That's a twist

I would not call someone criticizing a poster for commenting on horse ownership issues, when said poster does not own a horse, an “elitist” or a “snob”. Seems like someone questioning the legitimacy of the basis for someone else’s post.

BTW, “snob” is just a more pejorative version of the word “elitist”, so you weren’t softening the jibe by changing to “snob”.

And I still think you’re jealous.


Any naysayers are purely jealous. Duh.

So, wagers regarding time until closure of this thread? Anyone?


It’s a free world. Think what you’d like. I stand by my opinion.


but isn’t your perception about a real person you dont know entirely predicated on what other strangers say about her on the internets and her own internet persona that is probably rightfully antagonistic to this continued nonsense? like, is that really an opinion founded on anything at all???


Yeah, if you had met her you would KNOW she’s exactly the evil person the mean girls say she is.


Have you not considered that some of these posters do know her?


Is there anyone on this, or any other, thread who can say they are JEALOUS of LK??? ANYONE? This lonely, narcissist who has absolutely no real friends other than social media, an unemployed man she supports, who has nothing but a supposed bank account and several horses of varying levels she hasn’t been able to achieve routine amazing scores on? Is there anyone who would change places with this person lock, stock, and barrel and take her life and personality? “Fairy tale life”??? No home, no family, no friends. Active warrants in two states. I call that living hell, personally. As far as “schadenfreude” - I don’t know anyone taking pleasure in LK’s misfortunes other than herself from her public posts.


The person in question has a long term documented history of violence, scrapes with the law, restraining orders, dodging process servers, harassing people online and lying about everything.

I’m better than this. You’re better than this. I assume we are all better than this. I don’t in the least envy [edit].

The 15 year old working student jumping two foot six on a good day on a borrowed horse is better than this if she’s truthful and polite and makes an effort.

Character is obviously what we’re judging here, and every time Lalala hits the keyboard she digs a deeper hole for herself.

I keep far far away from this kind of trainwreck in real life. But I’m fascinated with it at a distance.

Fascinated horror for sure.



but I don’t know them either. You’ve heard the well worn cothism 2 horse people, three opinions right?


Wagers who will be the last before the lock. 🤣


From all evidence I’ve gleaned online, I am NOT a fan of LK. BUT… wouldn’t you get a little defensive being attacked in a BB post? I mean, come on, we can claim we “just want to know” but what we’re really doing is calling her on the lies and wanting her to come clean (and I’m as guilty of this as the next poster). But that’s not just innocently asking questions.


“White trash with a trust fund” is pretty harsh. Which part do you sneer at the most, the “white trash” or the “trust fund”?

I don’t look down on people who muck stalls to earn weekly rides. Also don’t look down on people with trust funds.


I am definitely not saying what Barisone did was ok, bc it most definitely was not. But, yes, I was the victim of a violent crime where I wound up in the hospital and survived (with permanent scars and plus a severe head trauma), and my statement never changed. Ever. Same from start to finish, and still the same years later.

Also, if you are going to admonish others for what you say is hearsay/rumors (as you have in the past) then don’t turn around and do it yourself. Or did you actually hear them planning a murder?


So the poster whose screen name is “GreenwithEnvy” can’t imagine that anyone could possibly be jealous of LK? Is there some subtle distinction between envy and jealousy that I don’t understand?


pedantic yes, we envy those with things we want, we’re jealous to protect the things we have.

non pedantic, still agree with you.


Not clear on what rumor I am being accused of spreading.

I look down on people with bad characters. I don’t care about their money, social class, or ribbons. If they demonstrate the kind of behaviour that’s been documented about Lalala and that she’s shown in her own posts, then I have a very low opinion of them. And yes if their material circumstances are such that they really don’t need to lie, cheat, harass, get into bar fights and dodge law enforcement just to eat or get their next fix, then I have an even lower opinion of them.

I realize that we live in a very materialistic society. I realize that the default assumption seems to be that we all respond like envious middle school girls when someone turns up after Christmas with a designer handbag or a Hawaiian tan.

But some of us do look at character first, and we aren’t going to envy Lalala any more than we envy someone’s bad seed crackhead stepsister that turns up to steal a jewelry and pawn the TV after she gets cut off welfare.



I have an FEI level unicorn. Does that make me special now? Never mind that I bought her at age 22 and she cost less than my saddle. I feel special. :lol:


i definitely look down on guys who shoot women without being in immediate physical danger.

Those guys are garbage.


I think the neuroscience on memory says that the memories that you retain over time are the ones for which you go to the “recording” in you brain, replay the episode mentally, and then restore the memory. Think of it as every time you have an experience, your brain makes a little memory “disc”. The brain can not store every disc indefinitely, so some are weeded out over time. The ones that are retained are the ones we replay fairly often.

However the science also indicates that in the process of replaying the disc (which keeps the memory stored), alterations in the memory occur, and the memory that we restore is not quite the same as the memory we had the last time we replayed the disc.

I don’t think that there is evidence that the person consciously and deliberately alters the memory, just that changes occur.

If some changes to her recollection occurred, this is not proof of deceit, especially if the memory was first encoded during a traumatic event -LIKE A SHOOTING- and especially if she was placed in a medically induced coma because of the severity of her wounds.

If victim creds are necessary for this debate, I was the victim of a violent crime, too.