That's a twist

Is something wrong with your brain? There were COPS PRESENT. They read the papers. They were NOT eviction papers.

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I guess COTH is like a ouija board, it allows us to speak to the dead since MB is now a murderer.


If you wanted as little contact with MB and MH as possible, why not leave???

Why do I think this question will be ignored???


That wasn’t an eviction paper. Eviction notices are not typically ORANGE. And, the door that notice was posted on- was MB’s door. Just bc someone saw a sign from very far away does not mean it was an eviction sign. You are SO off base.
You ARE aware we called the FIRE MARSHAL right? Now, think again who may have posted a GIANT orange sign on MB’s door. Try. It’s not that difficult.

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Guess so!

Damn right. I was standing right there. I had a right to be there. Did you?

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Actually, the reason I thought it was unnecessary to get someone to sign documents, or accept service of documents in an eviction, is that I thought notice was served by stapling an eviction notice on the front door. Again, why make an emergency summons to the police complaining about clients not signing documents, if you can serve notice by stapling the eviction notice on the front door? Totally agree that an eviction proceeding would be more difficult in the absence of a written rental agreement.

I still think it is bizarre to call 911 and say the emergency is that your client refuses to sign documents, regardless of the nature of the documents. You don’t need my permission to believe that the documents were eviction papers, but that is not my belief.

If he had officially started eviction proceedings, presumably there would be court records of it.

Aren’t you a little too close to the principals in the shooting to be posting here if you knew before the shooting that MB was reviewing eviction law? (Rhetorical).



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Damn right. I was standing right there. I had a right to be there. Did you?
Well since you were asked to leave, I would say I had more right to be there than you did!


You were too lazy to check through the whole thread for the call in question, and seemed to suggest I find it for you! In the. 911 call, MB says that he is in the middle of the barn and LK and RG are in the driveway.

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MB IS A MURDERER. That is exactly what he came to do. Commit murder. Two murders. Now kindly be gone.

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I am scared. Okay not really.


Considering I looked in the middle of the thread, but found it on page 11 I don’t think that was being lazy. I asked you because if you shared it, maybe you could find it easier. My bad for that! Terribly sorry to have disturbed your highness!


All of the 911 calls can be heard here.


So you and Rob are then dead? Because that is the definition of murder. Last time I checked this is a public forum, and I am allowed to post here. If you don’t like it, you can leave…oh wait, I forgot you don’t know how to do that!


Nah, I opted to check on my horses & ride them. MB tried to stop us from doing that. Clearly, the police did not agree with his “paperwork,” or his antics. They REALLY didn’t appreciate being called away from actual crime stopping to deal with another attempt by MB to use them - in order to settle a civil dispute. How dare you suggest I should I pack my shit & leave? Did MB owe YOU 50k?? Didn’t think so.

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So, here is the real question then. Was the $50K worth risking your life over???

Again, if you were trying to avoid MB and MH, why not pack and leave???


How much did you owe for board, trailering, training, warmup at shows, etc.? It does not matter; If I were as afraid as you claimed to be, no amount of money would keep me there! Especially since you were offered numerous places for your horses to go in a moments notice.



Weird! MB actually never once asked me to leave. His girlfriend did- in April. But, MB shut her TF up repeatedly. Screamed at her repeatedly for even insinuating I should leave. There were 3 witnesses to this. Guess you weren’t invited to that meeting, huh?

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I just have one question @La-LaPopRider pertaining to the below quote. Why couldn’t barn hours be restricted? It is a private facility and many barns I know set their own hours, and some exercise their ability to change them when they wish…