That's a twist

This made me LOL because I posted my response before I saw yours. (When I see myself tagged I respond before scrolling farther thru posts) So now YankeeDuchess is going to be extra certain we are one in the same because I mentioned being everyone’s alt.


Whether the signing of documents was the primary purpose of a call (preceded by other harassment-related calls) that mentions documents … but also harassment and feeling threatened … is not entirely clear. Perhaps you’re not getting the engagement you’re looking for on this because you seem to be assuming things that aren’t apparent to others.

As for the question of whether a call ostensibly about documents would be bizarre? A huge percentage of 911 calls are for trivial or non-emergency purposes (as much as half of 911 call volume in some jurisdictions, according to ASU). It’s a common enough phenomenon that there’s a tv show devoted to inappropriate 911 calls. A guy calling about documents would hardly deserve notice in the realm of bizarre 911 calls.

But it’s a bit of a moot point, when you consider that the other statements made by the caller did involve concerns about immediate safety.

Are you really surprised that nobody’s all that interested in sparring with you when you throw down this particular gauntlet?


Say what?


What is everyone making/eating for New Years?

Just trying to get the thread back on track since it has taken quite a turn.


I will henceforth endeavor to not give an ever loving [edit] what you think.
It shall henceforth be known that actions being called “superhero like” are insults.


The distinction is whether she took the initiative to file a report with SS alleging child abuse as the basis for the original report, which was alleged by @MorganSercu, as opposed to her allegation to SS was purely based on MB’s behavior toward her, and based on SS following up talking to all the parties, SS reasonably thought that the children were in danger. For all we know MB and the mother told SS that the children were in danger from LK.

 You really don’t see the distinction?  (Rhetorical.)
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Whelp, you’ve cracked the case Sherlock. Anyone who has a similar writing style is, in fact, the same person. Or maybe GreenWithEnvy is my twin. Or my alter-ego. Long lost sibling?

Am am I the only person on this thread that doesn’t assume someone is an alt?


I’m not much of a cook/chef…but in another note of interest (to me) I must say that I love elder rescues (feline and canine). We have a newly rescued 15 year old feline who’s human died suddenly in April. He is so lovely, and he seems to remember Christmas from his past.




SARCASM ***It’s just an assumption on my part, ***endSARCASM but I take the first sentences of the caller, made in response to being asked “what is the nature of the emergency” to describe the caller’s reason for summoning the police on an emergency basis.

I find it bizarre and out of line that a trainer, or anyone, would call 911 to say that he had an emergency due to a client refusing to sign documents. And that is the first sentence on the call, to the extent I could make it out.

No it is not quite as ridiculous as someone calling 911 because of a mistake on their drive through order, which has happened, but it’s still bizarre.

If you find it normal behavior, just say so.


I’m not explaining it to you. But I don’t think you were supposed to say that.

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Love it!!
My favorite dog cross is Chow with Collie. I have had two, and both were total Love bugs and completely happy to snuggle up on the couch, even as youngsters (as opposed to needing lots of exercise to be quiet). DISCLAIMER…I’m not a fan of purebred Chow



I’m not going to argue with you about whether, in light of assumptions made on your part, one sentence of a nearly 17 minute phone call was bizarre or normal.

And henceforth, when a wannabe aristocrat exhibits pedantry that depends entirely on their own selective listening and personal assumptions, I will interpret it as a request for photos of other posters’ elderly rescue animals.


It was the FIRST sentence out of MB’s mouth in direct response to being asked “What is the nature of the emergency”. I don’t think it is leap of faith to take the immediate response to “what is the nature of the emergency” as the caller’s statement of , well, the nature of the emergency.

Please get back to me on any undocumented assertions I’ve made.


No. It was directed to the correct entity.

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There was a lil to that call in this thread. Maybe early middleish? He said he was trying to get them to sign documents and they wouldn’t (are we surprised? That’s her MO). I pickecked up on it and thereafter was a discussion about squatters, which he also called them, in that 911 call, vs. tenants at will and evictions. If you find that conversation, the like was prior to that.


What’s that you say? This thread need more photos of geriatric felines and grey-snooted doggos? Why, that would be grand.

But I’m not sure what you’re getting at with this undocumented assertions bit, so … Henceforth, when a pretend patrician applies puzzling pressure to produce proof of presumtuous postulations, I shall interpret it as a proposition that pomeranians are a preferred breed of pup.


I will try to post it later but I roasted the parsnips and sautéed the onion and apple then put it all together for a soup! Delicious!


Oh, it’s there! The only true statement he makes! Bc, no! We did not sign his scary “agreement.” We obviously were NOT trespassing. And, the only person/people doing any harassing were MB & his cohorts. The police on scene agreed.


Refusing to sign documents is my “M.O?” Interesting. Which “other documents,” have I refused to sign??? Explain. I must be behind in the BS slinging!

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