That's a twist

I think you are reading to much into the recipe and menu posts. However I will post the simple recipe that was a hit with my very picky and vegiphobic grandchildren a few days ago

Now, I did not get the desired air fryer for Christmas so I ordered one. Does anyone have a recipe for chicken wings?


Actually, the reason I have accused others of retreating to recipe land is that I realized at the time that I was resorting to giving my Christmas menu and reference to potatoes Anna exactly because I feared I had gone to far and wanted to humanize my persona a bit. Having seen it in myself, I then attributed it to others. But I acknowledge it!

 Potatoes Anna is a classic French dish. If you were interested in a recipe, you would have googled it. 

  I admit it:  I resorted to wine and dine land in order to soften my persona without explicitly retracting anything. That is my basis for thinking the motivation is the same on your part. Denials will be interpreted as evidence of the truth of the interpretation. Strong denials as strong evidence.
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Oh, air fryers. I don’t eat anything fried so I am assuming (lol look at me assuming) that I don’t need one, but I am also intrigued by them. What does one cook in their air fryer?


Don’t you think a blackened pot feels a bit jealous when it sees all sorts of delicious meals being whipped up in a shiny new instant pot?

Henceforth, whenever an imaginary member of the peerage declares discussion of food to be “nastiness” or offers an uninvited estimation of the cuteness of my comments, I will interpret it as a cowardly anonymous mean girl taunting and insulting.


OMG!! Love my air fryer.

My fave Air fried chicken wing recipe is to lightly coat them in corn starch. That is all. Makes the skin crispy while sealing in the juices. I then dip in my favourite sauces.

I am not a big fan of breading, nor do I like gooey sauces.

my fave air fryer chef is Meredith Laurence, the Blue Jean Chef. She has a number of cookbooks, as well as Facebook groups. Recommend.



I want it mostly for chicken wings See post 940 below.

Air fried is a whole lot different than fat frying


I am only interested in YOUR recipe. Whaddaya say?

At some level I respect her for standing her ground against intimidation by a 6’3” male BNT who called 911 to try to intimidate her into paying even more. 

You have not addressed the basic question posed, which is, don’t you find it way, way out of line for MB to call EMERGENCY police services because his clients would not sign a document?  Presumably there was already an agreement in place, written or oral and he wanted them to agree in writing to a different set of terms.

it is cooking by using hot forced air and a small amount of oil if necessary. I cook more than just traditional fried food. I am not a fan of fried food. Fish, steak, roasts. Most recently I did a small rib roast, done perfectly to medium rare, which is my preference (you can do well done). Baked potatoes are amazing as the come out crispy skinned and fluffy.

Do some googling.


I did not say discussion of food is nastiness. I said that some people, Joanne comes to mind, is plenty nasty and I suspect she dramatically whips out the crystal stemware when she doesn’t want to take responsibility for her most recent allegation-posed-as-a-question.

I do not object to the posting of recipes. I object to the nastiness, that leads some people to veneer over their most recent nastiness by distracting with recipes. Once a recipe or menu has been posted, I stipulate there are a lot of decent posters who post recipes with no manipulative intent.


Go back to Dec 24. I posted it.


I think the reason for his calling 911 is evident in the phone call. He clearly states RG was “menacing” (I believe that was the word). I have no idea if any agreement was in place. As long as we’re wondering about the reason for calling 911, why wait many hours to call the police about a suspicious black SUV with a dude smoking a cigarette slowing driving around? We can all play this game all day long. We weren’t there. Either of them could have called any number of people complaining, warning, pleading for help, whatever. Maybe there will be some evidence on the mystery recordings?

And, @YankeeDuchess where has anyone said the documents MB mumbled about were about raising rates? I must have missed that tidbit of information. The “documents” could be absolutely anything at this point.

As far as the report of LK coming around during the night, wasn’t that also addressed in one of the 911 calls or the initial hearing? IDK.


Has anyone considered if MB actually did drastically raised pricing it was an effort to get rid of a client who didn’t want to go?


OTOH, what is the old saying “The horse that kills you has first warned you” or words to that effect?


Somehow, I was unprepared for cork taint.

I snorted. Maybe i should flounce more, though? Might help my sticky shoulder.


I was also unprepared for cork taint :lol:


@YankeeDuchess has been posting every few minutes and actually bumping her dire question post, yet she is eerily quiet since I responded to her question. Is she digging for recipes perchance?


Speaking of corks…how many have saved their corks from forever?? Why do we do that I wonder? The top of my fridge might collapse from the basket of corks resting there!!


Thank you for returning to the purported topic of the thread.

If you have 4 of 5 horses in training and boarded there, there is obviously some agreement. Probably written, but at least oral, and a de facto arrangement that you’ve been operating on.

In one of the 911 calls (he made three) it starts not with “some guy is menacing”, but something about clients who refuse to sign documents. LK said that MB was trying to change the financial deal and get more money.

I think you’ve second guessed her enough on waiting 12 hours on the SUV. Did you miss the post by
saying she was in a situation in which a shot had been fired in her home, and she literally though the barn manager was going to kill her, but she did not call 911?

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