That's a twist

Well I think some wierd things too, like reading on the porch since morning, and comes 2pm still reading on the porch, in a love seat which was so uncomfortable. I personally don’t stay long in an uncomfortable spot reading. I like to be comfortable. Wierd, too, that she thinks there are going to be secrets she’s kept to surprise the defense with, since, as was pointed out, you can’t pull surprises in court, its called “discovery”. Wierd, too, that the new outlets reporting her story say she was an employee, when she was an ammy owner, and could not work for board, or rent or anything else. or maybe she is honest and is not an ammy owner. That’s all really wierd.

And just plain agahstable that LK is here on this forum opening her mouth about everything and anything and telling her story. Bet the defense loves this.


Oh heck, I have some timet to kill so I’ll give this a shot:

NO ONE is arguing whether or not MB shot LK. No one is arguing that LK is not a victim of a shooting. No one is arguing that a murder wasn’t attempted.

DO NOT even compare anyone in this dicussion to the “I Stand With George Crew” that is completely far fetched and insulting. I do not stand with GM, nor do I condone anything that man has done. Just because some of us are having a discussion regarding things that don’t add up and/or find this whole debacle interesting does not equate to us supporting a child molester. Seriously?

I have emphasized that I am not entitled to know everything, personally. But one can still ask whatever they’d like full well knowing they may or may not get an answer.

You have no clue what the rest of us have experienced in our lives.

And again, for the people in the back, WE KNOW THAT SHE WAS A VICTIM OF AN ATTEMPTED MURDER. That does not make one immune to questioning on things that frankly, don’t add up at times.

Also, leave the snide poltical marks out. No need for that. You are welcome to not read this thread, not participate, or report it if you have an issue.

ETA: I don’t mean to speak for everyone, this is more of a “in general” as outliers are possible and I don’t want to be someone else’s voice, but this is purely how I see it.

Other posters are welcome to have opposing views, but not necessarily insult each other, IMO.


Ok, so I don’t get super involved in the media, but is it normal for there to be so much “misreporting” on a matter and/or case? Also weird. Or normal. I don’t know at this point.

Yeah, this isn’t Law & Order. Real life court and cases are not nearly as exciting…or fast! No dramatic music and “gotcha!” moments…for the most part.

LK said the chairs with the table were uncomfortable, not the loveseat. She also said that she was not an employee.

I don’t think reading for a long time is that unusual, if you have free time and you like to read. But what she didn’t mention was that Child Services was there right before MB drove up to the house. If that is true, I can’t see MB saying he wanted to make everything better, unless he said that to just to get close enough to shoot them.

It was interesting to hear her timeline, with all that detail. It does ring as fairly plausible, and seems to shed some new light on things if it’s all true. And the Grand Jury did charge him with 2 counts of attempted murder.

Interesting that LK seems to be putting more blame on MH than MB.

LK seems to also be implying there are other witnesses. Maybe other witnesses testified to the Grand Jury?

We all know that things can go downhill in a boarding situation in just a few days. Seen it myself!! And even if you want to leave right away, it always takes a week at minimum to move your horse(s) unless you can take them home.

That scene sounds awful.


LK’s description of events here doesn’t tally with the several different accounts she gave to COTH back in the summer. But no one really cares. We are just following the story for a dose of craycray. Nothing really makes sense.

All of us who were following the thread in the summer have learned that LK’s mutually contradictory posts really have no connection to fact based reality and she will say just about anything to get a reaction.


I know, I followed from the beginning. Her writing is a lot more lucid now. This is the first time I have read a full account from her instead of bits and pieces at a time, out of order. I didn’t really notice anything in this new account that really is contradicted by the bits and pieces she said earlier, and it even answered the things we were wondering about their injuries. Remember we were all wondering about the bruises to MB’s face and the dog bites? This new post just seemed to answer a lot of questions I had. What a mess.


Still not a valid reason to shoot someone point blank, so that doesn’t really add up.


That’s a pretty big something. So yeah, your story HAS varied, and never with that qualification, until, conveniently, now.


Which she could have done. She has deep pockets and her own farm, plus had people offering to help move her , per posts on Facebook.
That’s just not an argument I’m able to swallow. Me, an ammie working three jobs to get by? Yeah, I could not move my horse quickly… but she has means, a farm to take them to, and offers to do the transport.

ETA so why stay? I don’t buy not realizing the situation has deteriorated, she posted about being in fear… so that’s not it.


Sidetrack … Yes, it is that common for there to be so much “misreporting.” Really. As one who is sometimes involved in highly-publicized events, I like reading the news articles for entertainment value.

”‹There’s usually a lot of fiction mixed in with the occasional accurate fact. sigh.


Have any of you ever actually been a victim of a violent assault and had to retell your story over and over and over until you cant even remember if what you remember is actually accurate? There is a reason before you go into trial, they sit you down and make you watch your statement from the first time they get it, so you can refresh in your mind what actually happened. Time, trauma, stress and retelling a story can all make the facts and details blurred.

Im just kind of amazed at the posters here who think they are so, so much better than this victim yet act the exact way on the internet as they say she does. The irony is just too thick.

@Angela Freda according to the witness this all started over a week period, clearly not enough time to pack and move all those horses and yourself.

If the rumours are true, they overhead MB planning this before it happened but didn’t take it seriously. A few days later the incident occurs.


As an aside…I am listening to the Missing Maura Murray podcasts…I am on number 14 and that’s 11 years or more after the last sighting. You would be amazed at the misinformation out there. It’s constantly changing as to what led up to her being in NH and who saw what.


Hey Lala… in regards to your story never wavering -

What happened with the lovely property owners who wanted you to stay… who have called you out in a lawsuit? Have you been served yet?

That certainly doesn’t seem factual.


Well, on a positive note, IIRC the COTH article said that LK was able to get back on a horse and begin to ride again. Good for her! I still think she’s quite lucky to have physically survived so well.


Well the timeline raises a whole host of new questions, in my opinion. Where is the visit, in her timeline, from children’s services which was playing out that morning, that whole day, on the property, while she so innocently and peacefully read a book for hours on end? She was the one to false reported MB to children’s services, she knows that they are visiting and knows they just left, and she says she is in fear for her life from him, but hanging out in the open while chidren’s services is doing an investigation on the property, and still there, apparently after they left? I think she was watching what was going on with CS, not peacefully reading a book.

I’m sorry, this part of the story, reading a book, reminds me of emergency room doctors, and how they shake their heads at how many times they see gunshot victims who come in saying they were just peacefully reading the bible at 2am outdoors on their stoop and “some guy” just drives by and shoots them for no reason. Its an old story law enforcement and doctors have heard before.

Interesting how she leaves the whole children’s services investigation out of her “timeline”. It must have been the highlight of her day, since she put it all in mortion, and who could blame her for wanting to be out on her porch watching it play out?


Unless the USEF amateur rules are different for dressage, anybody can work in a barn and still be an amateur, as long as they don’t teach any lessons or ride a horse that belongs to someone else.


I remember that story, and as a true crime afficianado, its one of the most intriguing unsolved mysteries out there, isn’t it! There was a quite detailed documentry about it at one time. Thanks for the recall; I am now listening to the podcasts too.

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Yah, I have, actually, and I can remember every detail without deviation like it was yesterday, and my “story” never wavered or changed one iota. Cormac McCarthy made a point about that in his book All The Pretty Horses. The judge, after asking the boy three questions about his events thanked him for his answers and said he thought he was telling the truth because “trouble with a liar is, he can’t remember what he said”. Now I am not calling LK a liar, not at all. I am saying this point, though, for Jaloushe, because I disagree with her, because, when you are telling the truth, you don’t forget what happened or what you have said in the past.


You also can’t longe someone else’s horse or anything else that could be considered part of training. You could absolutely still be an amateur if you do the books, clean stalls, or any number of other things that don’t directly involve you interacting with someone else’s horse.


Well that’s interesting, I didn’t think you could do even that, so thanks for that info. I can’t see LK doing stalls and feeding though; I re read her comments and she does say she was not an employee so that’s moot now.

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