That's a twist

The whole story and aftermath are just one big train wreck. Human nature, being what it is, make people gawk. In addition to this, many of us have had the misfortune of dealing with narcissists lin our own lives, and feel fortunate that with a twist of fate we did did not experience a train wreck of our own. Again, it’s human nature to analyze mistakes and do better the next time.

I’m betting that this thread will be shut down by Christmas, because any time LK engages in SM it is predictably a mini train wreck.

I’m going to ride my horses now, Merry Christmas to all.


I am not sure why this has to be repeated over and over again, clearly some people refuse to read it. No one here (that I have read) thinks MB is innocent. It was wrong of him to shoot LK. Period.

If we (general) did not find the story behind a crazy crime interesting there would not be so many true crime related stations on TV replaying crime stories over and over and over again.

Just because LK is the victim of a crime it does not make her actions any less interesting. LK is definitely not just your average high spending ammi rider.


You have missed the point that people have told her to stop posting because the things she posts will not help her case in court. It’s common sense.


Because it’s fascinating. Because I’m an analyst and this is a fascinating circumstance to analyze.

I’ve never told her to shut up - I dislike the tone she takes, but she can say whatever she wants in whatever way she wants.

I’m sorry she got shot, and I’m curious about the details. Right now, she’s the only source of details, at least until the trial. I’m interested to see how her story compares to MB.

It’s totally possible to simultaneously feel bad for someone who was grievously injured, and also have a low opinion of their character.


This is not true.

Memory is incredibly malleable and flexible, and there can be lots of blanks that happen because of stress and trauma that get filled in incorrectly. A case that comes to mind immediately was a rape case where the victim absolutely and with certainty IDed her attacker from a lineup, and STILL sees his face as her attacker years after he was exonerated by DNA and other additional evidence. This idea that you “just remember facts” or that things get burned into your memory is just not 100% true. Eyewitness and victim testimony can be very unreliable, and not because they’re lying but just because of the nature of our brains and what stress hormones can do to us, and what our brains do to try and protect us from traumatic situations.


My thought is that it’s pretty darn inappropriate to openly speculate on that, even in a gossipy, semi anonymous BB.


The friend of a friend told the barn cat, who mentioned it to the cleaning lady in his Wellington condo, and she hinted around at it to me. But I’m much too classy to trade in such hearsay.


It’s her call whether she wants to stop posting. She probably would stop posting if you (general) stopped poking the bear to get a reaction.


Bless your heart.


So enquiring minds want to know. What trainer was willing to take on this trainwreck?


Wait, has someone here said that MB is innocent?

Yeah, I didn’t think so :rolleyes:

Did someone here say that they’re trying to understand the situation and a motive? More than likely, yes.

But, you know, it looks better to point at you all (yes, just lump together everyone!) and call you “mean girls”

Just another overused phrase that we get to enjoy now.

Don’t back away, ignore, engage, in the conversation, or better yet report if you think this is inappropriate or gone to far… Nope just pop in every now and again to say how terrible everyone is. Productive.

I don’t know if this is @Jealoushe 's aim, but the impression that I get.

But people gonna discuss what they gonna discuss. If it’s not my flavor, then meh, whatever, skip along. There are some people that have gone further than others in this conversation, yes, I will say that. But not everyone is a “mean girl” or whatever. I really am not getting the impression that anyone thinks MB is innocent…literally, how could he be? And like I said before, if he had shot someone or someone of a different character/reputation from LK, it is likely things would not have blow up. Or if LK chose not to engage…people would get bored and the convo would fade.

”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹I don’t know how many times I have said the above things at this point. I guess it’s a wasted effort. So go on saying whatever it is you all have to say. Or reading what you want to read.


I don’t know LK at all, and suspect whatever issues she has, she’s not as evil as the mean girls are making her out to be. But even if she has “train wreck” tendencies, she apparently has 6 horses and plenty of money. Lots of trainers would view “quirks” in the train wreck department leniently when they focus their attention on the big bucks.


Especially if they have 6 empty stalls


I don’t know LK at all, and suspect whatever issues she has, she may not be as evil as suggested - maybe. What she is, as portrayed by her own words and posts, is an elitist who clearly looks down her nose on a vast majority of people. Those high pedestals have hard falls.


It is a statistical fact that most people feel
superior to and look down on the vast majority of (other) people. Most of us have been raised to keep it tucked in rather than splash it around and make it transparent.

Why do you call her an elitist? Because she has 6 horses, plenty of money, and can have multiple horses in full training with an Olympic level coach?

Does she need to apologize to everyone who doesn’t have multiple FEI horses in full training with Olympic coaches for her good fortune?

Are you jealous of someone living a fairy tale life, complete with FEI level unicorns, and letting your schadenfreude show now that she’s been shot?




I can not speak for @CaliforniaDreamer but I can say that I would use that term to describe LK because of the snarky comments to anyone who does not agree with her - how they must not ride or must not have a horse, etc.


FEI Level Unicorns 😂


You’re right, I should have called her a snob. Not everyone who has multiple horses, plenty of money and multiples in full training are snobs or maybe they are. I wasn’t commenting on them, because they haven’t posted here. I commented on the person who posted here in such a manner that came off as a snob. As in “oh you don’t have a horse even, so you have no business commenting”. What would you call that?

Jealous…hell no. Why? Because I had the nerve to call a spade a spade?


Um. It’s not what one has, it’s ones attitude that makes them an elitist, snob, etc.