That's a twist

I vote in his state of mind at the time he was willing to shoot. I also vote everyone involved is absolutely nuts and people I would not want in my life.


Please quote the post where I ever insinuated
@YankeeDuchess is “far from me.” She well maybe “far from me,” distance wise. Or, maybe not- idk. The way you wrote it purposely, manipulatively & pointedly make it sound as if I stated “she is far from EVER being ME, bc I’m just so amazing,” etc… Just another SW like “tactic,” for attempting to pit people against each other. It is truly sad. If anything, YD is “far from me,” bc she has been able to keep her composure - even kindly explaining posts to me which I, myself misinterpreted. She did so without hurling insults, being condescending or rude, in ANY way. I can’t say the same for most of you - or, even myself in certain comments. Nice try, though. “A,” for effort. ( eyeroll )


If you’re not convinced that 2 gunshots to the chest, L center mass from point blank range were not “intended to kill me,” nothing would be sufficient to convince you of this.

What exactly do believe he DID intend to do? Slightly Wound me?

Had he shot me in the leg, and DID NOT also take aim at RG’s head… you may have a point. Just bc we survived within an inch of our lives doesn’t mean his intention was any different. It just means his well planned attempt didn’t go as they planned.


His intent will be proved in court, not on a BB. G’day.


Here is an example of a post I consider taunting. There is no actual statement alleging malfeasance, but the question throws out there the idea that I have previously been banned from COTH, which further suggests bad behavior on my part.

Of course I can respond, truthfully, no, but the idea is out there for others to chew on, and possibly, repeat as fact. If someone calls her on it, and asks her where that is coming from, she can not respond as to the basis for her accusation-posed-as-question, or, if pushed, say “What? I was only asking a question.”

Joanne, how would you like it if, hypothetically, I asked “Joanne, dear, have you misplaced your anti-psychotic meds?” and the tried to fall back on “What? It was just a question. I’m concerned about her mental health.”

You asked if I have previously been banned. I answered, no. I asked for your reason for asking. Unless I hear otherwise from you, I can only assume it’s an accusation-posed-as- question. I consider (anonymous) accusation-posed-as-questions to be nasty, taunting, and cowardly.


Wacho struggles with spelling and basic grammar and punctuation - quite sure it’s not her.


Clearly you have turned your ire on me. I don’t care. :wink:




Let’s not lose sight of the fact that this is a BB forum, and not a court of law. Therefore, open and free discussion on possibilities Is admissible. [Quote]

Admissible to whom? If you believe any defense attorney worth the retainer, would ever attempt to enter into evidence the speculation of strangers on the internet, well, I suppose you’re entitled to your opinion. Laughable as it maybe.

WE believe evidence we have, which could end up being inadmissible in a court of law, is very admissible to this sport’s governing bodies & certainly, in the court of public opinion. Nothing we collected was obtained illegally. “Reasonable expectation of privacy,” has not been met. (Which, to be clear, means there was no, (or, not enough) “reasonable expectation of privacy,” for this specific evidence to be counted as “invasive.” However, there are a number of reasons specific evidence could be deemed inadmissible. Not giving a class on this atm.

And, to those of you who have “instructed,” me to “move on,” and “get over it,” - just stop. This is only the beginning. We have trial to deal with among a circus of civil suits. If you can’t understand this is ONGOING- perhaps, you should “move on,” & “get over it.” I don’t have a choice in my participation in these matters. You do. Get over it.

This is exactly why I prefer real life conversations. So easy to say whatever on a bb, message, e-email,
or text, regardless of how hurtful or destructive it can be.

I find so much on this thread disheartening. MB shot LK. Regardless of whether you (the general you) or I think she’s behaving (or behaved) appropriately or not (before or after), I would think the community could - and should - do better to support a member of it (whether she has been riding dressage for 30 years or 30 seconds) who experienced a serious, life-threatening trauma. I can’t even imagine how painful and scary being shot is. I don’t think any one of us riding dressage would ever think it would happen to us, no matter how bad things had gotten. It’s literally the most extreme action anyone could take.

I thought I noticed on the 911 calls that MB had talked to a lawyer - he says one of the calls is based on his lawyer’s advice. So he HAD A WAY to make a different choice but clearly did not. His choice. Not hers.


Exactly. Count on that.

To be unequivocally clear, and, because words are important, I asked “how would (poster whom I forgot) know ANYTHING that was in the report.” This did not “admit,” to anything. Precisely, what it did do, was inquire as to how (other poster) or anyone, (aside from SS & the police/DA ) for that matter, would know the content of a report made to SS.

Additionally, in many statements, I have clearly explained I was NOT aware SS only took complaints involving minors- if that is, in fact, the case. Many people on fb have pointed out to others that SS DOES take reports involving bullying & other matters. I’m still curious as to how ANYONE would know the contents of a SS report made anonymously, or not anonymously. Why has this question been avoided?

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And it results in a quite different sentence. Disingenuous, to say the least.


LK, since you are still here, can you tell me if there is a date set for the trial?

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And, to those of you who have “instructed,” me to “move on,” and “get over it,” - just stop. This is only the beginning. We have trail to deal with among a circus of civil suits. If you can’t understand this is ONGOING- perhaps, you should “move on,” & “get over it.” I don’t have a choice in my participation in these matters. You do. Get over it. [/QUOTE]

Golly, I wasn’t “instructing” you, I was trying to make you go away. You DO have a choice about whether or not you participate in these discussion forums. I think you do it cuz you love the attention.

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, BEETLEJUICE!


There is no date yet. The indictment just happened, the arraignment is next, and should be soon after the new year. The trial will be a ways off. A date cannot be set until after the arraignment.



  1. Original creepy sentence by Green clearly referred to Lauren’s first trip down the centerline in Wellington.
  2. It sounded creepy, so I asked Green what that meant.
  3. In her subsequent post, she clarified what she meant about why Lauren’s first centerline would be “interesting”, but switched the identity of the centerline rider to herself, hypothetically. I think she even referred to herself as hypothetically competing for the first time after being shot,
  4. Since this was a response to my inquiry as to why she originally said Lauren’s first centerline would be interesting, it seemed appropriate to change the subject of the sentence back to “she” (Lauren).
  5. So in context of the 3 post exchange, it was not disingenuous. But if you only look at the second of Green’s statements about the centerline and my quoting of it, I can see that that looks like a changed meaning. But look at it in the full context of three posts. Yes, misquoting someone is bad. But so is quoting someone out of context.

LOL, ok.


BOOM! And… mic 🎤 drop! Is there a standing ovation emoji? Perfectly stated!!!


ummm… I think SS knows exactly which parts of a report (all, none or, anything in between) to take seriously. I’m equally positive SS knows precisely, which reports or, parts of reports they deal with. I could go on, but… Well, actually, in all seriousness, I can’t go on. You’ll just have to take my word for it. Or, not. Whatever shines your boots.

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Read what she wrote.

That would be admissible on the BB forum.