That's a twist



That, and the fact that most trainers become trainers because they have an ability to “fix” problems/quirks.

“Yeah, if you had met her you would KNOW she’s exactly the evil person the mean girls say she is.”

Pretty harsh. You never say the person that shot her was evil. She is being put on trial here, in order to declare her a horrible person deserving of being shot. People here can say that is not their intent, but the result still is victim blaming/shaming.


From your previous post:

If the rumours are true, they overhead MB planning this before it happened but didn’t take it seriously. A few days later the incident occurs.”


Because I wasn’t talking about MB. Because this thread isn’t about MB. It’s about LK.
She is not on trial. Literally no one on this thread has said, “she deserved to be shot.” In fact everyone has agreed she did not deserve to be shot.
Being shot doesn’t make her a hero. Doesn’t excuse her poor character. People are tired of reading articles about what a lovely person she is and are speaking up about her actual character. That in no way is victim blaming or shaming.


She did only have 4 horses at the farm. That is a fact. I am not sure where the idea that LK has her own farm came from. I know others said it in this thread. She does not have her own farm, or even her own house, she rents a house in NC. But that is of no matter really, she was given plenty of offers to help get her and her horses off of the property and chose not to.


Taking note: 3.06 am.


This bears repeating.


Not CDIs. You were in the regular AA USDF PSG class both days. You don’t have the scores yet to get into a CDI. You need 2 scores in the test within the tour of choice at or above 64% to enter a CDI. If this was your PSG debut, there is no way you would have the scores. PSG is a hard test, congrats on getting there. But you should not be telling people that you were slated to show internationally when you were absolutely not In The CDI.


These are examples of lies…silly…not potatoes. You asked for lies, you got lies, not potatoes. Dig?

Didn’t your mamma ever teach you that little lies lead to big lies? And where there is smoke there is fire? There is a pattern here with Miss Lauren that has nothing to do with hate, well on this BB anyway. Can’t speak for her.

If you choose to see potatoes instead of lies, then I have some great recipes for you.

Too funny…


Something else I find interesting in regards to LK’s showing career…if you look at you’ll notice she enters a lot of classes at shows but often ends up scratching a lot of them. Was that per MB’s instructions (what kind of instructor suggests that?) or her own decision?


disagree with the rabble, are the target.

And Jesus who said that Lauren needed to redeem herself? to whom? the rabble? why???

I’ll say it again, what a bunch of nonsense.


I can’t even. Does it make you guys feel better to constantly shred someone online behind a screen name? Funny how the only person involved in this latest episode of Free the Drama Llamas to give her real name is the person your shredding.

I get she’s done a lot to piss people (some of you) off. I get she lies. Y’all need to realize some of us put y’all in the same category as her with the over the top attacks and posting.


Not at all the same. You are reaching. Lauren didn’t have farm equipment, she didn’t have a barn and contents, and she didn’t have boarders.


Hi, that was me. I’ll admit redeem was a poor choice of wording. I knew someone would jump on it. What I meant was that she doesn’t have the best reputation, I don’t know if the reputation is earned or not. Usually reputations are earned though. I don’t know whether or not some things about her are true or false. But, as she as alluded to herself, we may find out more as the trial/proceedings unfold. Maybe everything she says about MB is true, maybe things that have been said about her on this thread are false. Basically, the trial may shed some light (or it may not). Yes, “redeem” was a crap word to use. Got me there.

But thank you for popping in and reminding us all that this is a bunch of nonsense. I almost forgot!


do you know how much horses cost? and training? and equipment.

No, I’m definitely not reaching to say she had six figures sitting on that property.

fwiw, a good tractor is expensive, but not good imported dressage horse expensive, (unless we are talking a combine, etc, but none of this diminishes that she also had a lot invested there), and all of this is just a red herring as Michael had legal means to remove her, but instead he chose to try to kill her.

That’s crazy.


Yeah, again, I really don’t get his end game!

I mean, if you kill someone, there are, you know, these things called consequences. Like, how was he about to spin this?

I can understand either party not waiting to leave their assets and or/investments, but it is arguably easier for the client to leave. Especially when they have offers from others willing to help them leave the situation. It’s not a “who sticks around longest wins” its a do what is best for you, and literally, you life in this case.

But between this Bronze medal thing (MB saying it was accomplished) the shooting thing, and whatever else, I don’t know about MB’s character either. Seems (in the very least) odd.

That is NOT from a post of mine. Try again.

Any time of day or night, the point stills stands: how does anyone other than the reporter know what is in the report?


I’m not trying to single you out here but in this post you say reputations are usually earned. While yes that’s true in some cases it’s not all cases. I’ve worked in a place similar to the environment of these various threads about the shooting. I’ve seen people with authority talk st about incoming sailors and guess what? That person is treated like crap right off the top because of what people or a person said. I had a sailor admit to me that he talked st about another sailor because of what people said and he didn’t even KNOW who he was.

Yes her posts stand for themselves. But the amount of energy and vitriol pointed to this person by people who don’t know her, nor would have known her name if it hadn’t been for the shooting is amazing. And it’s on par with the st talking sailor who didn’t even know who he was talking st about.