That's a twist

I make a similar soup but with roasted cauliflower instead of parsnips. Yum!

Also, I was hoping LaLa would answer my question about whether she and her boyfriend were harassing MB and MH in retaliation, or were the stories posted on the other thread about them yelling outside their windows, not letting them sleep etc. made up by the poster?


You are unwilling to take a position on whether MB calling 911 because of an “emergency” that consisted of his client refusing to sign documents is bizarre (yes/no) and an inappropriate use of police resources (yes/no). Got it.


You are indeed behind in the BS slinging. I asked whether others found bizarre MBs decision to call 911 because his clients refused to sign documents, and some people (not all) want to deflect from MBs behavior, and criticize you for, what, pushing his buttons?, by NOT SIGNING DOCUMENTS! I don’t know what the documents were, but of course you have the right to not sign if you don’t want to voluntarily enter into the agreement. Clients not signing documents, however inconvenient, is not a police emergency. Or so I would have thought.


Great Danes, labs, bichon friese (sp?), Rottwielers, and Dobermans. But I would rather rescue a dog and would be more inclined to pick personality than breed in that case.


@YankeeDuchess is “just as guilty as anyone of making presumptions,” then, WHY are her “presumptions,” so close to being exactly accurate? Perhaps, if the rest of you weren’t so busy trying to make excuses for a murderer- and allowed yourselves to SEE the situation for what it really was, you’d have more accurate “presumptions” too!

Would it not better (seeing as though you’re all just “speculating,”) to use the factual information at hand, weigh it against that which you’ve “heard somewhere,” - then draw a conclusion which might age better? It’s clear we were not “squatters.” It should be clear we were not, in ANY way “harassing,” Mb or anyone else. He could have filed harassment charges if he actually thought he were in the right. He didn’t. It’s obvious we were not “trespassing.” We lived on the property & had many horses there. Cops aren’t stupid. They know when they’re being lied to. But, the day they saw the contents of the “paperwork,” - MB knew he’d made a HUGE mistake in his planning.
With the moronic advice of his girlfriend who professed on numerous occasions to “have all the answers,” (specifically, regarding how to dispose of us & more over, “teach me a lesson I’d never forget,”) - I’m not surprised he made so many mistakes. He ignored his lawyer. Which parts do you not not understand???
Don’t be rude to YD just because she seems able to piece together a puzzle (a puzzle for you - not a puzzle to me) much more sufficiently & efficiently than everyone else. She has stated factual information & when she’s called others to task in answering for their completely fictitious claims- they run & hide. Cowardly.


@YankeeDuchess is this the link to the 911 calls you are referring to? If not, which link? Because in the calls released in this link MB does not mention anything about a document.


I accused you unjustly. It was @iberianfan
who accused me of making undocumented assertions, not you. I apologize.


Please provide one example of an undocumented assertion I have made.


Or maybe she wasn’t signing for the eviction papers so he couldn’t start the formal eviction process?


No. That is a different one. I believe he made three 911 calls.




Do you know where the other link might be? I have not been able to locate it.


If you are being evicted, I don’t think you have to sign papers agreeing to be evicted, or say you understand you are being evicted. I’m not a lawyer, but I don’t think so.

But even evictions do not usually require 911 calls. You go through the courts and the court would send a marshal, or an officer, on a non emergency basis. I think.

LK has said they were not being evicted, and I believe her.


As someone else said, early middle of this thread.

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You’re exactly right. And, thanks for catching me up, btw. :slight_smile:
@AnotherRound claimed my “M.O,” is “refusing to sign documents!” Figured I’d ask her/him how exactly this is my “M.O.” No answer. No surprise.

I honestly wish nothing more than to be able to share the contents of this “paperwork.” Especially, after the shooting, looking back on it, it might turn these people an opaque color. Even the cops were astounded by the contents. They wondered & even asked, “why, after 16 months would these boarders need to sign this now?” MB was maniacal. But- that’s how he always is. We recorded the entire event on our phones. MB became super unhinged when I noticed a wooden sign on the barn entrance which, basically asserted the same thing as his “paperwork,” & I directed the police to this sign. Once we made clear we “acknowledged,” this sign… the police told us to continue with our plans to ride & reminded MB he could not restrict barn hours. MB did NOT like this at all. Not only were we refusing to pay him one single cent more- we were also refusing to sign off on our own deaths!!! (That sounds crazy, I know- but, if everyone saw the words in the papers, no one would ever question “premeditation,” again.)

I believe we have a very strong case. This being said, a jury of his peers, will ultimately decide MB’s fate. Unless, he pleads out in some way. I do hope justice is served, as it should be. I’m sorry you’re taking such heat from all the LK hater squad. You have as much right to be here as anyone else, YD… :slight_smile:


And yet… the 911 call mentioning documents, DOES exist. I know this, because I was standing there at the time, recording It all. I heard it with my own two ears. Live. Can’t help that you did not.

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What I’m unwilling to do is follow the lead of a pugnacious poster down a path paved in fallacious reasoning to a fantasy world in which my agreement or disagreement with a particular interpretation of a decontextualized sentence matters one whit.

If you want to get that silly, I must admit that I find the dog and cat shenanigans much more compelling. Which reminds me that I swore to interpret this particular brand of nonsense as a call for rescue pet portraits. So in response to you I say, bring on the critter photos indeed!


Well the link I asked about did not contain the call in question, so maybe that is why I did not hear it.
I am sure you were standing right there instead of packing your shit and leaving.

20 Likes Scroll down to How to serve a notice to cease or quit. While it may not be required to have it served in person or signed for it is recommended. My guess is that is that it was further complicated by not having a signed housing rental agreement and that it sounds like the housing or some of the housing/training was being worked off.

I know for a fact MB was at least reviewing the eviction laws prior to the shooting because I was told that prior to the shooting. Did he officially start it? I don’t know that. But based on this news stories about the shooting a neighbor mentioned an eviction notice on the door. It is referenced by the neighbor in this article Do you still believe her or do you believe a neighbor that is likely impartial?


Got it.

Sorry, BigM- I honestly didn’t see it. The answer s this: Never, not even on one occasion did we “yell outside their windows.” That was 100 million percent made up. Nothing we did, no actions we took, were ever in retaliation for anything. And, no actions we took were illegal. In fact, all of our actions were strictly legal actions. Aside from the SS report. We have our suspicions as to why, suddenly, MB claimed (in I believe, his last 911 call) we were “yelling outside their windows screaming we are going to ruin your lives & your children’s lives.” It makes perfect sense he’d say that- once he knew I’d reported him to SS. Think about it…

For one, once MB & MH left the house after their very brief stay - (no, they did not ever live there - until May) we had no idea which “window,” would’ve been theirs at the barn. I had no clue who occupied which area of the Barn’s living spaces, nor would I care. Cops never once came to our apartment and asked us if we were “yelling outside windows at night.” Our cameras showed our locations & MB knew that. We wanted as little contact with them as possible. We have no doubt two of his longer term staff members would lie & say whatever MB & MH instruct them to say. They agree to lie about other things in our recordings. (As in, they literally say “yeah, whatever you want us to say, we’re in.” ) But, I’d be very interested to see who will go to the length to perjure themselves over a murderer.

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