That's a twist

I would like it if my cat could afford a condo in Wellington!


No. My earlier comment was about the missing barn cat. It seems to have been quoted for some completely different purpose. :rolleyes:


It must be a BNBC …


I have your quote screenshot. As far as the cameras you mentioned- EXACTLY! But, more importantly, don’t you think CPS will be questioned? Like, seriously. Don’t you think (if they were REALLY there & as I said, I, myself saw no one pull in) they will be contacted and asked exactly “where you there? If so, what time did you arrive?” Or… did you think this whole trial is a joke?
The “insane,” person is in jail. Others may join him. They never had to “flee,” their home. The threats that were made were made to US. Beyond that, you just assume we know more than you do & you CLEARLY have absolutely no clue.

PS- thanks for providing us that info about the “video,” MH & JH begged DH/Wackowitch to make but suddenly changed their minds. Your comment just might make her witness now! Then, there will be no denying they begged the biggest bully in Dressage history to obstruct justice & hide allegedly “pertinent facts,” from law enforcement & to continue to bully me further. Also, calling SW “gracious,” was hilarious on your part.

If you know we had cameras, then you know you are purposefully spreading lies- Lies which likely will come back to bite you. I’ll say this one last time- you were not there. You do not know what happened. Nor, what evidence we have. But… I’m betting you wish you did.


Huh ?? I have no idea what you’re talking abut. I was referring to JH. As I thought you were. I didn’t realize cats had mortgages & “second homes,” to winter in. eyeroll

Lol. What happens when someone has a guilty conscience and responds without reading the post!


I have not heard of JH until now. Is he involved in this, too?


Delusional?? Wow!


I am late to this thread. Why was Barisone trying to evict this woman?

Incase I misunderstood- very possible- I thought you were referring to the assistant trainer- JH. I don’t know the rules about naming names on here - so, initials are the best I can do. Apologies.

You know damn well that CPS was there, as do I.
I certainly don’t think any of this is a joke. Many lives were negatively affected when you came into the picture!
I think you are way off base about MH and JH contacting DH, but hey, you know everything, so whatever.
Do tell, what lies am I spreading? As I said earlier, I do not lie, but we all know you sure do!


Riiiight. Or when it’s 1am & you just don’t GAF if you misread a comment made by someone you do not GAF about…

I still stand by what I said, when I thought you were talking about a person- not a cat. Same goes for the rest of the staff. (Mostly.) Everyone who we have recorded, in short.

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I did actually listen to the calls and he does actually refer to you as squatters.…-call-august-1



OK, maybe it’s best that I don’t ask anymore questions about him.

Goodnite all! I have a horse or 2 to ride in the morning!

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oh really? Interesting theory. I came into the picture almost 2 years ago. If so many lives were “negatively affected,” why would MB … (blanks will be filled in at trial.) READ THAT AGAIN.
I can see how ONE life would’ve been negatively affected. The only person waiting patiently for the WIFE she spent 4 yrs BEGGING MB to divorce- finally moved out of her house- (where MB & VK lived together once) ALMOST giving said woman the thing she really wanted most- the house. Instead, the floor where MB’s wife vacated- was given to me. That must’ve put a damper in that ONE woman’s plans. We had no idea of this, of course.

Until we did.

No one’s and I do mean NO ONE’s life - except for hers- (which DEFINITELY caused hell for MB) was ruined or negatively affected by us. Your quote here has been screenshot. Thanks for giving me everything they plan to claim … Not that we didn’t know already.

So- now that we’ve established that- whose “lives were negatively affected,” as soon as I was “in the picture?” This oughta be enlightening!

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Wow. Delusional much?


He also sounds quite unhinged IMO, it’s scary to hear the progression of the calls


I answered that on page 5 or 6. Or, you can read this page and get a prettttty good idea why one would want her off your property. She’s obviously cray cray.


Why, Lauren were you at all involved with someone elses’ wives and girlfriends? None of your or our business. You are whacked and probably manic. I can’t imagine the nightmare of having you on the property. Please toddle off; you need to stop now.


Agreed. I’d like to see what the police reports say.