That's a twist

Yeah. Dismissals can happen for many reasons. However, these dispositions are public. You can locate the reasons yourself. To assist you, (and this can be easily confirmed) the 2003 incident involved about 10 people. Yet, even with cameras placed in every corner of the bar which the incident occurred, a JUDGE ruled there was not sufficient evidence to proceed with the charges. If there is not sufficient evidence (evidence- I’ll repeat that again) to proceed to even a hearing- the “whole controversy,” is dismissed. In that case (and the only case I’ve ever been charged with anything of consequence - yes, I’m probably guilty of speeding - even though those tickets were dismissed as well, so, there is your BIG example) the dismissals were VOLUNTARY. Even if they were merely, “dismissed,” - it would be apparent if the dismissal were “with prejudice,” or “without prejudice.” Sorry. Not wasting space to explain the definitions of these two options to you. I’ll just say this- “without prejudice,” means anyone who pressed the initial charges would have the option to produce more evidence & open the case back up in 6 months to a year. That didn’t happen. I was attacked. I defended myself. The cameras showed that- even though the attackers were SURE, showing that one 104 lb girl managing to restrain or OOC 7 assailants would certainly “prove,” their case. Whoops!

I can tell you’re not a lawyer. Though, this is a matter of class not law. Who is honestly depraved enough to post dismissed charges from one incident 2003 in attempt to smear my name? Someone very bored, very lonely & with a clear agenda. Tactless. Classless. A tad ridiculous. But hey, when you locate charges from 17 yrs ago (or anytime) which were NOT immediately dismissed- lmk! Eggbutt obviously isn’t aware it can sometimes take many months for a busy courthouse to get around to enter a disposition into their systems. (Directing that comment at Eggbutt s seemingly accusation there was some nefarious reason the 2003 charge/s werent “settled,” until the end of the year.) Nope. It was settled on court date number one. Her bad. I guess if she could find something of relevance- (to anything) she would have. Nope. Just some voluntarily dismissed charges from 2003.

Oh. You are very clearly unaware of how easy it is to go to a magistrate, make up complete lies & have someone served with whatever the magistrate (not a lawyer- not a judge) decides to stamp. I, myself, don’t use the legal system to settle non criminal disputes. Plenty of others do. All it takes is one person’s “feelings getting hurt,” to provide them motivation to make erroneous claims to a magistrate in the hopes of “sticking it,” to the person you didn’t get your way with. Unfortunately, for these types of people, the legal system (procedurally & substantively) is not there for these reasons. Most judges can easily & quickly determine which cases are worth trying & which are complete & utter BS. Luckily, it the judge who decides. Not the magistrate. But… go fish.


Be that as it may be, no boxed wine, screw caps, or plastic wine glasses for me. I am struggling with the issue of stemless wine glasses, and that is quite enough to deal with at present.

ETA: Unfortunate timing on your post.


I’ll answer that right now! Although, I have answered it numerous times. I played no role whatsoever in the events leading up to the shooting. Since you have no idea what these events were- I feel very confident saying only this. We have evidence. You do not.

Pretty ridiculous to ask what I thought the “outcome,” would be of getting shot to death. The better question is (and will be) what MB thought the outcome would be of trying to murder two people. He did not “snap.” Unless you consider “snapping,” to be a carefully constructed plan which he carried out exactly as planned- with the exception of two things. 1.) I survived. 2.) He missed RGs head & instead of trying to run faster than bullets- he took the almost insanely brave option of subduing MB. Guess MB didn’t realize RG was Marine.

There are a few other things he didn’t realize as well. Or, he didn’t think he’d have to worry about some of them, bc we’d both be dead. Aka- dismantling cameras. Wonder what his plans were for our bodies. Now THAT is a scary thought. Not only plans to kill us- but well thought out enough to decide how to dispose of our bodies as well… Scary. Now I understand why so many people WHO KNOW HIM WELL are terrified he may one day get out of prison. Quite certain their stories will be 100% admissible.

FYI- MBs cohorts are staying silent bc they have no idea what defense MBs attorney will come up with. Suggest you watch the trial of Virginia Vertitas. Same attorney mb has now, also defended her. In the same courthouse. You think they won’t do media??? Watch his attorney in action. Then, think again.

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I paid a lot of parking tickets while living in a major US city that wouldn’t sell me a parking permit for the area in which I lived, but would sell me one for an area where I didn’t live, on the other side of an interstate. So I just kept parking “illegally”, or rather overstaying the two hour guest limit on the street that I lived. I could only move my car so often–I was and remain a shite parallel parker.

When I get shot, and I’m pretty insufferable so that’s probably going to happen, I hope those are used as evidence of my lawlessness and reckless behaviour.

Basically me


Actually, I said I was preparing to go to Welly. If your implying I will or SHOULD have bad rides/scores at ANY show grounds in Wellington - USEF should be very interested in your post, your identity and your purpose for participating in a sport you should very clearly not be allowed to continue.

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QFP & future reference

Wierd. La Di Da sounds like she’s talking to someone specific, who would understand what she’s saying. I don’t think there’s anyone here who understands what she’s talking about? Its really rambling and jumping from subject to point to idea and they don’t really coalesce for me. Anyway, Ladyj79 I can follow, and I can see a bit of myself, there, that crazy parking permit story is funny.


Why are you always threatening people? Like you have some kind of inside communique with authorities others don’t. Its really wierd and sad that you think you’re so important. We’re speculating and gossiping. You love being the subject of attention, speculation and gossip. Why act out about it?


Since there seems to be a hurricane of accusations regarding “alters,” - I may as well add my 2 cents.
I think Green With Envy is SW. That would make perfect sense.

You really shouldn’t even joke about such things. Even Surviving gunfire is not something you’d ever want to endure. I don’t care how insufferable you feel you are. Getting shot is not fun. I hope you never have to learn this the hard way. Be who you are. Insufferable or not. Unless you’ve put someone in imminent lethal danger & they cannot retreat- you should never have to worry someone is going to shoot you. Not EVER.

I’m not sure you understood the point of the story about the parking tickets.


That wasn’t a threat.

Yeah… I LOVE being the subject of attention. This is SO MUCH FUN!!! (Sarcastic enough??) What are you? 12?

I have just as much “communique,” ability with authorities as the next person. I’ve already made a statement to the Chronicle regarding this issue. And, yes. USEF is taking it all extremely seriously. I will be doing one more interview. I’ll be naming names of those I referenced in my statement. You can read all about it. The “in depth,” interview ive chosen to partake in will be with … well, probably best not to say at this point. This is a discussion for the equestrian world- rather than the general public. The gen pub won’t understand commonly used terminology & my chosen “magazine, definitely will.

If LK is sufficiently recovered to show in Wellie this winter, what does it mean to say “That will be an interesting first centerline for sure”, @GreenWithEnvy  ? I honestly don’t know how to process that statement.
LK, Ladyj79 was saying, in her own weirdly sarcastic style, that the haters would probably slag her for having parking tickets in her youth (despite her being a fine person) if she were the victim of a shooting, hence she is mocking them (the haters) for bringing up your long ago speeding tickets to slag you, a victim of a shooting.

I’ve answered the bit about “my role.” (I had none.) MY behavior had nothing to do with my being shot- it was MBs & Mh’s actions & behaviors. I posted some of them on fb. This should answer your question about “what I thought the outcome would be had I not been shot.” My expected outcome, ended up leading to me being shot. I had no idea I’d be shot. Not for real, anyway. Only a very desperate person to hide the truth of his & his gf’s actions, would resort to attempting to murder two people.
Hope this answers your incredibly assumptive question. If it doesn’t, I won’t lose sleep.

You really need to start reading for comprehension.

  1. LK said she “WAS aware” of. Not wasn’t.

  2. NotGrandPrixYet to the effect that they knew “that LK reported MB alleging child abuse”. That was NOT me who said “I knew”. That was the other poster who said said she knew, then LK questioned how she knew. What I was doing was pointing out evidence that LK posted it herself.


No, I totally realize that. I, in no way, meant to come off as defensive or abrupt. If I came off as either, I apologize & I suppose it’s just reading a sentence which predicts (even sarcastically & humorously) being shot, which rings all kinds of new alarm bells in my brain. It’s so hard to explain. Then again, just watching movies with gunfire (SO many these days) is difficult now, when before I didn’t give it a second thought!

Like, I was reading her post & thinking, “exactly! This is hilarious!” But, for some reason when she alluded to someone shooting her, my heart skipped a beat! Her point wasn’t lost on me- but I did get lost in her very valid & humorous point. :slight_smile:

Don’t presume to school me on reading comprehension.

  1. In the second sentence of LK’s, the complete sentence was “I was.” Since it doesn’t explicitly say “I was aware” or “I was not aware”, the sentence, by itself, is ambiguous. To disambiguate, you need to look at the whole context. When I looked at the whole context, MY interpretation was she was saying “I was unaware” that SS was focused on minors, until she made a report alleging bad behavior of MB toward herself and they declined to pursue it. If you looked at the whole context, and read it differently, fine. But your quotes did not convince me that “LK reported MB to SS alleging child abuse”. Both@ladyj79 and@TMares interpreted it the same way I did.
  2. Your point 2 is contradicted by your point 1. In point 2, you say it wasn’t you, it was@MorganSercu who claimed to know that “LK reported MB to SS alleging child abuse”. But if you are pointing out purported evidence that “LK posted it herself”, you are making the same allegation.

I have consistently been saying that while LK admits making a report to SS, there is no evidence that it was a report alleging child abuse.


my barn manager (or her boyfriend) shot a handgun at my house. I had to get peace orders against her and various others in her circle. She then tried to break into my home in the middle of the night.

I thought she was going to kill me.

Because the police had already been out there five times in the preceding 36 hours, I didn’t call them again, despite literally thinking she was actively at that moment trying to kill me, and despite the fact that she had immediately walked through a restraining order.

fwiw, my horses were on the property. I did not leave until they did, and really, I didn’t leave until 15 days after they did, after I walked three horses at once through the neighbor’s property to be loaded into a friend’s trailer on the road and taken to a nearby barn, where my barn manager’s reputation was well known.

I had been there seven years. When you’ve been somewhere living and working for years, it becomes almost inconceivable that things could go down like they do, even when you logically see all the neon flashing danger signs.

You can be a smart person and still be really really stupid when you think you’re following the path you’re supposed to be on to achieve your goals.

That kind of tunnel vision in this sport, probably many all consuming passions, is much more common than I think a lot of people acknowledge.


Statement by@NotGrandPrixYet saying LK “initiated a report alleging MB engaged in some kind of child abuse.”