimed. They had a whole empty barn to go to! If they feared for their lives, why stay? Keep your facts in order.

Funny, you refuse to answer repeated questions as to why you remained there when so fearful of the bullies.


He only has ever had ONE home. A condo in Wellington. He was super pissed off though, when MB gave US his temporary apartment in the house- when MB & MH took over the entire house in May sometime- kicking out every working student from the basement - so that MH could remodel the house for her kids and parents. Everyone on the staff was squeezed into the top of the barn. We were given JH’s apartment as he was staff & we were paying clients. Know what that’s called? Motive.

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No, I haven’t. It’s been answered repeatedly. It will not be answered again.

I meant an answer that made sense and didn’t contradict other evidence (i.e. screenshots on SM offering help moving/relocating your horses)


I said Michael’s horses were there, I did not say anything about any other horses owned by others that stayed. Most people would not flee their home and business because of an insane person, nor should they have to.


Thanks for answering this.

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The lawsuit was filed on Dec 6. OURS was filed way before that. We were long, long gone by Dec 6. Interesting though that Sweetgrass LLC is suing MB as well! We expected a counter suit against us. That’s a common practice. The suit against MB should tell you all you need to know!

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What are you talking about now? The missing barn cat had a motive? For what, exactly?


Are you talking about JH? I don’t know who this is.