That's a twist

What good would that do? He didn’t try to cover the crime. Silencing her for what when it was certain he would be jailed/in prison?

I believe it was a crime of passion. We will have to wait until the trial for the complete story.


We understand you were very seriously injured, but you weren’t in ICU for 4 weeks. As I recall you were discharged with a memory rock within 3 weeks.


To be clear, MB never ever asked us to leave. You’ll notice in the 911 calls … MB began by stating we were at the barn at 9pm. He claims we weren’t supposed to be at the barn past 9pm. (We specifically, WERE supposed to be there then.) He’s clearly fishing. Makes no mention of “people living in the house who weren’t supposed to be there.” Bc… he knew that was lie.
He could’ve had us evicted. Why didn’t he? Or, HE could’ve waited until Wellington season to part ways. We were obviously leaving before that & he knew that. His actions (prior to the shooting) are NOT consistent with the actions of a person who “just wanted us gone.” He will have plenty of time to explain those actions in court. He didn’t want us gone from the property- He wanted us DEAD. Unfortunately, this indisputable evidence can’t yet be shared.

I will say this- and it’s the last time I’m saying it- MB is a disturbed individual, terrified of being alone. The person WE know to be 100% responsible for bringing out a sick man’s worst instincts (by threatening to leave him & other things) isn’t in the “spotlight,” just yet. She will be. She didn’t pull the trigger… which is the ONLY reason why HER actions have not been made public. Yet.


Indeed he does. Imagine being without sleep for days while you have squatters on your property harassing you and wandering around the property late at night whispering at times and yelling below the windows at other times. Apparently LK napped on the porch all day while others did their jobs so she could stalk at night. But, I wasn’t there.


Please explain to us why MB’s personal relationship with either his wife or MH (or anyone else for that matter) is any of your business? How were their plans for their future any of your business? You come off as a character out of Fatal Attraction with your great involvement in MB’s personal affairs.

Fact: It was his property and you were asked to leave and you were provided transportation to move your horses. Yet you chose to stay and continue escalating the situation.

Fact: you called SS and made a false report about child abuse to them and SS called CPS because of your fake statement to them. Once you reported child abuse to them, they had no choice but to call authorities.

Fact: You post on your FB page that you’ve given plenty of sound and video recordings to a FB friend you’ve probably never met who hangs on your every post like a lovesick calf. You both laugh and joke about what’s on those recordings. (First of all, it’s insane to be carrying on conversations such as that publically rather than using PM’s.) Why have you given evidence to a completely innocent person? To involve them down the road in some sort of legal action? The giddy joy in the tone of your FB posts is very strange, to say the least.

So many people have been praying for your healing and ability to move on but you have become stuck in time, which can be understood. An option would be to buck up, heal, grow strong and prove all your naysayers wrong in a dressage court internationally. Instead of being so grateful for a second chance in life, your bitterness will be your downfall.

Happy Hanukah to you and your family.


Again, I don’t think people understand what the word “squatters” means.


Wow. If there is actually a trial, I hope the courthouse will be big enough for the huge COTH meet-up for the event.

What illegal act did she do? So who exactly is in jail and will be on trial? If you are eluding that someone pushed MB into shooting you, that sounds either like conspiracy OR more evidence of his mental state. Please continue posting. As others have said, the attorneys on both sides must be having fits of joy or anger about now at many of your posts.



can anyone make out what MB is saying in the first 30 seconds of this 911 call? Something about documents and livestock and legal right to do so…

By the same coin, he could have checked himself and his family into a hotel if he was so concerned about his safety. Obviously he shouldn’t have had to and it wouldn’t have been ideal but it would have been a hell of a lot better then spending the rest of his life in prison.

Just saying he could have also removed himself from the situation, and that’s probably what a mentally healthy person would have done


Would you go off and leave your own property and your own animals unattended if you really thought there was a risk to your/their safety?


You are in fear of harm to yourself, your property and others, and you have many, many tens of thousands of dollars of horses and equipment on the property, and YOU would leave? I sure wouldn’t leave my property but I would certainly some legal authority remove them. Why didn’t the police do more? Listening to the 911 calls posted above is quite disturbing.


Does anyone else feel (with all the “hints” LK is dropping) that we are getting teasers for the next blockbuster film?


This is the 2nd time you’ve said this. The first time you specifically said that he never referred to you as squatters in the 9-1-1 calls. He did in fact call you squatters twice in this call:

Maybe you’d like to revise your “fact” that he didn’t. Of course, we have no way of knowing if he’d called you squatters to your face or asked you to leave, but he did say you were squatting on the property to 9-1-1.

The whole shooting thing is insane. You don’t get to shoot someone if they are in fact squatting or purposely harassing you, which I can’t say if you were or not, but let’s go with the theory that this SHE we will find out about in the trial wanted you dead… did SHE also want him convicted? That makes no sense either.


Most barns have a “curfew” except in cases of veterinary emergency. Many do require boarders/clients to vacate the barn(s) by 8 or 9 PM, especially in the case of a private facility. If we are to believe MB’s version, they were making a point of violating that rule.

After having listened to all of the 911 calls regarding and leading up to the shooting, I’m left with the feeling that Mr. Barisone did feel threatened by LK. The whole “multiple personalities” deal she apparently posted on Facebook is wierd and frightening.

If it were my property, I’d want her out, too.

She’s had (having) plenty of time to present her side(s) of the events while MB stews in jail.

Does any of this fit the definition of “Gaslighting”?


I think either the prosecutor or defense needs to ask the judge to impose a gag order.


Based on her crazy-making behaviour on this thread, and certainly on her personal page, I have no doubt that LK pushed Barisone over the edge. I certainly would not leave my own property and horses if a couple were on my property bullying me and my family, squatting after I asked them to leave, and, yes, gaslighting. Those 911 calls by Barisone are heartbreaking. In the one above, it sounds to me like he’s trying to make service on his own eviction action, and get them to sign that they received papers, when they won’t. Its too bad he didn’t have a sherriff do it. I’ve seen people try to do it themselves, and its always better to have a sherriff do it. The harrassment LK and her boyfriend did to that family is frightening and so awful. He never should have resorted to a gun, but he sounds confused and desperate. I know my world would come to a screeching halt just having her on my property., much less having her call CPS after weeks of this kind of harrassment. What a nightmare of a human being. I’d forgotton how her ex in-laws had a restraining order on her too, after their son divorced her. What a nightmare of a human being.


I would vote for straight to video bin.


Its too bad he didn’t have a sherriff do it. I’ve seen people try to do it themselves, and its always better to have a sherriff do it.

Lauren is known not to answer doors, accept registered mail, etc. No one has to open the door simply because a sheriff or sheriff’s deputy is knocking. Lauren has made avoiding getting served her only career, apparently.


She made a report to SS about the kids, they are mandated reporters so they called CPS. Which begs the question, who are mandated reporters in New Jersey? In some states ANY adult who notes possible abuse are mandated reporters. So, if that is the case in NJ (I don’t know), didn’t Lauren fail her legal and moral duty to the kids?

I doubt Lauren [edit] come up with that gambit on her own. I bet she was coached by someone with legal training.

I do not believe she reported this to SS out of a genuine concern for the kids, but a way to harass Barisone still further.