That's a twist

Well, have some wine! (Your suggestion to others.) Perhaps, you won’t “fall for it,” again. Silly Wabbit.



Be certain of this- his state of mind will hold no bearing unless he intends to plead “insanity.” (By legal definition.) MB was no crazier that day, than he has ever been any other day. I mean, unless of course, something like a girlfriend threatening to leave him “forced him,” to act in an even more crazy way than usual. Also, planning a thing for days, negates “state of mind,” at the time the crime was committed.

And, uh… if “something you’ve all forgotten,” is, you do not know the truth- I sort of have to question the state of mind of those to whom you refer. If any of you “forgot,” you DO NOT KNOW at all, what went down prior to the shooting, may I suggest Ginseng ? I hear it helps with memory loss.


I made broccoli cheddar soup for dinner but now I have a sudden craving for guacamole. Anyone else?


Oh! You mean… the exact way she tried “baiting,” everyone else who didn’t agree with MBs actions- by literally, starting a whole new thread, just to point out a lawsuit which (it seems) everyone except for her knew about???

@MorganSercu You can call it “baiting,” too, if you’re too cowardly to call it what it really is- BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE for your tall tales.

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Grilled salmon, baby carrots, new potatoes, asparagus, and Brussels sprouts. Yum.


Why is it, when one, some or all of you are called out, you resort to recipes & wine selections? It would be funny if it weren’t so tragically, sad.


Apple pie, cranberry cake, ginger cookies, and chai tea :wink:


@TMares What a “narcissist!” I mean, who has the “resources” to drink cold wine from a handful of gems? Oh, crystals, sorry. Your “pattern,” of “bad behavior,” is ASTOUNDING! Never once in my life have I ever had a record of putting stems in glasses! I’m a perfect citizen! Much like TMares. And MorganSercu & CanteringCarrot & WilburyPie & Green W Envy!
Of course, everything I’ve just stated is exactly what Joanne, herself, “admitted to.” Ive twisted no words! Just trying to aspire to drinking myself to sleep with “delicious,” cold wine, and a handful of gems! Darn it. Crystals! Crystals. Joanne, could it be, you live in a “dream world?” Of course, I don’t KNOW you. I’m just “speculating.” Idk why you’re collecting “stems.” Did you gently pluck them from your sprawling garden of only the finest English roses? Stop bragging. You’re hogging the “limelight.” How rude! L O L …

What is the deal? I come on here to find good recipes and wine recommendations and ways to spend a cozy evening at home, and this La la person keeps steering things back to themself? Please, let’s get back to the important stuff. Like, is there a decent Prosecco with a screw top?


LK - the 4th Amend applies to state action, so not sure what case (Katz, for example, was a case where the government was involved; specifically, the FBI was listening in on Katz’s yapping about his gambling activities).

However, reasonableness is reasonableness across the board. The question is whether a person (just your average person) would have a reasonable expectation of privacy under the circumstances. I can’t talk about specifics (which by the way doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, for those who think every fact of a case should be shared on a bb) but I’ve dealt with a one-sided recording case successfully. In that case, the parties were in a more public place than in this case, but that doesn’t mean the folks blabbing in a barn can reasonably expect their comments to remain private. It will absolutely depend on the circumstances.

Again, we don’t know all the facts and circumstances, as there are many things I suspect LK cannot share, and she’s said as much.

I wouldn’t assume evidence in a vacuum. What we do know is MB solved a dispute he had by shooting someone, which is inexcusable. As I pointed out before, it would seem MB talked to a lawyer and likely knew his options. I doubt the lawyer told him that was one of them (and under most ethical rules, we have a duty to report a threat of death or serious injury - the privilege does not apply). As an attorney, this fact is very interesting to me as it takes a certain presence of mind to consult a lawyer - people usually try to avoid us if they can. 🤣 But this last part is just my opinion and not fact.


Just FYI you deal with a bunch of bored but experienced key board warriors… They practice threads like this all the time…And that’s their strategy… so if you want to continue simply ignore it…


This thread just keeps on giving.

I feel like the sock has lost track of the logins, but carry on.

Disclaimer: wholesale against shooting, but can’t imagine how this preponderance of spew doesn’t somehow help MB.

Oh well, the old train wrecks of COTH are alive and well.

Keep on foot shooting, it’s a hoot.


The girlfriend threatening to leave MB unless he evicted you from the property makes sense to me, but shooting you for only that reason only makes sense to me if he did it suddenly in anger. Planning over days to murder you and your BF seems like a whole different irrational thing. But it sounds like you are saying you have recordings of him and other(s) planning to murder you?

Was there also a potential monetary gain for him or did you have some evidence of illegal activity that threatened him and/or his GF? I know you said he was bullying you, and had suddenly changed the training agreement you had with him to charge you more money. You also said you thought he had money problems and you mentioned some insurance proceeds he allegedly received.

And then the weird congratulating you for a bronze medal when they should have known there was a problem with that.

You probably can’t answer these questions, but I can’t make sense of him planning your murder and thinking he could get away with it.

Also, this is a weird question, but do you have any insight on MB saying, “I had a good life” when he was arrested? Wondering when he thought his good life had ended, at the time he shot you, or some earlier point?

I watched some video of MB’s defense attorney. He has quite a dramatic court presence.


bourbon soaked steak tips, parsnip and apple soup, garlic bread…wait, what were we discussing?


Guacamole is always good!

It’s my birthday! DH is taking me out for a steak dinner. maybe a nice Filet Mignon or a ribeye steak. We might do planked salmon in apple mango sauce for the New Year. Yum.

Oh, and wine, lots of wine.


Just when I thought this thread couldn’t get any stranger, someone comes along and raises the ante. Good grief.


Oh, not just ANY someone, LibSnow, THE Someone. :sigh::uhoh:


It’s a special thing when a thread reaches the “wine and dine” phase.


That’s the draw with this show. You can never tell who will go THERE. :yes:

PS: Does guac go with corn chowder?