That's a twist

Actually, this is the one issue on which I think progress was made. I think we have established that:

  1. LK says she contacted SS.
  2. No one other than LK and SS know what was alleged in that report.
  3. Several posters, most notably@MorganSercu then assumed or “deduced” that your report to SS alleged child abuse by MB.
  4. Several other posters pointed out that it was inappropriate to claim that “LK filed a report SS alleging child abuse by MB” since there was not a basis for knowing the allegations. I believe the original proponents have backed off from the allegation that “LK made a report to SS alleging child abuse by MB”.
    @MorganSercu never retracted the claim, she just stopped posting on the issue. Classy.

“I was NOT aware …”


Y’all would argue with a stick, I swear.


Yes, safe sport knows how it all works.

The point of my previous post which you quoted was that not all USEF members who have taken the training understand it as well, or agree with it. Hence my example of the person mentioned on the H/J board who took the safe sport training, but still made many comments that were contradictory to the whole purpose of the training.


Sounds like classic baiting of MorganSercu.


Yep, that was me. I’ve been ill the last several days so I’ve missed a bunch (clearly)



I am opening a nice cold white sparkling wine from a bottle, to be served in a cold crystal stemmed wine glass.

Anyone care to join me?


Something I feel we have all forgotten here is that we don’t know the truth.
Of course we know LK’s side, and obviously she was shot which is inexcusable. That said, we can all speculate on his state of mind, if he planned if, or it was spur of the moment. LK says it was planned but obviously for legal reasons cannot share that proof with us, so we can’t be certain of that. As LK has stated the truth will come out in the trial.



I have a bottle of my favorite Riesling open. Screw top…oh the horrors. Made from Niagara grapes from a vineyard that now spans the former farm of my great grandfather. Great-grandpapa also raised champion English Bulldogs and race horses.

I also have some nice Stilton.



MorganSercu threw out there that allegation that “LK reported MB to SS alleging child abuse”, then when the target of the allegation herself as well as other posters ask her the basis of the allegation, she says “LK said so herself”, another untrue statement. When after pages and pages, it turns out that the both statements are untrue,
slinks away in silence, without taking responsibility for the false allegation.

Obviously it takes a lot less time and effort to throw a false allegation out there, than it does for the target to bat it down. And if she tries to bat it down, she’s criticized for being defensive and hogging the limelight!

When and if the false allegation is disproved, the source of the false allegation takes no responsibility and lobs out the next false or misleading allegation.

This is disgusting behavior.

By criticizing me for “baiting” @MorgsnSercu,
@Joanne, I assume you approve of her behavior.


Have some wine. My comment wasn’t for you.


You made the baiting comment as a comment on a direct quote of my post calling her out, who else could it possibly be directed at? Geez.

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It was for Morgan, so she wouldn’t rise to the baiting, which I have now done. :uhoh::uhoh:

I will try hard not to fall for that again.


Uh… no. “Illegal,” recordings are, by definition, NOT LEGAL - nor admissible. (Face palm.)

Recordings which include many, many many people, openly discussing things in a location where anyone could hear them- and they know that, do not meet the 4th A’s “reasonableness,” clause. Even though the 4th A mostly pertains to Search & Seizure, it’s two clauses are 1.) Reasonableness 2.) Warrant clause, the element of “reasonableness,” is covered here, too.

No, I don’t need to have been part of the conversation to make the recordings “legal.” That said, we, ourselves can be heard in the recordings as we also were well in range to be heard. Wide, open areas where anyone could be at anytime, kind of eviscerate any “reasonable expectation of privacy.” I forgot the case name, but, this was very specifically covered by SCOTUS in a case which involved people sitting in a booth at a restaurant. Is there a “reasonable expectation of privacy,” to not be overheard, sitting in a busy restaurant, but in a booth? In that case, (and @mbdsea can help if she/he remembers this case & so wishes to jog my memory :slight_smile: )I believe the ruling favored the defendant. The dissenting opinions (as I recall) were just as interesting a read.
In any case, regarding your allusion to civil suits, those plotting a murder & other acts of violence had better be able to prove their voices were cloned by imposters & were not in fact, they , themselves doing the speaking. These individuals happen to have extremely distinct voices- and their intentions were very clear. Again, they will be released. To the media, to the gen pub and on all sm platforms if for ANY reason they’re suppressed. Unless, those who are already investigating (besides the criminal court & my own civil lawyers) advise me against this move. If this occurs, I will be fine with it, as I’ll know (at that point) the contents of the recordings will produce bans from the sport.

FYI- your saying of the words “illegal recordings,” doesn’t make this so. But, keep trying!

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You didn’t want her to rise to the “bait” because you think her behavior of flinging out false allegations, and slinking away in silence without acknowledging she was wrong, much less apologizing to the victim of the false allegation is AOK behavior. Yeah, that’s what I thought. Thanks for confirming.


Save it. You’ve “risen,” on this thread & the other one repeatedly. Someone in China could sneeze, and you’d swear you heard your name in that sneeze, calling out to you to “re-arise,” on this thread just to make ridiculous comments. No “baiting,” needed. Surely, you’ve other things to do in life than be here- twisting words & speculating? (Rhetorical. No answer needed.)

@MorganSercu Same goes for you! How nice of you to take the time to create an entirely new thread just to talk smack about me some more! Do you honestly not think lawyers on all sides of this weren’t aware of a lawsuit before you posted it? You have nothing to do with any of this. Why are you so obsessed??? (Not rhetorical. You may answer.)

So how much wine have you drunk?

Yours posts are becoming incomprehensible. Frankly, incomprehensibility improves them considerably.

Have some more wine!


Not everyone needs to drink just to avoid being “baited.” You do, I get it. Do you chase your wine with anger management meds? Have a Xanax. My comment was for you.

