That's a twist

Me too :slight_smile:

p.s. how long til this thread is closed…


If people lie about small potatoes, I’m guessing they make up bigger lies about big potatoes.


Now that sounds like a party!



I have only skimmed here, however, @Willburypie and others really must stop accusing other users of being me. Just because there ARE people on here who disagree with the behaviors of the “usual suspects,” does not give you the right to attack them - accuse them of being someone they’re not, or, partake in any other rancorous behavior towards them. This is what contributed to your other precious thread being closed.


I don’t understand why everyone assumes people have multiple accounts. As you mentioned earlier, people have anonymity here…why would anyone need more than one account? And since you have clearly stated who you are, you would have no need of another account.


You totally misread my post. I said I don’t believe anything 100% not you, not NYT, not Haleybot? Who I didn’t know was ever employed by you, I missed that one. Or GJ. I also clarified myself on the “redeem” matter if you missed it. It was poor word choice. I don’t believe anyone here 100% please directly quote to where I said that I did. Or where I said I believe Haleybot and/or Girl Joey. You brought them up, not me. I simply cannot recall that. Glad to know that I am wrong about everything. I am one of the few that tried to give you the benefit of the doubt in a few instances. My mistake.

I KNOW this is not a petty theft case and is an attempted murder case, dear. I have not said otherwise. Please don’t put words in my mouth.

Why would one have to redeem themselves for not believing you? One can be skeptical. It’s not that outlandish. And not personal.

Careful, you’re bordering on threat territory.


I give it a Merry Christmas at midnight lmao

It really should’ve been closed already, but it is “the holiday”. We’ll all sit with anticipation for the subpoena the day after Christmas I guess…


I’m just here for the potatoes.


There are many riders in my area who do that. They’ll take the horse to the show, then school him the next day, and if the horse isn’t going well enough, they scratch all their classes for the rest of the weekend. The horse stays at the show, or goes home if he lives nearby. Of course the entry fees, etc. are forfeited, but it doesn’t seem to bother anyone. These riders have trainers (some of whom are well known) and it’s a common practice.


Just being on the show ground is good experience for a horse that is not yet self-assured. Sometimes it’s the rider’s confidence that needs the work, but most of the time it’s a youngish horse, from what I’ve seen. Nothing wrong with scratching.


Given your join date of Dec 21, with only 14 posts, I”m assuming you’re an alter. No?

The reason you get a second account is to make it look like someone else is agreeing with you. Also, you may have lost all credibility with a given screen name, and need a fresh one. Duh.   I was one of the people accused of being an alter for LK - I’m not. Apparently the LK haters find it inconceivable that anyone other than LK would push back against their nasty attacks.

I am making Potatoes Anna tomorrow. Buttery and good.


I’m making potatoes au gratin right now…

I’m worried my winging it recipe might be a disaster.


I am most definitely not an alter. I’ve never needed an account here. I occasionally would skim forums but never had much reason to post.

Sorry I didn’t consider reasons that people would make alters. 🤷🏻”â™€ï¸ Just seemed silly to me.


Ha ha ha ha! That would be believable if this was the first thread. But nice try! Happy holidays!


My trainer growing up would have fried me for doing that on a regular basis. It wasn’t necessarily a criticism, I said I found it odd.

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??? I’ve never met a trainer who’d be mad over a scratch.


What? I literally set up an account because of this thread. Doesn’t matter to me if you believe that or not, I know what’s true. Who knew there were so many conspiracy theorists here.


Thats great. I had one. Granted she was a particularly hateful woman who enjoyed making me miserable.

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