That's a twist

Where does it say “she”? Proper use of quotes does not allow you to change the quote.

Were you previously banned on COTH?


Ooh. New element: is YankeeDuchess a previously banned member of COTH?

This and more tonight on COTH.

Tune for the 5 o’clock segment of “How the sh*t turns”

*I don’t know nor care if YankeeDuchess is a previously banned member. But I had to put a dramatic flair on it nonetheless.


I have not previously been banned from COTH. I first created an account on on July 3, 2019 in response to the Rob Gage suicide, as I previously stated. Why are you asking? Are you trying to get the thread shut down by mods by more squabbling about alters?

I reposted, using the quote feature. I have already admitted that I was in the wrong for not putting square brackets around “she” when I changed “I” to “she”.


Hahahahahaha! I wasn’t SW then and I’m still not her, try as hard as you might. Perhaps you can head on over to FB Dressage Hub and read some of her posts for an idea as to her tone. By now, she would have chewed you up and spit you on the garden as compost.


The square brackets indicate a change was made to the subject, indicating that that one word is not in the verbatim quote, while the others are. I have already apologized for brazenly omitting the square brackets in the first quote.


So, my ORIGINAL quote is CLEARLY about ME: “Hell, if I had been shot twice point blank and was able to enter a ring within a year of the incident, it would be a triumph regardless of the score!! And, you can bet there would be people watching to see if I fell off or completed the test. That’s what people do!!!” (ETA bold, color and font size so YD can understand).

And YOU are calling ME wacko??? Again, you need to read a bit more carefully and learn to understand what you are reading.


Which changed the entire meaning of the quote to suit your purpose. Talk about manipulation!!!


I have not been previously banned. Apparently it is beyond the imagination of Joanne that someone may have waited until July 3, 2019 to set up an account. Shocking but true.


:cool::cool::cool: Not going to take the bait.


For god’s sake. In her first post with the centerline she was clearly referring to LK on the centerline. I stupidly asked for clarification. In her clarification ENVY adding falling off and ENVY changed the subject of the sentence to “I”,

In my quote I was changing the subject back to the original subject (Lauren/she). Since Lauren was the subject of the original creepy statement, seemed fair to me to change it back in the even creepier clarification. But I should have used square brackets.


Sounds pretty whacho to me. Nobody cares about whacko’s slobbers. Nobody gives them credence. And nobody would pit anyone against her. Except her. I wasn’t convinced you were her until the over the top objections. You do give me pause, really, you do.


@YankeeDuchess you are fighting a losing battle because you are missing the fact that the statements you are calling people out on can also be construed as not negative. It doesn’t matter you guess intent correctly. The statements were crafted so that they could chastise someone for “thinking” they are being an asshat.


As another recently posted, I am not taking the bait.


Go back to the previous post in which LK was going form the centerline.


@ladyj79 was being sarcastic… and she didn’t (as I recall) ever “accuse,” you of being one of my alleged “alters.”

Fascinating to me is this: I have been called a wide variety of ridiculous names of this thread & the other one. However, the name/accusation I’ve seen most is “narcissist.” A narcissist wouldn’t post under an “alter.” Then again, neither would a normal person of sound mind. In any event, I can assure you, no one here (or anywhere else) is an “alter,” for me. I’ve posted under the same SN & ONLY this SN since I first began posting.

Just stop… No one here is me aside from me- La-LaPop. Please - give it a rest. No one is interested. I believe they all know who are they are. Leave it at that & move on.


it is the only thing that interests me about this case.


oh really? “She” would’ve chewed her up and spit her on the garden as compost?”
SW isn’t that powerful. She’s a sad person with no life. I put her right in her place last year. I’m not in anyone’s garden as compost. If I weren’t blocked from commenting on DH (exactly bc I put her in her place) I suppose we would see who becomes “compost,” first. But, she is a coward.

Whether you ARE her or not - only a fan of hers or lap dog would ever tell another user SW would “chew her up and spit her on the garden as compost.” Um… no. She wishes she had a garden where the plants don’t shrivel upon her arrival.

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Anybody notice the bot-like behavior on this thread?


K, seriously, isn’t the whole (apparently, contagious) accusatory line (in variations) “you really need to read for better comprehension,” becoming a bit boring? WTH is this? Someone disagrees with a statement and suddenly READING comprehension is in question??? Leave it out. It’s boring, over-used & ridiculous.
@YankeeDuchess Im certain, can read & write more than competently. Yet, you ( @GreenWithEnvy ) and @CanteringCarrot plus, a few others can’t seem to stop yourselves from hurling insults when another user doesn’t blindly cooperate with your spewing of insults. If you’ve resorted to insults & rude accusations which question a person’s intelligence or comprehension level, it’s typically a sign you’ve lost your “argument.” Ughh. Just stop.


…and the thing is, as I understand it in the USA, that if you use a gun, you had better kill the individual. Otherwise you risk being sued and will most like lose, irrespective of circumstances. States vary.

I am not convinced that he intended to murder her, or his aim would have been better and there would have been a plan.

Disclaimer: No she did not deserve to be shot. It was wrong of him to do so.