That's a twist

Well, her horses are not worth hundreds of thousands, and it is not her property, so really there is no reason!
Just because you board somewhere does not give you owners rights.
Plus there were multiple offers from people to take her horses and help her move.
And she only had to worry about 4 horses, not 30. Do you see the difference there?
Biggest one being IT WAS NOT HER PROPERTY!


Well, she made much ado about missing her first CDI at saugerties in August. She was not registered to ride in the CDI - she was signed up to ride in the regular USDF AA prix st George class. That’s verifiable.

The number of training horses she had with Michael has ranged from 2 to 5, depending on the day.

lately she’s said she was in the ICU for four weeks. Previously, she was released with her memory rock after three, and her IG shows her in a not-hospital room 20 days after being shot. Maybe we can attribute this to normal human memory slips and a tendency to exaggerate.

We’ve visited the gunshot wounds ad nauseam and I think that is settled.

She insists the owners invited her back to stay at the farm after the shooting. Or she stayed at a hotel…depending on the day. There are other owners listed on the sweetgrass farm LLC, but I’m pretty sure one of the owners, MB, did not invite her back to stay.

She has stated that MB did not own the property. That’s false. He does own the property - via his LLC.

These are the things that popped out to me as inconsistent.


If they can no longer share the main house, one has to leave. If Lauren has a fixed term lease, or a 30 day notice period, she is not obligated to leave prior to the 30 day notice period or the end of the lease. The fact that MB reacted in desperation suggests to me that she had the legal right to remain for some months.

If she wasn’t willing to leave when asked, he could have had his lawyer talk to her lawyer and attempt to buy out the remaining part of the lease. But if that didn’t work, what I would do is:

Rent a place nearby for my girlfriend and her/our children so they are safe, be at the farm 7 am to 5pm working, spend evenings and night with girlfriend offsite and install security cameras on the barn, or go back to the barn to sleep if the security cameras are not enough. Inconvenient and less comfortable but safe and minimal risk to property.

He’s a 6’ 3” male athlete with access to a handgun, and he’s the one who is physically afraid? Of a female AA client?

Yes, absolutely you move off your million dollar farm and risk property loss or damage rather than exposing your family to physical harm, or “taking back your life” by shooting someone in the chest.


All of these things strike me as really small potatoes, or no potatoes at all.

For example, she could have 5 horses boarded with MB, but only 2 or 3 in full training, depending on which horses need training and which are sound. Maybe the owners did invite her back, but she declined and stayed at a hotel (I would not have gone back.) If the farm is owned by an LLC, then technically it’s not owned by MB, especially if he is only a part owner of the LLC.

I just don’t understand the white hot hatred of this woman. All these little inconsistencies you bring up don’t say to me that she’s an incorrigible liar.

What is a memory rock?


To get on the list, you need to get at least two scores of 60 or above at each of 1st, 2nd and 3rd level. Plus fill out an application and pay a $25 fee.

You can use the USDF website to confirm that she did finish getting all the required scores by mid June. Maybe she did not have a chance to submit the paperwork to USDF before getting shot by her trainer in August!

If she has all the scores required for Bronze, but has not submitted the paper work to get the certificate issued (due to the medically induced coma and all), you still want to call her a liar? I sure don’t.


YankeeDuchess (?!) you seem to have a lot to say. You actually appear to be Lalala etc. Could it be ?


You think I’m an alter for Lauren? Presciently created prior to her shooting?

You think she and I have the same writing style?


My note above in red. LK earned her 2nd level scores from the SAME judge., Therefore she has not earned her Bronze Medal. This was discussed in the earlier thread and she blamed MB for the error in putting her in classes with the same judge. Most riders know the rules and verify their entries to be sure all rules are adhered to when chasing points and medals. If I recall correctly a copy of LK’s scores was listed on the other thread before CenterLine shut down. Go check it out there. There is no dispute. She has NOT earned her Bronze Medal.

It might be a good refresher for you to read the previous lengthy thread to see what has been argued to death previously before digging up old fodder. There truly is nothing new in this sad saga.


Yes, that is purely an assumption. She may have had the legal right to remain for only 30 days. We do not know. The fact that he reacted in desperation does not suggest that she had a lelgal right to stay there for multiple months. The fact that he reacted in desperation, literally shooting someone, suggests to me is that he was in some sort of poor mental state and is/was not a completely stable individual that made a poor choice. A really poor choice. As I’ve said before, he is worthy of jail time because one does not just shoot someone, no matter how fed up they get. Especially if (now I don’t know this 100%, but most things seem to indicate) there was no immediate physical threat to him. Basically, it wasn’t in self defense.

If she wasn’t willing to leave when asked, he could have had his lawyer talk to her lawyer and attempt to buy out the remaining part of the lease. But if that didn’t work, what I would do is:

Yep, sure could have. Even though legal procedures can be “slow” when you want instant gratification, that is part of being a law abiding citizen.

Rent a place nearby for my girlfriend and her/our children so they are safe, be at the farm 7 am to 5pm working, spend evenings and night with girlfriend offsite and install security cameras on the barn, or go back to the barn to sleep if the security cameras are not enough. Inconvenient and less comfortable but safe and minimal risk to property.

I mean, yeah, that sounds reasonable, but I cannot say what I would do given that I don’t know the whole situation and I was not there. I mean,I wouldn’t have shot someone as I don’t want to spend any of my life in prison and I don’t get his end game there, but I cannot say exactly what I would’ve done.

He’s a 6’ 3” male athlete with access to a handgun, and he’s the one who is physically afraid? Of a female AA client?

Yes, absolutely you move off your million dollar farm and risk property loss or damage rather than exposing your family to physical harm, or “taking back your life” by shooting someone in the chest.

Hard pill to swallow, but would’ve been a better option!

To get on the list you need at least two scores and they cannot be under the same judge. I guess you missed that. Her scores were given by the same judge, hence she did not acheive her Bronze. It is not a paperwork issue. Was it a deception issue by MB/MH, I honestly don’t know, but that was brought up. Not sure of the motive, but again, not sure of a lot of things here.

Have you even read the other threads on this matter? If you did, you’d not be asking some of the questions you are or making some of these statements, I think… but the 2nd level scores under 2 judges is basic. I am assuming you are not very involved in dressage? That’s fine, I am not involved in US dressage, but it is something I know from reading threads here and threads about this situation.

There are more than little inconsistencies here and there, which is what is frustrating to some posters. There is also her reputation for certain things such as dodging being served (legal notices). Just makes some people question her character, as that is not how most of us roll, I imagine.

Again if you read, LK said that the owners were quite happy to have her back and welcoming. No mention of a decline to their invitation. Technically the farm part owned by MB, the farm, through his LLC. Not exclusively, but it is not as though it is not owned by him at all.

Again, reading the other thread, Facebook (which I haven’t read, personally), commentary etc. It paints the picture of an unsavory individual with a tendency to stretch the truth. Is this accurate, I don’t know. But if what is out there is true, she has done or acts in such a way that perhaps some of us wouldn’t which is why there is some apprehension and dislike cast in her direction. I’m not saying what is right or wrong, but trying to help you understand where people may be coming from. She is a victim, I don’t question that, I mean MB shot her. I’m not debating that, it is not up for debate IMO.

Also, the NYT article was a rather poor article, a lot of the media coverage surrounding this debacle have had inaccuracies both we and LK herself have acknowledged. So I don’t put a whole lot of trust in any of them. If you want to know more about this whole thing, I’d read the other thread(s) mentioned/on the subject. May help, may not, but if you’re that invested in the issue, could be worth a read. There is commentary from LK herself.


OK. She needs another score at 2nd level before getting the bronze. Still really small potatoes to me.


You say “Is this accurate, I don’t know, But if what is out there is true [she seems unsavory] …”

Lots and lots of drivel on the internet is false or grossly misleading. It is unfair to this woman, already a victim of a brutal and senseless attack, to keep gleefully swapping insults about her for your sick amusement.

It really is apparent you don’t compete frequently or ride for points/medals. It IS a really big deal to others who HAVE read and followed the rules and earned their medals when they learn someone has misrepresented their achievement by accident or otherwise, and then NOT correct their social media profiles to remove the award from their achievements. It is simply another sign of a narcissist. She corrected her profile here to “half-bronze” after she was repeatedly called out about it. It still stands on other SM.

Seriously, if you will take the time to read the other lengthy thread, you will learn about several other people (Haleybot and Girl Joey) who had very bad interactions with LK and are still seeking justice. They posted their personal experiences with her in great detail.


Excellent question. How would MorganSercu know any information whatsoever contained in the SS report? Actually, that’s a better question for me to ask SS & direct them to this thread. Although, by all means, @MorganSercu please share!


I do ride competitively, and am well aware of the different judges rule, but in my experience it is not at all difficult to get scores from different judges. Seems mostly bad luck to me that you get two adequate scores, but they happen to be from the same judge.

 So yes, I do ride competitively, and I still think dumping on her for missing one 2nd level score is really, really small potatoes.

Ok, I was trying to have reasonable conversation. I said, I don’t know if what is out there is true. But this is what is out there. That is fact. Not an insult. It is fact that this info is out there leading to such a reputation. Now, this info in and of itself true/fact? I simply don’t know. Do you? I don’t know her. I don’t think I am gleefully swapping insults for my sick amusement but you can think as you wish.

Lots and lots of drivel on the internet IS false or grossly misleading. Yes. Even NYT articles. I’m not taking much here as 100% truth.

Maybe she can redeem herself (she doesn’t have to, people are entitled to exactly nothing here) once the trial unfolds and we’ll all be wrong about everything. Who knows!


If you do ride competitively and were well aware of the different judges rule, why didn’t you notice that instead of stating it was probably due to “paperwork” not being completed? It isn’t difficult to get these scores, true. It is not “bad luck” that they are under the same judge, it is a lack of awareness from the competitor and trainer. I don’t know why they led her to believe she accomplished getting her Bronze. It’s weird. I’m not sure why she didn’t know otherwise, but I understand some rely on the trainer they pay, others self research more or are more of their own advocate. To each their own. But I do think MB is well aware of what it takes to get a Bronze, so if he told her she earned it, and she clearly didn’t, again, weird. I cannot think of why a trainer would do that. But I cannot think of why he’d do a lot of things.

And yes, small potatoes. Small potatoes everywhere! It’s a downright potato salad in here.


Yes! We agree, earning medals IS a big deal. Michael disagrees & thinks medals for USDF is plain stupid. But, getting to 4th from 1st in 16 months made him happy & me too as long my scores for bronze were complete. I can think of no motive whatsoever for me to lie about it. I had ample time & opportunity to simply ride one extra 2-1, 2-2 or 2-3 test. In fact, I basically begged to show Second again 2 more times- (a total of 4) to get my Rider’s Performance Award & patch at Second. MB, MH & JH wouldn’t allow it. They all complained I’d “wasted enough time & money,” on Second level & have the scores for my medal, so I just continue with Third medal scores @ 3-3 plus Q (done) and 4-3 Silver medal scores & Q (one of two complete.) However, I can think of MANY motives for ALL THREE “trainers,” (especially these ones) to lie. Since you mentioned it, I already know one of them is claiming there was last minute “judge change,” at the second separate show we traveled to, to ride a various tests… including & especially my second, Second level test - which is why it’s being investigated. Since you have admitted to reading the other thread - you also know MH posted in June (on her Dressage page as well as Michaels page, as another poster made clear) ) “Huge congratulations to our newly minted Bronze medalist, lauren Kanarek.” Seeing as though it’s exactly their job, not mine, to keep track of judge lists for shows which are needed for Q scores and medal scores - and to bring me to those shows, it begs one or all of the conclusions: they are all idiots, it was done maliciously, the judge listed now wasn’t the same judge listed at the show (requiring the investigation - since each trainer claimed to be “a thousand percent sure,” Second level’s purpose has been served- and I DO have bronze) or, all three trainers are just liars. In any case, how dare you accuse me of E V E R purposely “misrepresenting myself.” Disgusting. More disgusting is, reporter friends of mine let me know “anonymous tips,” were called in to many of the news outlets which referred to me as “award winning,” or “champion,” and actually begged them to retract that phrase! No such luck! They’re all still there - as are my national champion, Grand Champion awards and medal (plus HOY -Reserve Champ) 2016. Pettiness lost! Too bad. (Sad face).

Next, my tag line here has been exactly the same since I registered. It has never once been “corrected,” or changed. It also Has nothing whatsoever to do with medals. Ridiculous!

Further, IF USDF concludes I do need to ride Second once more, I’ll get around to it. I’m one score into Silver now. Had I not been shot, I’d have my silver. As I’m sure you also know, on August 15th (a week after I was shot) I had two CDI PSG entries & two 4-3 entries plus a few 3-3 entries on 2 different horses (total of 3 horses to show) to practice those test for Regionals @ Summer Dressage @ HITS. It’s pretty sad for ME that any medal scores are questioned… especially since the issue is the judge- not the score. The scores I have. My question is, what’s YOUR obsession, with a totally irrelevant thing & affects you in no way. Get over yourself.

Oh & uh… how can you NOT find it extremely weird I had show entries & AIRBNB arrangements for a BIG show just one week after I was shot. Michael chose my classes. My entries were (as far as I can remember) LATE. If there were “so much drama & chaos,” why would I have signed up LATE for an upcoming show, competing 3 horses. Ponder a while.

Lastly, You’ll probably notice GJ has been banned. Do you honestly think - especially with all this going on - I can’t easily be served on their alleged charges? Their stories are INSANE! Any rational person would notice just how unhinged GJ is - after creating 2 new profiles here, after getting banned. She doesn’t ride. She has zero to do with horses in ANY way & thinks equestrians are all “jokes who sit on horses, trotting around while the horse does all the work.” In any case, I find it odd that MH would actively seek out some lunatic online (proven by GJ’s text exchanges with MB which she tweeted to Donald Trump hahaha) whom she knew was relentlessly stalking me… Who does that? What was she trying to accomplish? It doesn’t fit her “I’m in fear for safety,” narrative - no, what it DOES fit, is a prolonged harassment & bullying campaign MH initiated - as I’ve stated several times now. Now please… find a hobby. Oh wait. You can’t! You’re busy being “green with envy.” What’s wrong? That’s not how you meant it?


I wouldn’t say she “incorrectly posted” when she doubled down on it later. It’s the same thing with her continued social media claims that she has a bronze medal. Her continued posting that she had no opportunity to move her horses when we could all see the multiple offers to help. Multiple inconsistencies all over the place that can be proven, and lashing out at anyone that isn’t dumb enough to jump on the LK fan bus and not check has led to her reputation tanking here.

You keep saying all these things are “small potatoes,” but what does it say about someone that would continue to lie about all these small potatoes when she’s been confronted with the truths over and over?

I’m not enraged, she can lie all she wants about every detail she wants. It’s only damaging her case, because I’m sure the defense is paying attention. I hope she can keep it together on the stand, cause if she goes off on a tirade, that’s not gonna be a good look and MB deserves a long long time behind bars for taking matters into his own hands.


I was wondering how long it would take for someone to be “accused” of being LK, just because they didn’t jump on the mean girl bandwagon. It’s a good way to get the forum shut down, which wouldn’t be a bad thing.


And if those saying they would move are being honest, they’re hard pressed to then explain how LK, who did not own the farm, only had 4-6 horses, had her own farm to move to, had offers of help to move, and stated she felt in danger… didn’t move.