That's a twist

Yet again you spew your lies! MB’s horses did not go to FL for a little while because they did not want to. ALL OF THE BOARDERS, TRAINING HORSES, AND WORKING STUDENTS’ HORSES WERE GONE WITHIN 48 HOURS!!! So don’t try pulling that crap that there was no possible way you could have moved your 4, READ THAT AGAIN!: 4 HORSES, not 5 not 6, 4 horses when you had NUMEROUS people on your own FB page offering to take your horses, which you turned down!


Is it too early for boxed wine? Asking for a friend…


Oh yeah, actually. I vaguely recall reports that the stable was empty shortly, as in days, after the shooting. So if that was really the case, why lie about it? 4 horses should be easier than 6. Especially when others are offering to take your horses. In a bad situation you go where you can, even just temporarily while you sort things out. The stable doesn’t have to be ideal or a perfect match, just away from the danger/drama/crap/whatever. When given notice that this is temporary and you pay accordingly, most stable owners should be willing if they have the space. I have a back yard low/no amenities stable available to me if needed. Not ideal or where I’d stable long term, but would do in a pinch. I understand that this is not possible everywhere (as in isolated locations).

”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹If MB was as unstable or unsavory of a person as LK claims, why wait around? She heard threats, but didn’t take them seriously? That’s why she stayed. On the surface… I don’t know, it sounds weak…to me, an outsider. Also, it doesn’t matter if the threat is empty or not, I don’t give my money to anyone that threatens me. I’d be out. Not paying for or being a part of that. But I swear some people need the element of drama.

Hostile and weird things happen at boarding stables - just read some threads around here. But fortunately, no one (that I can recall) has been stupid enough to attempt to end a dispute with a firearm.

I don’t know if it was premeditated… I mean, what was his plan if he killed LK. Like, where would he even go from there?


I have to admit I’m very confused about how an AMATEUR could have her career threatened. What career? She’s not even a bronze medalist, though her Facebook profile proclaims she is. What on earth is “half-bronzed” supposed to mean?


I’m not sure anyone knows what the truth is anymore.


Oh she’s not an elite rider. All of her horses were bought already “made” or have been/are being trained by actual professional riders.


That’s pretty obvious. And it’s totally okay to do that - buy made horses and pay people to train them. I’ve learned a lot from horses that other people trained up. Enough so that I can train my own.

What’s not okay is hawking achievements that you haven’t actually fulfilled. Even if said achievements are adult participation prizes.

It’s also not okay to condescendingly smack people down who are simply trying to get get some answers and make sense of what seems to be a dramatic and complex situation. There are people here who want to be sympathetic to a shooting victim, but when said victim comes out swinging at basic questions, it’s a bad look.


So wait - what career?

But what I can’t get over, she went back to the now empty property, her horses were gone, everyone was gone, and effing lived there for how many months? The property she wouldn’t leave when asked, and when MB started eviction proceedings to get her off of, and wouldn’t pay rent on, where she harrassed this guy until she broke his brain and shot her, she goes back and squats there until what last week. The brass balls. And didn’t feed the barn cats while she was there, either, apparently, a neighbor put on her personal page a photo of a barn cat that wasn’t being fed.

And what freaking carreer? She’s not a professional, wasn’t headed in that direction, and claims she was an ammy. Just doesn’t stop.


Just for the record, the barn cats were relocated, not abandoned. One could not be located, but it does not look like the one in the photo. He would wander off for weeks at a time, so he had a second home that he would go to, he never missed a meal.
Lauren has grand dreams of being a top rider, and trainer, but she does not have the discipline to make it. Nor does she (obviously) have the people skills to attract and keep clients, besides the whole riding thing.


Oh absolutely. If you can afford to buy a made horse or have an expensive trainer, there’s nothing wrong with that. But claiming to have achievements that can be easily verified as false is just absurd.


Aww. Now on top of everything else, I’m sad about the missing barn cat.


He is most likely at his second home.


I think it’s a perfect time for the cardboardeaux! Wait, do I need to own a horse or be at least “half bronzed” to partake of the COTH wine? I did h/j for nearly 30 years and got to sit on Abdullah in '89 or '90, does that count? lol.


The neighbor found the cat, and asked her if it was one “which came from the barn they closed up next door” and said he’d been feeding it. She said yes, and how much he loves treats. Then she says “I can’t believe they left the barn cats to fend for themselves. Yes I can, actually.” While she still squats on the property, not even checking on the barn cats, apparently. What a doll.



Wait… what?? She’s STILL on the property?


Oh, hey, I didn’t see this. Good thing they were relocated and taken care of. Thanks.

Nobody thinks she was on a track to be a professional


My guess is that 99.99% of people would show more respect and deference in a court proceeding than they do, on average, on an internet BB. So what is the point of this question?


His vacation home on the beach, most likely.


It’s not about not being able to move her horses. It’s not about escaping from a big bad bully. That would have been easy enough - ship the horses to NC (like her family did after she was shot) recover at her parents, and then go back to her house in NC - unless the house is a fiction. She seems to have found a trainer who would take her horses in SC, as well. Good for her.

This whole thing is about winning. Winning the fight with MB. Refusing to back down. Coming out on top. Making him see how wrong he was, and pushing back against every slight, true or perceived. You can see it in her posts on social media and here. Every single post is advanced to push people back and put them in there place - she’s right, their wrong, they don’t know anything, it’s her facts or the highway. Look how good her life is, how much of a victim she was - and now she is a triumphant winner. Seems to be a theme, based on what we’ve heard from @eggbutt, @haleybot, and girl_joey.


Anyone who doesn’t agree with her and immediately line up as a yes-man is snarled at. She even has a little coterie of of keyboard warriors who come to her aid. It’s all very middle-school.

 Her professional career is being an amateur rider, working her way up the levels. Plenty of professional amateurs out there.