Something no one has remarked on is the purpose of MBs 911 calls. While he does refer to LK and RG in one as “squatters” in one, the reference to squatters was sort of offhand, and not the reason for the 911 call.
At the beginning of the call, MB says something about having clients who refuse to sign documents.
Who, aside from MB, calls 911 to deal with clients, or anyone, who refuses to sign documents?
LK has said that MB was trying to raise all sorts of fees. It does not surprise me at all that a BNT would attempt to further exploit a big bucks amateur client - I’ve been exploited or attempted exploited by several trainers, albeit at a much lower level.
If you as a BNT want to up the level of exploitation (financial, of course), it is not OK to put a gun to their head to force them to sign. And he didn’t.
But calling 911 because LK or LK and RG would not sign agreeing to higher fees? That is totally out of line. Sounds like heavy duty harassment to pressure them to sign. Sounds like bullying.
Doesn’t look to me that the dispute was about tenancy of the house, given that the flood damage had been repaired. Looks like the dispute was financial exploitation and possibly financial fraud.
There is a lot of financial exploitation of amateur clients of various degrees. That part is ultra plausible.
Put calling 911 because your well funded client won’t sign a piece of paper? Sounds nuts to me.
And however much you lot want/need to hate on LK, the exploited amateur rider in me has to give credit to an amateur client who, well, refused to be intimidated by a BNT who resorted to 911 to pressure her to pay EVEN MORE.