That's a twist

Go ahead and have your last superior word, Dutchess.


I said it’s pretty apparent…as in EVIDENCE. I DIDN’t say “I know”.

I’m super-done with you and your superiority-savior complex.


Your condescending remark about my reading comprehension pissed me off.

ETA. You also gratuitously stated that “The majority of bright people” would read it with your interpretation rather than mine. And you’re accusing me of having a superiority complex?


Ok, I just want to say whether or not a bottle of wine has a screw cap does not reflect the actual quality of the wine. I don’t know if you are suggesting this, but it just reminded me of when my DH would only drink wine that had a cork. :rolleyes: So one day we are in the Mosel Valley (Germany - much wine) and I bring this up in one of the vinotek’s, and I guess screw caps are just becoming more popular or commonly used than corks. So maybe one day you can open your heart to screw caps :winkgrin: I thought it looked and felt cheaper initially, but one of my favorite wines is a screw cap - eek! Then again, I am but a mere pleb, and I prefer white wines.

Of course, as an aspiring duchess you are free to exercise your preferences.

Can’t say I’ve ever had boxed wine, but I do find the term Cardbordeaux to be clever and amusing.


Ok, that video, :lol: poor souls.



Hold the phone! I’m an alter for LK AND I’ve been having a conversation with myself through PMs? That explains so much. :lol: Like the disagreements I had with myself on the GHM thread!


I am not making light of the fact that you got shot.

I am pointing out that in the above you have presumed that there was an intent to murder. Is proving that intent not part of what will be addressed in court?

The presence of the gun and the reasons for it to be at the scene will most likely constitute a pivotal point on which this case will turn. In advance of court proceedings, no one truly can prove whether murder was or was not the intent in this case. No one truly has that degree of definitive insight into the mind of another. I think that concept is well recognized in a court of law and why it is tested.

In fact if what you say is true in respect of dismantling cameras and disposing of bodies, it shows the opposite. There was no plan. What it shows to me is a scene where a gun was present and something went horribly wrong, and unexpectedly.


Oh Dear Gawd. YankeeDutchess, you were correct about my timing.

LaLa, beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, BEETLEJUICE!


I would hate being an eighteenth century duchess. No indoor plumbing. No electricity, central air conditioning, or gas heat. Have to wear long cumbersome dresses all the time, with corsets. And even if you were allowed to wear pants, jeans and shorts haven’t been invented yet. Unless you’re a German duchess, and even then lederhosen are mens’ wear only.


Not to mention the whole riding habit thing. Few have the sidesaddle chops to simultaneously entertain aspirations of Grand Prix dressage and becoming 18th century royalty!


Naturally I would ride aside.

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I do not ride aside in my current existence, but of course would ride aside expertly as an eighteenth century duchess. But you’re right, only cavalry officers competed in dressage. My riding would be joining the hunt and hacking in the park.


This thread keeps bouncing from one LaLaLand to another!


LK thinks GreenWithEnvy is SW, if that helps.

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Nothing could be further from the truth. SW and LK live in worlds way above the normal person.


So they think…


You didn’t quote the entire comment: “It truly is not important if LK has one alter or two hundred alters. She must keep her presence and story alive. As she has mentioned, she will be making a 2020 debut in “Wellie” fairly soon. That will be a very interesting first centerline for sure.” The point being LK will probably make sure people know she is showing again because she continues to post on SM. I doubt MH will be telling anyone when or if she is showing and the event will go by with none the wiser. Point being, LK is the primary one keeping the story alive and causing so many to continue posting. SHE makes the interest.

Hell, if I had been shot twice point blank and was able to enter a ring within a year of the incident, it would be a triumph regardless of the score!! And, you can bet there would be people watching to see if I fell off or completed the test. That’s what people do!!!

Why does everything have to be negative???

    Nevertheless, LK’s post is better understood with the information that she wrote it with the belief, right or wrong, that she thinks you are SW. 

you have rather bizarrely clung to the accusation that I am an alter for LK, to the point of saying that LK would have gone to the effort of creating me as an alter 5 weeks prior to her shooting, and wasting many hours on two other threads to build up a distinct persona for the alter before bringing it over here in midDecember.
That is just plain wacko.
LK would need to be something of a genius to post as YankeeDuchess in a completely different writing style and voice than she uses for her non anonymous account.

   Your denial had the effect of increasing the probability, in my mind, that you actually are SW. Not that I know for sure.

After talking to that guy over Christmas about the “intent of murder”, this is what interests me about this about this case.