That's a twist

By posting menus and recipes, and cutting back on the insults temporarily.

Bless your heart…this response of mine was actually responding to YOU. (Post #973 since you like numbers.)

Uber is here…back in a few hours!! Try to keep the thread open if you can.


My opinion (it is only my opinion, no facts or anything) is that some people are posting just so they can get the thread closed. I can think of no other reason for their posts.

I am glad I kept reading though, I learned something I had not learned before.


My prediction is that there will be no trial. MB lawyers and the prosecutor will agree to a guilty plea for a lesser charge. My expectation would be an assault charge of some degree with a weapons charge, sentences to run consecutive.
The terms of a sentence will take into account evidence of MB’s state of mind with a report from a court appointed psychiatrist, a report on his previous history, an analysis of the likelihood of him repeating the crime.
I expect there will be the opportunity for witnesses to speak on his behalf.
LK and RG will be given the chance to make victim statements as to the harm they suffered.
The judge will take all that into consideration. I would expect a sentence more than the minimum but with leniency.
Now, the real question … who’s got a really flavorful recipe for gingerbread cake?


I said that what I could make out on the call, was MB saying that some clients were refusing to sign documents as the reason he was calling 911.

The call has been posted up thread. Not an assumption.


IF there is evidence of premeditation, and given that the physical “assault” involved two shots to the center left of the torso at point blank, and a shot aimed at the head, I can see why MB would plead to an assault charge if he could, but why would the prosecution agree?

Grammercy Tavern’s. It’s the best. Fold the flour in gently so as not to introduce so much air that it sinks, and grease/flour your pan more than you think you need to.


My apologies to GreenWithEnvy. It was GiveEmEl, who after popping up with a join date of Dec 21, innocently asked on Dec 24 why anyone would create an alter.

I wish to speculate that GiveEmEl and GreenWithEnvy are off skiing together.


Because that’s what law enforcement/prosecutors do to clear a case without the cost and uncertainty of a trial.
I don’t think LK would make a sympathetic victim. A defense attorney could easily shift the jury’s attention to her, much like the lawyers did to the mother in the Michael Jackson child abuse case or what OJ’s legal team did to the police officer.
A prosecutor might legitimately worry about LK alienating jurors.


Thank you for the clarification, I must have missed that posting from LK and/or didn’t remember the phone calls correctly. Truthfully haven’t listened to them since the day they were released.

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Really? I thought it was behind strange from minute 1. Yet, you quote ME to point out “strangeness?” Simply put, any words I put in quotations were direct slinging of insults by some of the worst offenders, aimed at me. Not to mention the intentional twisting of words, lack of accountability for spewing misinformation, disinformation, half truths & outright lies.

You really shouldn’t read too much into my post about Joanne’s “cold wine,” & crystal wine glasses. It was merely a projected, mirror image comment of ridiculousness- which would have been a reply to me, (or, similar) had I written the same exact post Joanne created. It really shouldn’t be construed as anything more, or, anything less.

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It was intended as a (admittedly weird) compliment. I imagine being shot and having the wherewithal to fight back is somewhat rare.


I provide the information behind my assertions. E.g. the 911 call, a direct statement by LK, etc.

I am criticizing people like
@MorgsnSercu for throwing out false allegations, without documenting the basis for the claim, even when asked directly by the target of the false claim. It is clear at this point that the allegation of@MorganSercu
is false, in part because others dredged up the other posts which on which it was based and in part because I was obnoxious enough to pursue it.


News flash: GiveEmEl says this comment was intended as a compliment to LK.


I’m an alt of GreenWithEnvy because we both have above average grammar skills? Who knew doing well in English classes meant I would be so suspicious. I asked why anyone would create an alt, not GreenWithEnvy. I have responded to MANY people’s posts, am I their alt too? Am I your alt? Are we all really the same person?

I’m not sure what your obsession with alts is, and you are welcome to believe what you choose, but perhaps keep your conspiracy theories to yourself. 🙄


You seem to have a weird fixation on me. While I’m flattered, I find it rather unwarranted.


And there we have it. I think you weren’t supposed to say that.

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No, I genuinely believe it was some superhero action you did. It was admittedly a poorly worded and extremely strange compliment, but it was intended as such.


It’s not that you have above average grammar. It’s that your “voice” and writing style is similar. A writing style, including correctness of grammar and punctuation, terse vs verbose, use of emojis, is somewhat like fingerprints.

That’s why I was offended, frankly, that someone thought I was an alter for LK. I think my writing style is much different from hers.


I will henceforth endeavor to believe that all insults lobbed at me are “extremely strange compliment[s]”.