That's a twist

For the record, I would have called all my clients and told them what was going on and encourage them to leave because I felt unsafe and because of that I would be vacating the property. I would assure everyone that the police were involved. At the end of the day the welfare of myself, my family and my horses trump all. I would also hope I had clients that would understand.


She can move her horses. He can’t move his barn and business.

I am fully aware of how much a dressage horse costs. I have some of my own. I also have a facility and equipment. Barisone also had horses, and so did his clients. Are you saying that only LK’s horses mattered?

For my own horses’s sake, if nothing else, I would have moved them. Do you really think that they were going to continue to receive great training from a hostile trainer?

There was a time once in my life where I boarded with a well-known trainer who I later found out was bipolar. The day that this trainer went off on my GP IMPORT, I found another barn and moved all of my horses the next day. Not ideal, but at least we were all safe and happy. That’s what counts.


You’re missing the point. She should have left if she felt unsafe. He should have left if he felt unsafe. It doesn’t matter how much people have invested, and it sure isn’t an excuse to not leave. Both parties. Honestly the two are probably meant for each other.


Man, people are weird. But yeah, that’s why I said “usually” and that “I don’t know if this is the case here” so I fully understand that reputations are not always earned nor are they accurate in some cases. Again, maybe if the case or cases proceed, we’ll learn more. We’re not entitled to more though. But it’d be interesting to separate fact from fiction here. But the bottom like major fact here is that MB shot LK who is indeed a victim. The other things are extraneous details that may not even matter. Who knows.

I also think this is somewhat of an internet driven thing. People feel that they begin to “know” someone based off of communications or persona online. Which can be a big mistake.


And how does a competitor control which judge is assigned to their test? Where I ride (competitively), if you sign up for 2 second level tests on a given weekend, you don’t know the judge when you choose to enter (for obvious reasons) you just sign up for the tests, but show management virtually always assigns a different judge to Sun 2 nd level than was assigned Sat 2nd level. That is, show management automatically gives you 2 different judges in one show.

If show management gives you the same judge, there is nothing you can do about it other than sign up for a whole different show.

But my point is to vilify this woman because she said she had her Bronze medal when she is missing only one 2nd level score, for this particular reason, is pathetic. Small, small potatoes. Small, small minds.


“Small potatoes” is an expression which indicates that I think the inaccurate statements that you have labored to uncover are really, really, really not a big deal. Dig?

Now by “dig”, I’m not asking you to literally dig for potatoes or anything, like in the dirt. “Dig?” is an expression that means “Understand?”

Or were you trying to be cute/funny?


Lotta BOOMERS on this thread.

Lotta BOOMERS who are friends with MH too, lots of new posters. Welcome, and welcome friends of MH. We know who ya’ll are.

Your posting and running to attack LK does make me think MH was jealous of LK, for some reason unbeknownst to us all.

Lotta boomers who are obsessed with someone they hates dressage score and competition history. Then they claim no one would care about LK enough to sabotage her dressage career, yet they literally are spending their own time DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS to go over her qualifications with a fine toothed comb and argue with said person they hate on a GD internet forum

GET a FRUITCAKIN life already.



Ah, see, we (here) usually know our judges ahead of time or time enough that we can scratch if we don’t want to ride under said judge or if it’d be pointless in a situation such as when you’re attempting to earn your Bronze. But yeah, then you sign up for a whole different show. Based on the number of people that have their Bronze, it’s not complicated.

I, personally, did not vilify her because she said she had her Bronze. I just thought it was weird. I cannot understand why it would be lied about (then again I don’t underhand why MB shot her and thought that would take care of things) - like why would MH/MB/whoever would say she got it but clearly didn’t? They are professionals, they should know. The rider should have somewhat of a clue, but this looks like this was a “I show up to ride and the pros take care of the rest” type situation. I’m not dissing that, and the pros may have failed their client here. But again, what was their end game in saying she got her Bronze when she didn’t? Weird.

And small potatoes! We get it.

It is not small minded. I mean, reading what you want to from my posts and not understanding what I’m actually saying is small minded. But if someone (this is just general) goes around saying they have their Bronze when they don’t, because they clearly didn’t meet one of the very important requirements, how is that not wrong? I think criticism is fair in that case. Now the “trainer deception” adds another element.

But it is not small potatoes to say one has their Bronze when they don’t. This could be considered an insult to those they have actually earned it. And it’s a big accomplishment for some people.

But in this case, there could be more to it, and maybe she really didn’t know she did not get her Bronze due to not fulfilling the requirements.


I didn’t mean you in particular I meant the rabid anti LK posters who egg her on and felt the type of environment I described needed to be emphasized.


Does it make you feel better to come on this thread every few pages and call everyone loons, crazy, creeps or whatever… And maybe some people are but this doesn’t make you any better of a person, really. Calling people you don’t know “loons” and all that. But I will admit some may just be loons. Some.
Just not getting this angle.

And, not all of us celebrate Christmas, nothing special about DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS.

”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹Did not pick up on the friends of MH thing though. Obviously I’m not paying attention to detail. Interesting.


I am not missing the point at all. The point is that she had the opportunity and means to leave, but in the name of winning, she put her horses and herself in a less than ideal situation.

Barisone is also a manipulative (or manipulated, if you believe what LK says) person. I take his phone convo with the police (where he changes his story from not in danger to might-be-in-danger) as trying to manipulate police presence. And I would never board or train with someone who could not control their temper, let alone use violence.

Each of the two chose to keep escalating the situation. But I don’t think either deserves the other. I don’t wish strife on anyone. However, they both deserve to be avoided.

There are also quite a few manipulative people posting on this thread. Pick a side, and you’ll find them. Some a very bright, but manipulative, nonetheless.


I thought it was a good example, the sailor situation.

But I’m out, you all have “fun” or whatever this is.

Thread still open tho. Kind of impressed.

1 Like

Oh good lawd! Seriously???

Great try for getting the thread closed!


Yeah but I’m not fueling the drama on this thread so… unless you want to take me posting that y’all are nuckin futs as fueling the drama


on this post, you quoted and responded to a post that I had written to Jealoshe, not to you. Why would you do that? Are you the same person with two different accounts, maybe?


You most certainly are…every time you post.


That’s why it is irresponsible, unfair, and unkind to hide behind a screen name and bandy about a lot of trash talk when you don’t even know if it’s true.


As entertaining as this thread might be,

To all : Merry Christmas

@La-LaPopRider Go ride your horse and get help.

@Jealoushe Take a break and go ride as well.

@Moderator 1 This thread is going awry - No more new info.


Noooooooooooooo she just pushed the big red mod button!!! Whyyyyyyyy whyyy whyy whyyyy??? Some of us are bored on xmas eve and need entertainment darn youuuuu!!!


@Moderator 1 Yes, this thread should be closed, please.