That's a twist

I read your comment with absolute comprehension. Then, I answered you accordingly.

I didn’t miss your first question. I ignored it bc, it would seem to be common knowledge, directly after an indictment, no one knows who will testify during a trial for which there has yet to be an arraignment. To explain that more clearly, no one even knows what MB’s plea will be, or his defense.

Yes! Because this is SO much FUN! (Sarcasm thick.)
Again, I was asked the events. I gave them. I was a first child. I had plenty of attention. Cute story, though. I have media calling daily to do interviews, either printed or live shot. So far, I have agreed to none- except the NYT article. At my attorneys’ suggestion. There goes your theory about “needing attention.”

Any lawyer worth the retainer, provides solid instruction. Any client worth having, listens.

Please provide an example of “playing up the drama.” If your answer is, I’m here, answering questions, well, I suppose that would make every single person on this thread, guilty of “needing attention.”

I mentioned contract law, bc, it is a relevant piece to this case. More so, relevant to your ridiculous suggestion that everyone with horses should have back up plan. That is 100% NOT “horse ownership 101.” Especially, if you are at a large show barn with numerous long term agreements in place. Here’s a piece of news for you- MBs entire barn was forced to leave the property directly after the shooting. They could not vacate for two more months (or close to that) bc THEY had no back up plan. And THEY have a barn in Florida to use. Still, it took THEM almost 2 months just to vacate & move the horses to THEIR OWN premises in Fla. Again, another of your theories out the window!


No one has yet to post any “deviation,” from the story I’ve told on Coth’s other thread, my Facebook page or anywhere else. Felt I should point that out.
Surely, you can all remember where I posted on the other thread & can remember where you store your screenshots. Right? Your stories are varying. Has there been a trauma I don’t know about? This is your big chance to provide just one ☝️ post or comment made by me, which in any way “varies,” from the facts I’ve just shared & the facts I’ve shared in other places! (Gunshot wounds, aside- as I’ve already explained this.) GO!!!

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my eternal thanks for condescending to answer all of my stupid questions. Whatever did I do to deserve three minutes of your precious time? /s

Was there doping involved? Or horse abuse? Because that’s generally what the USEF is involved in investigating. I mean, he’s already on the safesport banned list. His USEF and USDF memberships are lapsed at the moment (or they were suspended).

You might want to look into transferring the ownership of that schoolmaster you bought from him with USDF. So your scores count for your silver.


They’re not sure who owns it, so name every conceivable person in the suit. A scattershot approach, so to speak.


No one needs to, we all read it at the time.

As to moving horses… pfft, people ship off to shows without weeks to pack. When you own another farm, and your life is in danger, it doesn’t make sense not to pack er up and go.


If you testify in court, they make you swear to tell the truth. You can be sure 100% that the defense lawyers are monitoring your posts here.


Actually, that is horse ownership 101. It’s animal ownership 101. If there was a barn fire, loss of water, or someone passing away, there needs to be a plan for your animals. The fact that there wasn’t a plan for MB’s entire barn doesn’t mean that’s the correct way to do things. When I was a horse owner, I could have moved my horse within maybe a 1/2 hour notice at any time of the day or night. I have 3 places right now that would take my dog without notice if something happened to me or the home. Just like there shouldn’t be any parent without a plan for their child in case of emergency, a backup plan should be in place for your animals, ALL of them. I hope everyone will learn from this incident and make sure they have a backup plan and actually GTFO the second they are in fear for themselves or the animals. If you need to call 9-1-1 on your barn owner, manager, landlord, room-mate, whatever, you need to also GTFO immediately so that you’re not there if that person escalates. If you’re going to poke a bear, check the length of your stick first… otherwise you’re likely to end up the one that gets hurt. It’s unfortunate, but it’s often the case.


You’re very welcome. And thank you so much. 🙏

No one poked a bear. Sorry, I couldn’t even read past your “when I owned horse,” statement. Laughable. Let me know when you own six. Or any. I went straight to the bottom of this comment and read your other laughable statement. “If you’re gonna poke a bear check the size of your stick first.” What does that even mean? 🤔 If someone bullies me - I’m gonna stand my ground. Here in the USA - you don’t get to shoot people. Seeing as though, he is the one sitting in jail- perhaps HE should have “checked the length of his stick first.” That… or realized that bullies never win! That’s called Karma 101.

Random question… why are you on a horse forum? You don’t own a horse. I doubt you ride. So, you are because …???


@Joanne - love your picture - sure fits this thread!! :lol::lol::lol:


Jenerationx, I think you are much more organized than at least 80% of us! But you are right, it would be the responsible thing to do to have some plans in place. At the very least for our children :smiley:

Unless you have your own barn to bring your horses to, it usually takes some time to find a new barn. In our area, most barns are 99% full most of the year and some have waiting lists. A few friends just had to scramble to move 8 horses and it took at least 2 weeks, and only 2 weeks because a few new barns opened up last year and they weren’t full yet. They could have moved further out of the area, but that would make their commutes longer than they wanted.

Also, you don’t want to move your horses to a barn that does not have the amenities you want, and then have to move again.

I think in instances of leaving a barn on contentious terms, most of us worry that our horses may no longer receive proper care, but we don’t worry about ourselves being injured or killed. And there always seems to be some “Stick Poking” by someone, but of course much more minor than in this case. But the last one I saw, someone called the police for an escort off the property due to the trailer driver being no longer allowed on the property.


Ima get sucked back in for a moment.

Whether or not someone owns a horse at the moment is totally irrelevant. Even if someone has not owned or ridden in the last few years, or more, who cares? I certainly don’t have an elitist attitude about it. Guess what? Life happens. Careers, family, finances, interests, physical limitations, etc. That doesn’t mean that this non horse owner doesn’t have a plethora of knowledge to share with others here. Or that they cannot keep in touch with the horse world in an attempt to remain active in some capacity, or up to date with what’s going on. Sheesh. Look down your nose much?

Also, owning 6 horses sounds exhausting, frankly LOL. Between my career, other hobbies, and general life, there aren’t enough hours in the day for 6! Then again, I do most of the riding (alone and in lessons) on my own horses. I find success more fulfilling this way. YMMV.

Horses are a luxury, if someone chooses to own 6 or 1 or 12 that’s their decision. So I don’t pity any difficulties one may experience with moving 6 horses or managing multiple equines. I also don’t attach a high amount of prestige with the ownership of multiple horses. I don’t even know what one (who isn’t a pro) does with 6+ like, how could I (me, personally) actively compete them all? Maybe if someone else trained them and I just showed up. But still! If someone can manage that, then that’s their thing. I suppose it’s easier if all of them aren’t actively ridden and competing. But still, what’s for one rider, isn’t for other riders. And that’s fine!

With respect to this whole case, I think MB needs some reasonably significant jail time. We’ve discussed his motivations, but ultimately, his action was a poor choice. If there is someone out there who shoots people when they’re frustrated instead of using appropriate remedies, they need some time away from the general population. I don’t think he exhausted all of his available and legal remedies (I don’t actually know, but a fair assumption methinks). Even then, it didn’t have to end with shooting a person.

Now, if MB shot someone who didn’t have the reputation that LK has (not debating whether or not that reputation is accurate or deserved here), this whole thing wouldn’t have blown up so wildly. If the victim gave one fairly neutral matter of fact public statement then remained quiet and kept to themselves, this whole discussion wouldn’t have blown up. The victims actions somewhat fuel this whole discussion. That’s not victim blaming or not considering that she’s a victim, IMO. As I said, people have questions, if no one was there to entertain these questions, things would likely die down. If no one was there to give inconsistent accounts (as others have mentioned in this thread), things would likely die down. In any happening there are 2 sides to each story and neither one can be exclusively believed. And naturally, people take sides, some of us float around in the middle. Some people are extreme. But it drives be batty when someone lumps everyone in this thread into one category of, “victim blaming” “being crazy, nuts, weird, creepy” etc. Some people are being entertained, some people are being curious, some are trying to understand, some people have too much time on public transport in the mornings and need to kill time (ahem). I’m not about to crucify someone for wanting to participate in an arguably petty at times discussion. But I’m still a bit surprised that LK participates so much given the active legal proceedings. Like I said before, people usually hush up or have to hush up per their legal advisors. I don’t know whether or not her speaking up will do any harm. To the criminal case, maybe not so much as he’s clearly guilty. That’s not up for debate but his sentencing and civil suits… I don’t know. I’m just glad I’m not involved in criminal defense or litigation!

Now, I forgot the actual point of my post since I rambled so much. So carry on!


Clearly reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit. If you’re going to aggravate someone you’re afraid might be out to hurt you, you don’t do that while sitting on their property. You get some distance from them and then deal with it. You know, if there’s a bear and you poke it with a 1 foot stick, it’s more likely to maul you than if you use a very long stick. Simple logic.

As far as why I’m on this forum? I didn’t realize current horse ownership was a condition of forum membership. Do you get to have 6 accounts?


Hey Lala, I asked a question in regard to your glowing relationship with the property owners. You are currently named in a lawsuit with them. What happened to the great relationship?

have you been served with the papers yet?


Well, from what I can tell by what you’ve posted all over the internet, you have one horse (retiree?) in NC, you had another in rehab, and one in quarantine, and the three in training. So, if those three stayed where they were, you could have moved the three in training. Even if you brought the rehab and the quarantine to NJ, that makes five horses to move. A decent amount, but not insurmountable. Lots of shippers have rigs with 5+ stalls.

as far as breaking contracts, etc, I know several people who picked up and left with their horses from fancy show barns in the middle of the night for far less pressing reasons and in similar time frames - things went from hunky-Dory to full- cluster*** in a few days time. When you have to go, you go. Long term agreements be damned.

Horse ownership is not a precursor to having an opinion, or being quite knowledgeable about how to deal with all the ins and outs of owning them. Often, owners are the least knowledgeable horse people out there, and the rest of us have to babysit the situation. You don’t get to disqualify an opinion because they don’t have the exact same experience as you.


So she is building the case on social media harassment and continually fuelling the fire here during slow times. Sad.


And again, an “elite” rider shuts down someone who might be, or might not be, competing, and is perceived as having “no experience with athletic sports”. No need to be condescending. The information about the incident has been made pubic, and some of us have questions. No one invited you to comment on this thread, yet you choose to be here and give details.

Here’s a question for you, and there’s no need to reply to it. When you’re on the stand at the trial (if there ever is one) will you say the same to the defense attorney who is cross examining you: “I just wasted 3 minutes of life I’ll never get back in answering your ridiculous question. This will be the last ridiculous question I answer. Serious questions, I may consider answering.”


She’s not an elite rider or even an “elite” rider in scare quotes. She’s an unemployed ammie with family money and a dodgy boyfriend who hasn’t quite finished her bronze medall despite throwing a ton of money at it.

”‹”‹”‹She did train for a year or two with a big name trainer but look how that ended.

It’s a pure sign of an ammie like this to go nyahh nyahh I’ve got more horses and more money than you do so you don’t know anything.

I’ve learned on COTH to make no assumptions about anyone’s background. There are lots of older riders on here who really were top competitors or had training barns or ranches back in the day, even if they are not riding now. Also accomplished riders on client or lease horses.

