That's a twist

I live one town over from where she grew up! I am addicted to the podcasts, when done i’ll watch the documentary.

Be aware - Jealoushe is here to stir the pot and get the thread closed.


I can’t remember where I foudn the documentary. Not hard to track down, I’m sure. I’m on podcast 4 now.

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A dissenting opinion is not stirring the pot. And who really cares if another thread of this ilk gets closed? I mean, really, what can you personally be gaining from any of this?


Thanks for typing this out for me. It makes the day’s events much more clear and fills several holes we’ve all speculated about. Sorry you had to go through all that.


In addition to this observation, often victims, esp women, sincerely want to be heard. They want their story told. Poor communication skills can make this very frustrating and confusing for both them and an audience.

(I felt this issue applied to GirlJoey as well).


Per a previous post by La-La, she had the barn bugged and has recordings of the nefarious planning.


Oh right. So that is the part she isn’t supposed to tell us but did months ago.

Lauren, there is a thing called discovery, so that will all be turned over to the defense and there won’t be any surprises. No doubt you were shot by MB, that’s attempted murder, and you’re very lucky to have survived it. That’s enough excitement, I don’t think you need to play up the drama of a “shocker at the trial” as we know the defense won’t be shocked. We might be, because I’m sure there are things that haven’t been reported, but there’s not going to be some Columbo level “gotcha” at the trial. I hope you continue to heal both physically and mentally from this awful trauma and that you can get back to your life after this all unfolds.


I still don’t know what where the events that precipitated this whole nightmare. What started this cascade of events?


Yes, I was. 28 plus years later, it’s vivid in my mind, something that I’ve never forgotten. Memories include the time of day, how I was last to leave the subway car, so was the last to walk down the street. The approximate number of teenagers who rushed me. What I was carrying. The weather. My thoughts before I was attacked which were, please God no. What it felt like to be hit in the back of the head with a hard object, then pulled down the street. How quiet it was after the attack, which occurred in a nice Brooklyn neighborhood. So yeah, that’s still with me, and no where near blurry.


Yes, one remembers what one remembers of a trauma, and while more facts may come to mind later, the initial memories of what happened are never changed. You don’t forget somethings you remembered earlier, and you don’t suddenly remember that something actually didn’t happen after all, nor that something was different, actually. You just remember the facts, as your memory clears up. And you never forget the events that happened. And you never change the events that happened.


The way it has appeared to me, and from what can be gleaned from LKs facebook pages and from what other folks who know MB have said, LK and her boyfriend were being evicted from the property, and making MB’s life a nightmare for him and his girl/friend fiance and kids, as only LK apparently can do. LK and boyfriend lived in the main house, and MB and his girlfriend had moved into the apartment over the stables, because the former wouldn’t leave the house or property and they were making life a nightmare for MB et al.

LK and boy friend had been there on a trade basis for training her horses, and for possibly doing some repairs on the house, and when that came to a bad end, for whatever reason, LK et al were supposed to and asked to, leave the property. Horse board not paid for, rend not being paid (after the training trade deal went south) and MB had started eviction proceedings and was being harrassed by LK. MB may or may not also have contacted Safe Sport about her, and LK called a fake report into Child services about MB. CS came to do an inspection the day all this went down, and left, having found that the accusations were unsubstantiated. It appears that after they left, MB went up to the main house (his house, actually, from which he had been pushed out and which LK would not vacate) and we don’t know what happened but the shooting happened just after child services left. So in my opinion, LK was sitting on the porch watching her handiwork with Child Services go down, while reading a good book, and it wasn’t exactly all “minding my own business and I can’t imagine why he did this”. But that’s my opinion.

Happy Talk, I left you a pm


Are you serious, right now? Bc… my first thought should definitely have been “oh I can talk to Siri!”

Besides, says a lot about how you perceive life if THAT was your first thought after reading the events. Assume we have all the evidence we need. You’re a piece of work, though!


And law enforcement was involved. You clearly don’t compete. You clearly have no experience with athletic sports. They all have oversight committees and governing bodies. They ALL investigate criminal acts within their sport. i just wasted 3 minutes of life I’ll never get back in answering your ridiculous question. This will be the last ridiculous question I answer. Serious questions, I may consider answering.


Lauren: Calm down and read slowly for better reading comprehension.…zeMedal&Level=



I’m here to discuss the situation like all others, as I shared in previous threads I am a huge True Crime junkie. This case interests me for many reasons and none of them are pot stirring.

There is no need to close the thread because there has been a case update. I follow the thread rules, I have no issue with this thread.

Carry on with your pitchfork.


well my personal experience was different. It is not lying, if you misremember. Watching my statement before the trial, there were definitely parts I couldn’t remember. Like how many times I was dragged by my hair, or how many times I had my head smashed into the dresser, or how long the shoelace was truly around my neck…and in what order they happened. Doesn’t mean I made it up, anyone who has spent time in Trauma therapy knows trauma effects the memory.


Since you dropped out of law school- or so you claim- It’s clear you were absent the day they taught contract law. Oh wait. That’s a two semester study, required, even for those planning to specialize in separate types of law.

@fordtraktor r
I was asked by Fordtraktor to explain the events of that day- specifically. I decided to be nice & share what I could. It’s probably best you left “law school.” If you can’t comprehend that victims of crimes are represented by the state or DA, (law school 101) you were never going to make it through, anyway.


This is so true. Anyone who has been through a real trauma will have slight deviations here and there. You’re in fight or flight mode and sometimes, the shock of it all causes memory loss too. We (RG & I ) talk about this everyday & everyday I ask him “but where did I go after he shot me?” Some days he is sure I ran to the porch. Others, he thinks I ran around in circles… then ran to the porch!

Also, even though he watched mb shoot me, he says it didn’t register until I was helping him restrain MB and he could see a giant hole in my shirt on my back - when I was crouched over MB’s head.

It really clarifies to me those who have been in serious trauma situations - and those who have not, just by the way they claim to remember each detail (or not) in whatever “situation,” they may have encountered… I’m glad you’re healing & recovering from your ordeal! From one survivor to another 💞


You’re in the middle of a criminal case, nobody is talking about contract law. I mean your personal lawyer, because I’m sure you retain one, must be ready to pull their hair out. The prosecutor probably feels the same way. You are clearly enjoying the attention here, and that’s sad. It is one thing to want to get your side of the story out there, but you are playing up the drama, and relishing every minute of this.