That's a twist

Let’s hope. Fingers crossed for him.

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I know it was not about being able to move the horses. Lauren was the one that said that was the reason and used the “example” of MB’s horses not leaving right away, which is what I was responding too.
You are correct about it being about proving that she is right and “smarter” than everyone.
In her little group of friends, I wonder how many of them have actually met her in person, or spent any real time with her.


Gotcha. If and when this goes to trial, this will
be interesting. I do sincerely hope all sides get their stories out. Defense is definitely being smarter by staying mum about the whole issue.


Exactly this. She played a game of poke that bear… poke it harder… poke it til it’s miserable… poke it til there’s a bigger reaction. She got a reaction. I don’t think she sees how her own actions precipitated the escalation, and will probably continue this behavior until it ends badly. The cops were called what? 4 times by MB and once by LK BEFORE this happened? How many red flags do you need before you get out, or at least STOP messing with the angry bear? She’ll walk away from this thinking it IS a win because he’s going to prison. His reaction, which of course he is responsible for and should be punished for, has wrecked his life, his families lives, and could have ENDED hers and/or her boyfriend’s. Would you walk away feeling like a winner if one of you were permanently disabled or dead?

I had an altercation in a parking lot, a guy going ballistic over how I was parked in a pharmacy spot (which is where I was going but also needed one item on my way)… long story short, I had my nieces with me. I could have said a whole lot of things, but I had no idea what his level of crazy or propensity for violence was. I walked straight to the management office, requested an escort to the pharmacy and said nothing to the crazy person. It’s always better to back away from crazy and live another day than to try to “win.” You can’t beat crazy.


There are certainly some cases in which someone is shot completely out of the blue for no reason whatever, but I think it is far more common that there is obnoxious, stupid, crazy behavior on BOTH sides before things escalate to the point that someone gets shot. Either side should have walked away in disgust at some earlier point. You don’t even need to concede defeat. Just say, verbally or non verbally, “I can’t be bothered with dealing with clowns like you any further.”

I’m not clear on what Lauren did that was so awful (and don’t need to be enlightened) but pulling a firearm and shooting someone in the chest has to be worse.


@AnotherRound come back! I want to know… Is she still squatting on the property???

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No, she left, said she left, a few days ago. As per her facebook announcements.

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I’m not concerned about the ownership transfer. We already know we can transfer it at any time. My scores will still count. Or, are you under the false impression that all of the horses of Michaels being sold by Lauren Chumley (& each sale and transfer of the $$ being tracked carefully by authorities) will not allow their rider’s scores to count- because the original owner is a banned person? Also, I’m not sure what the point is exactly, of your mention that Jay-T is a “schoolmaster.” Just because he’s trained to GP- by MB doesn’t mean AT ALL that just anyone can ride him- which is usually the purpose of a true “schoolmaster.” You’re welcome to listen MB’s speech about JT on my IG page. Easy to find. I would LOVE to see you try & have a successful ride on this horse. The horse I’m riding in the video I’m referring to- is not JT. But the voice coaching me & giving this speech about JT- is, in fact MB’s.

Do you think I care what YOU think “USEF is generally involved with investigating?” USEF is the only governing body which matters. They can ban someone entirely. They can ban someone from a show grounds. And they are very involved in this case. For numerous reasons. You should probably call USEF if you believe they will share any info with you.


That’s a lot of nerve. I pity the new landlord and barn owner!


I was never “squatting,” on the property. Do you not think we have evidence - indisputable evidence - proving this claim by a fired defense attorney to be false?

Further, to the accusation of whoever you quoted, the empty barn is not part of the property we did legally have NJ law “tenants,” rights to had been living in. Therefore, unless the cats had come to the house, we would be trespassing in going to an empty barn to tend the left behind cats. We are no longer at the apartment, since it’s Wellington season now. There have never been eviction proceedings. If you actually listen to the 911 calls - the word “squatters,” is never mentioned. Seeing as though 911 was called 6 times, SIX- MB had every opportunity to refer us as “squatters.” Yet… he does not.


Nope, that’s not right at all.


Get your facts straight. Any post about leaving was written far longer ago than a matter of days. It’s too bad these other “critical thinkers,” have to rely on you to stalk my fb page & provide totally inaccurate information. Fox News is hiring! You should consider an application.


New landlord? The “landlord,” hasn’t changed. If the owners needed us out, the eviction process would have taken 30 days. And yet… no eviction filings or proceedings were ever so much as initiated.


Mkay. Anyone who owns & is selling a true “schoolmaster,” markets them in a way which is totally different than a difficult horse who happens to know the GP. But, please! I welcome you to come ride him! Let’s see how it goes for you!

Fyi- id been riding this horse for over a year before buying him. Unlike the true schoolmaster MB owned - Urbanus- (GP horse MB would put basically anyone on - just to learn P & P or sequence/tempi changes for the first time) JayT is not a horse MB would ever put an inexperienced rider on. In the one case that did happen- the girl was taken off him Asap. Despite her many requests to “ride him just once more,” - MB rightfully denied her to protect her safety.


Lala, are you allowed to address the Child Services issue? Is it true that you called Child Services on MB? Or that Child Services was on the property right before MB shot you? Did someone else call them if it was not you?


This contradicts other information I have read - from credible sources.


FIVE HORSES. Read that again. Five! I own 6. MB was responsible for FIVE. I’m well aware at least one working student’s horse was moved to her hometown. However, MICHAEL’s horses were NOT moved for many, many weeks. I very clearly said “nearly two months.” I have no idea when the 3 other boarders (not working students) moved their horses, nor do I care. Perhaps, had their trainer not tried to kill two people, they wouldn’t have had to move at all!

And yes… every aspect of this case will DEFINITELY come out at trial. You seem very invested in this… wonder why that could be. However, until you actually KNOW what EXACTLY went down, I’d gently suggest you lie somewhere else.

We don’t have an eye-roll emoji??


Well, I mean… you “read it.” Must be accurate! Way more accurate than the non paperwork never delivered to us!
Also, I’m confident the “reliable sources,” which you find “reliable,” will prove to be equal in reliability as MB has proven to be in his rationality. You know, the guy who picked up a gun and tried to murder two people? Yeah. That guy.


: rolleyes : without the spaces. :rolleyes: