That's a twist

Has there been a date set for the trial? Maybe LK knows?

   So your clarification is that you’re dumping on LK because you anticipate she will share on SM that she is competing again after surviving being shot, twice, at point blank range by her own trainer?

   Of all the drivel posted on FB such a post would be in the top .01% of being newsworthy. 

   Sick, wacko people would be watching to see “if she fell off or completed the test”.  My bad for asking for clarification.
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Not to mention penicillin and birth control.


hahahahaha…that was several pages ago. LK herself made it apparent you are far from her.


Again, as others have, I will question your reading comprehension!! If you carefully read the post one more time, slowly, savoring every word, you might see I am actually applauding LK except for her SM posts keeping things alive. You have really invested yourself in being LK’s strongest supporter even when compliments are given!!


I am assuming (from your expertise in writing styles) you are comparing my writing style to SW’s! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Not even close. Apparently you haven’t read many of her writings. Most are scattered with crude insults and profanity when she gets going. That is not me, happy to say.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Wow. Just Wow. I’m about positive none of us actually care what any other poster thinks of us.


Fair point. I haven’t read posts known to be by SW. Perhaps you could enlighten me re: SW’s COTH screen name, and I’ll do the analysis.


And an extra dose of amusement is that one of them came from Duncan McIntosh.

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In the eighteen century, there was no penicillin, birth control pills, or social media. Sound more appealing now?

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Not even a little.


Duncan McIntosh had a horse named Green With Envy?

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It was not Green With Envy when he had it.

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Someone bought a horse and changed its name to Green with Envy? That is horrible.

He won everything there was to win so I don’t think they thought it was too horrible.


I don’t know him, but I’m guessing g MB is not completely stupid, and planning the murder of two people who have called 911 about the situation, and about whom you have called 911 about, with apparently no plan to dispose of the bodies, or alibi in place… at that time of day, etc, etc… well, frankly that seems beyond stupid to me.


Since you pissed me off with the crack about reading comprehension, I went back to your original post on Oct 23 on the “Woman Shot Barisone Farm” thread. In response to your FIRST post, others were welcoming you as a houseguest, saying you sounded like BlueSaddle, and saying your posts were wacho/wacko.

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That is not what Green said. Since when can you use quotation marks and change the words quoted?


Third to last line in her clarification.

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I should have said “watching to see if [she] fell off or completed the test”. Apologies for skipping the square brackets while brazenly changing the object of the sentence.


You don’t know how to use quotes properly. Not the first time. If you wanted to use her exact words, you would have used the quote feature and then made your comment underneath it. Instead, you manually put in quotation marks so that you could change the words and add words or combine bits of quotes together.

Were you previously banned on COTH?