That's a twist

Well, interesting to know. I just cannot imagine what this “plan” was.

Yes, if they feared for their lives they should have moved. Just like if anyone is being threatened or has an uneasy feeling, they should have moved. Now, if someone is feeling threatened on their own properly, they shouldn’t move, the “threat” should be moved. If a group is feeling threatened, again, the group doesn’t move, the threat does. Unless the threat refuses to move…

But I just cannot understand why there are so many conflicting reports. What do others have to gain by telling lies?

In respect to previous posts of a schoolmaster, a schoolmaster does not mean it can be ridden by anyone. This has come up on this very discussion board before. People have gotten in a schoolmaster and found the ride to be quite difficult… In that they couldn’t find or press the buttons, so to speak, in the right way. I view a schoolmaster had a horse that has mastered upper level movements. That’s it. Now if you prefix schoolmaster with easy, amicable, beginner safe, that’s different. Totally my interpretation though. But a somewhat interesting point, nonetheless.


Ok, after reading over posts from last night, the level of armchair lawyer-ing and delusion has really peaked! I think any hope of non hostile/rational and/or truthful conversation is gone. Sadly. I really want to give people the benefit of the doubt, especially those who have experienced such trauma, but it is becoming increasing my difficult at times. Especially a post about a cat being turned into the possible “motive” of JH (I don’t know who that is). Clear as mud.

The thing is, the hostility and insults to people asking questions is not a good look at all. It does, however, help confirm a certain construction and/or type of character. Again, why it’d be better to remain quiet…but people are free to do as they wish I suppose.

Just my opinion as a mere peasant.


Justin Hardin (JH) is/was the assistant trainer at Michael Barisone Dressage is what I have gathered.

I would also like a cat with a condo in Wellington. Wellington, NZ preferably.


Ah, okay. I wasn’t sure if this person was a trainer, manager, working student, cat, etc.

My cats are freeloaders. Sadly they have no condos…that I know of!


Just imagine, for a moment, moving into someone’s property and progressively driving them, their family and associates so crazy with your behaviour that you eventually get shot - and then thinking you’re the winner in the situation.


imagine doing it to your in-laws to the point they seek and are granted a restraining order. One they kept in force for some time after you were divorced from their son.


They can’t force SW to be a witness…silly. She is CANADIAN. She can run DH offshore and US laws can’t touch that.

Add that to your facts. You gotta read more than cherry-pick language from daddy’s law books or watch better TV.

Too funny.


You just have to come out on top, don’t you. You can’t help but fire back and smack someone down.


I don’t know who “plans to claim” anything.
But it sure as hell does not take a rocket scientist to see your craziness and know that it would negatively affect everyone around you!


Forgive me if I’m mixing things up. It’s been hard to keep up between the various accounts across different threads that have been closed and reopened, but…

Wasn’t there a threatening dog mentioned at one point in the original thread that may have been involved in the shooting incident?

I also question the kind of personality that states they were relaxing and reading a book on their front porch all day when the days leading up to the incident were filled with numerous calls and visits from police, shouting matches, feeling threatened or fearing for one’s life, surveillance and secret recordings… Maybe it’s just me, but seems hardly the relaxing, unwind type of atmosphere to prop up and read a book in.


Yes. One particularly ill-mannered dog that has to be kept on a line. Kanarek mentioned that dog earlier in the thread attacking MB, RG and at one time I think someone said it attacked a responding officer. The dog is lucky it wasn’t shot and honestly, if it had been my business, the dog wouldn’t have been permitted at all. Too dangerous and a serious liability.


But she considers herself an elite rider. The holier-than-thou attitude gives it away.


Too bad it wasn’t Wellington season when you were asked to leave the property the first time.
A lot of this could have been avoided (to say the least).


Lauren, you certainly can answer people in any manner you wish on this thread. Just as anyone can question what happened and your recollection of it.

Before you get too righteous about how nothing has changed in your recollection throughout this whole experience - you have stated recently there was nowhere for you to go - on your own facebook prior to the shooting there were multiple offers from people to take your horses in and help you move them.

You have talked quite a bit about your extensive resources. Any reasonable person with extensive resources would have moved themselves and their horses rather than continuing to antagonize the situation. Did you really think that calling CPS, submitting a SafeSport report, maybe calling INS (I have no idea if that actually happened or if that was just a rumor) was going to make your training relationship better? You had to realize that if the relationship was not salvageable, that MB was not going to be leaving his own farm? He was, at least on paper, a partial owner. He’s been at the farm for many years before you became a client. An intelligent, reasonable person would recognize that they were not holding enough cards to succeed in whatever the long term goal was.

As part of the timeline of the day you were shot that you gave us upthread, you’d been peacefully reading on your porch all morning and afternoon. I guess were it me in such a untenable situation, I would be a)too tense from the whole thing to sit and read all morning and b) would be spending those valuable hours finding a location for my horses where we were all safe. But that’s just me.

You may not intend to come off antagonistic and aggressive in your actions, social media presence and online presence, but… you do.


Wow. I didn’t follow the first thread on this closely… but just read through this one.


The only thing I can say on this situation that I am pretty sure applies no matter which side of this folks are inclined to sympathize with is that when dealing with a true clinical narcissist (as in narcissistic personality disorder)… walking away, and going no contact is almost always the best decision.



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Stay tuned. You will learn why that didn’t & couldn’t happen. Nothing is what it seems. People who truly want someone out of their barn, don’t play middle school games about it. That’s all I can say- for now.

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A couple thoughts:

  1. When Stormy was blasted for not moving her horses (after her coach’s actions killed/injured them), people rose to defend her. Why is this case different? Hearing death threats against yourself is probably surreal and not something she likely thought actually going to happen.
  2. The call to CPS: why is this assumed to be evidence of LK’s crazy and not genuine? The kid was living with someone who shot someone as a solution…isn’t it possible he wasn’t a great father figure?
  3. People question why she didn’t leave and speculate all sorts of reasons mostly blaming mental health, but LK did allude to being defrauded by MB. is it possible she was trying to sort of get her money back from him one way or the other (through board/rent)? It is possible she wasn’t paying because he had already taken money from her in a different way.

I would wonder if MB started this by defrauding LK (possibly through misrepresenting a horse she bought through him) and LK was looking for resolution. Not really a stretch to think a pro would defraud a client -and we know how hard those cases are to resolve. Possible all this crazy started because LK wasn’t going to just walk away?

Possible that in her zeal to reveal his fraud, she uncovered something MB didn’t want to get out, and his shooting of her was a way to silence her. Possible that the reason she is being told not to reveal details isn’t her looking for drama in the court room, but rather because prosecutors are going to use withholding that information as a way to get MB to plead out (but don’t want to tell LK that).

Yes, I get that LK is not a likeable victim, but I doubt MB is either. I think the hate is because LK has had her riding success bought for her and because she doesn’t have a great filter…but that doesn’t excuse the attacks on her.


No offense, but I truly do not care what you feel I should or should not have been doing with my day. I also made 4 phone calls that day.
There are just some things you don’t know. Anything you claim to know- you were told by others who also don’t know.

One last thing- whatever you believe I may “sound like,” on my fb page- is, I guarantee- not going to be an adequate reason to be murdered. Good luck arguing that one.