That's a twist

As I said, I don’t know the woman. What has she done that makes you (general) hate her so much?

According to the NYT, she had an agreement with MB that she was going to live in an apartment in the main house, so she was NOT a squatter, as posters keep accusing her of.

If the agreement was that she would live in the apartment until the Wellington season, MB does not get to say “You should get out because my living quarters flooded, and I want the apartment now.” Especially if it was a written lease, but even if it was an oral agreement.


Ok, I’ll play. The use of the word “jealous” was actually misused in the OP…The main difference between envy and jealousy is that envy is the emotion of coveting what someone else has, while jealousy is the emotion related to fear that something you have will be taken away by someone else.

To respond to your cute quip, I AM envious of Ingrid Klimke’s talent and achievements. I am not envious in any way of LK’s life or objects. Nor am I jealous that she or anyone else will take what I have away. A well-lived life is hard to take from someone.

  You missed the post by ladyj79 a page ago in which she made that distinction. Indeed, I should have said I was accusing various posters of being “envious”, not “jealous”, of LKs resources and lifestyle. 

   And here you are with the screen name “GreenWithEnvy”.

   Ingrid Klimke has talent and achievements. Also an individual gold medal Olympic father. That’s an advantage very, very few dressage hopefuls are born with.
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I personally don’t care what she did to him. If she didn’t have a gun to his head at the time, then the shooting was a criminal act and he needs to be punished.

That being said, she has repeatedly lied while claiming to have never lied. I’m not talking about facts that may be lost in trauma either, that would be understandable in the heat of the moment. The repeated assertion that MB never said they were squatters, when in fact there is a recording of him (which she specifically said was NOT in the 9-1-1 calls) is dishonest.


This has been discussed in the other thread but in case you missed it. The NYT article was very wrong about more than a few things. The house flooding was one of those issues. The house flooded in late January early February. It did have some effect on the living situations; People had to relocate when they got back from FL. The flooding had nothing to do with MB telling LK to leave. He did not say “since my floor flooded you have to move”. Plus a bunch of other mistakes. My point is that the NYT article may not be the place to find the facts of this case. Especially since they only have spoken to LK and no one from MB’s side.


Mostly we are judging on evidence of her behaviour posting on here, her documented history of harassing people online in the nastiest possible way, and other documented things from her past history. If you are new to the topic it’s all in detail in the now closed but still readable thread started in August.

I don’t think anyone including Lalala herself has been able to come up with a single redeeming feature about her. Just trouble and no good from the start.

Go back and read that first thread. If you’re dropping in late there’s too much to summarize here.


If that is even what he said. The apartment apparently flooded over the winter, while everyone was in FL. All this was discussed in the last closed thread. If there was no lease, she was a holdover tenant (also discussed) and lived there at the will and pleasure of the landlord. She didn’t leave when asked. I’m sure we will learn all about the actual contract that was in place.

/snork/ Sorry, I just blew tea out of my nose. Fairy-tale…?

LK can keep her upper-average-nice horses and keep throwing thousands of dollars around chasing her scores, if that is what she needs to feel validated in the dressage world.

I am just fine with my healthy personal and professional relationships, warrant-free reputation, internet anonymity, and my own lovely horses. They may not be fancy, but they are mine and I love them and that’s enough for me.

I think some people look at it as a waste, mainly. People who have “everything” got into a giant p***ing-match squabble, made some terrible choices, and someone got shot. It’s a waste, a tragedy, it makes no sense. I know I look at the whole situation and go “why would you even do that? What’s the point of pushing and pushing back until someone breaks?


Screen names can be unfortunate choices :slight_smile:

Some times people set their screen names when they first join to respond to something or make a first post. Or the screen name is a joke at the time. And then they are stuck for the rest of their COTH time called something like “I don’t believe it!!” Or “Fed Up” or something else, like people will sign a letter to the editor. I wouldn’t then assume that the screen name is a direct reaction to every single post they make forever more.


But how do you know he was not in immediate physical danger???

You don’t. At this point no one knows anything, other than the three that were there that afternoon, and possibly investigators. And we know MB and the investigators aren’t talking publicly, just like they shouldn’t be!


Did MB say they were squatters? He said he wanted them out.

A squatter is someone who occupies a previously unoccupied building with no agreement of any kind, written or oral between property owner and occupant, even for a nanosecond. A squatter moves in without permission of any kind, and de facto takes up residence.

What I read in the NYT is that Barisone agreed to LK and boyfriend taking up residence in a secondary apartment, then after an unexpected flood rendered his part of the house uninhabitable, said he wanted the apartment vacated so he could use it.

If he had agreed that she had the apartment until date x or until the Wellington season, he is bound by the agreement even if a change in circumstances makes the original agreement less convenient from his point of view.

If he had an agreement that said she had the place on a month to month basis, he could have given her thirty days notice and had the courts evict her if she didn’t leave.

But whatever the lease agreement was, she was not squatting. If he used the word “squatting” on a 911 call, he used the word incorrectly.


Scribbler, GreenWithEnvy or GiveEmEl are in the running. Pure victim blaming. Posters that call her names, bring up her past behavior, question her account of the attack, diminish her as a person, are engaging in victim blaming. It should not be allowed on this forum.


I have a lot of respect for the NYT reporter and am
pretty sure she would have tried to get a response from MB or someone from his side. That’s what reporters do.

Suggests to me that people from MBs side did not want to comment. 

 I will keep my mind a tiny bit open that the flooding was not quite as described. But I’ll still rely a lot more of the NYT than anything I read here.

So if the flooding story was not the reason he wanted her out of the apartment, why didn’t he just return to his quarters in the house?
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If a victim comes on here, posts conflicting accounts, lies about details of her past, and makes delusional claims and in fact is incoherent a good deal of the time, I think it is not victim blaming to draw some obvious conclusions about her character.

I realize there are obvious long standing mental health issues here, and possibly substance abuse as well. But those things added onto a healthy enough financial situation that a person can behave with impunity most of the time really do spell trouble.


If she had a lease that said she could stay until Dec 1 or until Wellington, she was not obligated to leave “when asked”.

If she was a tenant at will (no lease), MB had the courts available to get her out.

So what are the lies?  She said she was not a squatter, and she wasn’t. Doesn’t matter if MB asked her to leave, or if he described her as a squatter on a 911 call. 

  She says she’s a bronze medalist, and you can’t confirm on the USDF site?

He was living in the house as was LK. He moved out and into the clubroom in the barn in late July because everything with LK was coming to a head and he was afraid for his family.
The flooding had nothing to do with MB moving out of the house, since the flooding happened during the winter season. Both parties were living in the house after the flooding happend and construction had been done.

  I am now aware of the distinction between “envy” and “jealousy”. There is also a distinction between envy and admiration. Don’t you mean to say you “admire” Ingrid Klimke for her talent and achievements?  

  Nice try attempting to make the choice of your screen name “GreenWithEnvy” sound noble. Isn’t envy one of the seven deadly sins? Greed, lust, sloth, envy, gluttony...
 He moved out of the house and into the club room in the barn in “late July” then shot her on Aug 9? 

 If he had a legitimate legal basis for getting her out of the house prior to the Wellington season, say, why didn’t he give her notice and rely on the courts to get her out instead of moving to the barn in the first place?

  Will be interesting to see what kind of rental

agreement was in place. Written/oral; fixed term/at will.

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Actually, I know he was charged with two counts of attempted murder in New Jersey. I live here, about six miles away. I don’t believe the prosecutors here–or really anywhere-- like bringing cases of attempted murder when the shooter was defending himself, because they like to keep their jobs.

So I can say that my supposition is based on facts, not conjecture or internet pile ups of nonsense.


But do you know for a fact he was not in physical danger?